Thursday, 12 May 2011

UK Uncut Manchester Anti-cuts Unity Event Day: Fight Cuts Fight War Machine

Manchester Anti-cuts Unity event day

We can pay for Bombs in Libya but we cant fund our own childrens future in our Local Sure Start Nurseries. University fees Increased to £9'000 a year and we have draconian cuts to vital public services!!!


Satarday May 14 - time: 12:00 - 17:00

Queen Victoria Statue Piccadilly
Market st.
Manchester, United Kingdom

Be part of the shutdown of a major high street store/bank and see how we do it peacefully!!!! just 13 of us in 3 minutes last time
Working together UK Uncut, Zeitgeist movement, Manchester Against Militarism, Queer Resistance North West, Riot Collective, Manchester Revolutionary Communist Group, Green and Black Cross Manchester, Manchester AutonomousStudents, We are change Manchester, Manchester CND, Anarchocommunist and other anti-cuts groups will be picketing peacefully outside an UNKNOWN high street Store/Bank?

Its time we put our differences aside to get our voices heard and spread as much awareness as we can through posters, signs, megaphones, music, dance, art.

These are your streets and these cuts effect EVERYONE. Do nothing..nothing will happen.

Bring banners, leaflets, food, Instruments, people etc..

Dress code: White with blood stains *Optional


World Earthquakes Blue Beam Project HAARP Relation: What About Murcia Spain?

People losing their lives is always a sad business RIP. My suport to Murcia People

Readers who dont wear blinkers and are still capable of open minded thinking should checkout H.A.A.R.P on internet, or is it just coincidence? Is also an ex Japanese government minister who recently claimed Japan govt was threatened by U.S.A with an "earthquake machine" some 5-6yrs ago!

Has also been large quake predicted for south-east U.S.A on 21st June this year. Also major event predicted for america mid-west in next few months, possibly another phoney terrorist event supposedly in revenge for murder of Bin Laden who probably died in Dec 2001 from i'll health!
if your still reading and interested then also take a look at the "Blue Beam Project".

As i said when all the other earthquakes hit Japan , New Zealand and Asia .its all down to the big bang machines .one in switzerland and one in china.they send vibrations throught the earth crust after the bang and this makes the plates alter .its like a knock on effect.

It was predicted by several scientists who suddenly became silent .and yes it is getting closer to england .then iceland and after that america .

It is alarming that all these different natural occurences seem to be happening so often. I often wonder with all the oil being pulled out of the ground billions of barrels and replaced with water how that affects the earths stability,like all the damage man has done to this planet probably too late.

The earths plates are very unstable, England cold be next, it is unusually warm there.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Portugal International: Finland UK Don't Support IMF ECB Europes's Bankrupcty Bailout's

 I am Portuguese, and i love Finns.... I love love Finnish people come here spend their hollidays... and I go out at night with them... they are so sweet, cultured, intelligent, nice, beautiful... really cool people.

We, the real portuguese, apreciate that finns and all others EU people and countries d'ont suport this mobster bailout operation, and d'ont suport thjs IMF ECB Bankers Bailout...
We are proud of being Portuguese but not for any of those nonsense things (mostly inaccurate) of the video some corrupt politicians put out in Portugal to Finland.

The reason Portugal is in the need for assistance is because the whole political class, from the President all the way to the Municipal level are corrupt and irresponsible spenders of the tax payers money. No other country has as many fringe benefits for all their political class as Portugal.
Portugal is not in need of the IMF... Portugal is in need of a revolution!
We publish this to shamefull display the ignorance shown by our countrymen, instead of uniting with the Finns to fight against the predators of both our economies They like to get into petty battles which lead to nowhere...

Shame on us!

What Portugal needs to know about Finland

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Wayseer Manifesto Troublemakers Misfits Rules Breakers Free Spirit Freedom Pioneers

ATTENTION: All you rule-breakers, you misfits & troublemakers, all you free-spirits & pioneers... Everything the establishment has told you is wrong with you - is actually what's right with you...

People are waking up due to humanities transition stage one society. The net is a stage one communication system that will bring in the rest of the way and already is doing so.

ATTENTION: All you rule-breakers, you misfits & troublemakers, all you free-spirits & pioneers... Everything the establishment has told you is wrong with you - is actually what's right with you...
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Monday, 9 May 2011

International: UK Uncut Protesters Target Banks and Shops in Lincoln High Street 'to Expose Tax-Dodging Companies'

Protesters target shops in Lincoln's High Street 'to expose tax-dodging companies'

PLACARD-WAVING demonstrators occupied High Street shops and banks during a protest in Lincoln.

About 40 members of UK Uncut targeted companies to highlight what they claim are Government lies over public service cuts.

The group, some dressed in bowler hats, stormed into businesses including Boots, Primark and Dorothy Perkins on Saturday.

They also protested in the Waterside Centre, targeting the Vodafone store. Shutters at the Primark branch there were pulled down.

Inside NatWest bank, in High Street, the police told them they were on private property and asked them to leave, to which one protester replied: "It's publicly owned."

Elsewhere, security staff prevented protestors entering Barclays.

The demonstrators chanted from outside: "Barclays bank, tax dodgers, they say cutbacks, we say pay tax."

Nick Parker, 37, a member of UK Uncut, said: "The reasons there are cuts to public services is because so many companies are not paying tax and taxpayers have bailed out some of the banks.

"That's the real reason why the Government says it has to make cuts.

"Ordinary taxpayers pay their way and some are paying more than ever before.

"But these big corporations are getting away with it and at the same time we get reduced public services."

Nick Parker, 26, a candidate for Trade Unionists And Socialists Against Cuts in the city council elections, said the alternative to savage cuts was the Government collecting overdue tax from big corporations.

"What we are doing by protesting is exposing that there are banks and businesses avoiding paying hundreds of billions of pounds in tax," said Mr Parker, who works at the Jobcentre Plus call centre in Lincoln.

"This is happening while we are seeing the closure of Queen's Park Special School and cuts to bus services in Lincoln.

"I think what we are saying is being well received by the public."

But Mr Parker was told to "get a job" as he tried to hand a passer-by a leaflet.

Barry Reeves, chairman of Sincil Street Traders, said he had mixed views about the demonstration.

He said: "I'm all for freedom of speech, but this is disrupting people's shopping in Lincoln.

"There are parents with pushchairs struggling to get about and, to some people, it could all seem a bit intimidating. I hope the protestors enjoy their McDonald's when they finish.

"They are moaning about cuts to services and taxes not being paid, but how much has all of this cost the city to police?"

Police filmed and photographed the protest throughout. No arrests were made.

Source: This is Lincolnshire

Truth About Bilderberg International Economy Crimes: Portugal Bailout is Illegal: Daniel Hannan - UK MP (Video)

Bailing out Portugal is illegal - Daniel Hannan - UK MP

People need to listen to him. Portugal Bailout it's illegal, than it should not happen.

More proof that the so called EU 'parliament' is nothing more than window dressing, a con to convince the public. A front head for those that really run the EU ie globalists AKA Bilderberg NWO !

They are all sitting about talking and not even listening.

Is it any wonder that when it comes to a vote, that nobody knows what they are really voting about.

EU Parliament is a complete joke -- how disrespectful that noone is even bothering to listen. Disgraceful