Monday, 25 July 2011

Tel Aviv Israel Revolution: Outraged Israelites Take The Square Protest Rising Prices Video

Tens of Thousands in Israel Protest Rising Prices

Tens of thousands of Israelis poured onto the streets in Tel Aviv to protest rising commodity, housing prices and stagnation in salaries

Tel Aviv, Israel. On Sat. night, Tens of thousands protest in a rally against the Gov. & prices rising.

According to the police, more than 20 thousands participated. The rally is a part of the continuous "tent cities" protest, that keep going on for more then a week, & which spread to other cities, such as Beer Sheva & Ashdod (S. Israel) & Kiryat Shemone (N. Israel). The tent city in Tel Aviv stretched to more than 200 tents in the center of city. The rally starts from the tent city toward the defence ministry ("haKirya").

One of the protestors leader, Daphni Leef, said on he stage that she is shocked from the number of the protests, grow so radicalyy only within one month. The protestors main slogens were: "The government have replacement, civilians don't have", "Fighting for the house", "welfare state now" & so on.

It is important to mention, that the protest is not only due to the rising of the apartment prices, but also on other financial issues in Israel & on the general feelings by many Israelis, that the gov. is neglecting the social care.

The protestors emphasized the a-political aspect of the rally, clayming that it is but a social protest by civilians from all parts of the population. Indeed, most of the protestors were common middle class civilians, but one could not notice the participance of the left & radical left parties, as well as that many of the posters mark symbols & icons from the left wing parties.

At the end of the rally, police arrested some 20 protestors, according to news media, that block roads in the city.

Middle east, Europe, Israel and i guess Canada is next than the US, in terms of protesting liberal policies like the federal reserve, to be shutdown and all money must be backed in mineral resources. But also this protest is a left wing union protest, so there are many questions to be asked to know their credibility.

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