Sunday 14 August 2011

Take The Square International Protest Solidarity Action Day Defend Amazon Against Brazil Belo Monte Dam

Take The Square International Protest Solidarity Action Day Defend Amazon Against  Brazil Belo Monte Dam, Defende Amazónia Amazon Watch
Take The Square in front of Brazilian Embassies Protest To Defend Amazon Against  Brazil Belo Monte Dam International Solidarity Actions

Saturday, 20 August · 17:30 - 20:30

Central Square in every city, Pracinha Central de toda City

International day of mobilization against Belo Monte.
We all painted for war in front of the embassies of Brazil showing the world that we do not accept the death of the Xingu River or indigenous culture and all people of Amazon area on behalf of mining company Vale and a few colonels ... that energy will not benefit the population but the mining company Vale. Vale has been wreakin...g havoc around the world thanks to the corruption in Brazil that privatized that company killer of people and Mother Nature. Let's Protest!

Dia internacional de Mobilizacao contra Belo Monte.
Vamos todos pintados para guerra em frente das embaixadas do Brasil pelo mundo mostrar que não aceitamos a morte do Xingú nem da nossa Cultura e nosso povo em nome da Mineradora Vale e alguns coronéis... e essa energia não vai beneficiar a populacao e sim a mineradora Vale. A Vale vem causando estragos pelo mundo gracas aos corruptos no Brasil que privatizaram uma empresa assassina de pessoas e da Mãe Natureza. Protestemos!
Näo precisa ser Emabixada... vá para a pracinha central mais próxima, todos pintados para guerra de Amor pela Mäe Natureza!!!!
Do Not need to be Embassies, Do it at any central square, paint for war.... and make people for Mother NATURE!!!!!

Over the last two months, an alarming assault has been waged on the Amazon and its people. Amazonian communities and Brazilian civil society are mobilizing. It's time for us to ramp up international action to defend the Brazilian Amazon. Watch this striking video and sign up to organize an action today!

Facebook Event International day of mobilization against Brazil Belo Monte Dam

Amazon Watch International Day of Action to Defend the Amazon
Facebook Event Revolution Take The Square International Protest Solidarity Action Day Defend Amazon Against  Brazil Belo Monte Dam, Defende Amazónia Amazon Watch

Do-It-Yourself Action Toolkit

The time has come for the international community to join its voice with millions of Brazilians who say no to their government's assault on the Amazon and its peoples! Together we can make a difference.

This toolkit is meant to provide you with a variety of sample materials to help guide the protest you are planning in your town or city. Start by finding your nearest Brazilian Embassy or Consulate where you can organize an action during business hours on Monday, August 22, 2011. It can be anything from a small gathering of a few individuals handing out leaflets and holding up signs to a high-profile public action, including theatrical or musical presentations. The more creative and visual, the better!

The next step is to consult this page for tips on how to best plan your action in coordination with the others like it around the world. Consistency is important as it shows we are all speaking in one voice.

In the coming days you will find a series of downloadable attachments to help give you ideas.
Check back frequently for more materials and information. These will include:

■Visuals from protests in Brazil and around the world to inspire your banners and signs
■A list of slogans for signs and talking points for your allies and for the press
■A sample press advisory to alert your local media of your action
■Sample informational leaflets for the public
■A template of a letter or card to hand into the Brazilian Ambassador or other Brazilian government representatives in your country

For now, please download this briefing document on Belo Monte to become better acquainted with critical importance of this struggle and why your voice is needed to halt this disaster in the making.

See This Solidarity Action Against the Belo Monte Dam in Washington, DC

Amazon Watch organized a protest in solidarity with groups on the ground in Brazil opposing the Belo Monte Dam Complex. The Brazilian government is moving forward with plans to construct the 3rd largest dam in the world, the Belo Monte Dam, on the Xingu River in the heart of the Brazilian Amazon. Not only would the Belo Monte Dam violate indigenous rights, cause serious social and environmental damage, and wreak havoc on biodiversity and conservation efforts in the region, but also, according to experts, this monstrous dam would not provide efficient energy to the people of Brazil. In order to guarantee a year-round flow of water, the government would need to construct a series of large dams on the Xingu and its tributaries which will gravely impact the forests and forest peoples. Far from being green and renewable, this project will generate vast amounts of greenhouse gases while sending much of its power to hazardous industrial mining operations the Amazon forest.
Take The Square International Protest Solidarity Action Day Defend Amazon Against  Brazil Belo Monte Dam World Union Global Revolution image Images Video Film Movie Photos

Amazon Watch International Day of Action to Defend the Amazon

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