Friday, 29 July 2011

MarchaBruselas Epic Departure from Madrid The La "Marcha Hacia Buselas" SpanishRevolution EuropeanRevolution WorldRevolution Videos

Spanish activists begin a long march from Madrid to Brussels: La Marcha Hacia Buselas - #MarchaBruselas

Spanish activists have set off on a march from Madrid to Brussels in protest against the handling of the economic crisis.

The movement, known as "the Indignants", is a response to the record level of unemployment in Spain, which is currently over 20%.

Youth unemployment in the country is even higher at 44%, the highest in Europe.

The group plan to hold meetings and pick up support across the continent along the way.

Marcha popular del 15-M hacia Bruselas

"3 Salida, desde Madrid, de la marcha popular del 15-M hacia Bruselas para reivindicar una nueva unión europea Madrid 26-07-2011"

Departure from Madrid, the La "Marcha Hacia Buselas",  #MarchaBruselas Indignant people parade of 15-M Movement to Brussels to demand a new European Union Madrid 26-07-2011

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