Friday, 22 July 2011

MarchaIndignada Spanish Outraged Marches Videos: SpanishRevolution EuropeanRevolution WorldRevolution

España MarchaIndignada Spanish Outraged Marches
Videos of the “outraged” marches heading for #Madrid 15M marchaindignada

The six marches headed for Madrid will arrive on the 23rd and 24th of July, here you can find a schedule for all the activities going on during that weekend (the site is in Spanish but can be translated easily using Google toolbar). They will be received by a huge protest, complete with buses coming from all over the country.

Marcha Indignada Spanish Outraged Marches
Below is a couple of videos from different routes, where you can see their day by day lives, how they have been marching across the rural areas of Spain preaching the 15M ideology and enlisting people for the cause who are too far away to participate directly.

Happiness is overwhelming as one of the marches arrives to one of the towns near Madrid:

 Marcha Indignada Street Map
Marcha Indignada Street Map


El Indignado Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Marcha

M15 Pamplona March entering Segovia

José Luis Sampedro y las Marchas Populares Indignadas.

In Aranjuez, south of Madrid, police officers inexplicably did not let the people pass. As shown in the video below, people are apparently not allowed to walk through their own streets.

La policia nacional impide el paso la Marcha Indignada Este y a la Asamblea Popular de Aranjuez cortando el acceso de la calle Valeras.

La calle será de todos pero de unos más que de otros.

Marcha Popular Indignada - Caminante No Hay Camino - Ruta NorOriental

Video resumen de algunas vivencias de la Marcha Popular Indignada - Ruta NorOriental en su paso por Tarragona y Teruel.
La Marcha Popular Indignada es una caminata de más de 15 rutas y sub-rutas procedentes de toda la península que confluirá el día 23 de julio en Madrid. Los indignados recogen el testimonio de la gente de los pueblos y ciudades por donde pasan para llevarlo a la capital. Así se hace una asamblea-coloquio con la gente de la zona..
Nos queda mucho camino por hacer !!!

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