Philippines Asia Revolution: Manila University Revolution students walk out of classes in protest against President Aquino's budget cuts on education
University students walk out of classes in protest ahead of Pres. Aquino's State of the Nation Address in protest of plans by the government to further cut the budget of education sector and other social services. The students and others from the education sector demand that Aquino state in his SONA on Monday, July 25, that he will will increase the budget on social services. The protest actions were participated in by thousands of students in Metro Manila and the provinces in the Philippines. It was led by Anakbayan, League of Filipino Students, National Union of Students of the Philippines, Kabataana Artista para sa Tunay na Kalayaan (Youth Artsts for True Democracy), Student Christian Movement, and the College Editors Guild of the Philippines, as well as several university administrators and progressive professors and school staff
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