Sunday, 7 August 2011

RealDemocracyNOW USA Take The Square Repudiate Debt: AAA To Junk Just What Wall-Street wants! America Needs Revolution

RealDemocracyNOW USA Take The Square Repudiate Debt: AAA To Junk Just What Wall-Street wants America Needs Revolution
RealDemocracyNOW USA Take The Square Must Join World Revolution: You Gone Go From AAA To Junk Just, That's What Wall-Street wants!
 Max Keiser: AAA to junk - just what Wall St. wants!



While the compromise agreed in Washington comes just in time to prevent an immediate catastrophe, financial analyst Max Keiser believes it won't be enough to persuade ratings agencies to let America keep its precious 'triple A' credit score.

Real Democracy NOW USA Revolt Take The Square Repudiate Debt: AAA To Junk Just What Wall-Street wants America Needs Revolution
There is no reason why the American tax payers should be held hostage to pay for a, so called, national debt. The wishes of the tax payers have been totally ignored and were never given a choice. Both political parties sold out to the special interest manipulators and placed an illegal burden on the tax payers.

This debt is not the American people's debt. The debt served the special interest crooks so only the special interest thieves should be responsible for what they have caused.



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