Wednesday, 27 July 2011

RevolutionSol 15M Madrid; Spanish Police Brutality Dragging Protesters From Parliament: SpanishRevolution EuropeanRevolution WorldRevolution Videos

RevolutionSol 15M Madrid; Spanish Police Brutality Dragging Protesters From Parliament: SpanishRevolution EuropeanRevolution WorldRevolution Videos Spain Europe Democracy
15M Madrid, police dragging protesters from parliament

July 27, 2011. Police Brutality forcibly drag protesters from the encampment in front of Parliament, pulling people by either their jaws or ears to break our human chain

revolutionsol | 27 de Jul de 2011 | 21 visualizações
July 27, 2011. Police forcibly drag protesters from the encampment in front of Parliament, pulling people by either their jaws or ears to break our human chain.

This is particularly interesting - a federal police agent was filming everything, and especially protesters with cameras.

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