Thursday 8 September 2011

Take The Square Global Resistence Mobilization Against Banks Bankers Baksters Stock Exchange Markets Gangsters Gang Mafia

Take The Square Global Mobilization Resistence Against Banks Bankers Baksters Stock Exchange Markets Economic Gangsters Gang Mafia


sept17 Global action

Because people is not merchandise

Adbusters OccupyWallStreet Take The Square Global Mobilization Resistence Against Banks Bankers Baksters Stock Exchange Markets Economic Gangsters Gang Mafia
In the United States they are preparing to occupy Wall Street, in Spain they will demonstrate at the Stock-Market headquarters… What’s going to happen in your city?

Actions #Tomalabolsa #OCCUPYWALLSTREET

International Jammers!

We call on jammers across the world to occupy financial districts on September 17:
Other actions for 17th September
  • in Barcelona, Spain – Barcelona Hub International Meting. International meeting of social organizers in order to set a plan for a global rally on 15th October. (15-18th September)

  • Paris, France - Marches from Greece, France, Spain, Italy, etc. will arrive to Paris and there will be a big demonstration there. Read more in Road to Brussels, The marches to Brussels and Paris Reelle Democratie

  • Italy – Marches to Rome starts. Follow it in fb.
  • Athens, Greece proposes to boicott the banks withdrawing money for 4 days, still not clear when do they start (decided on Syntagma assembly on September 5th)

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Real Democracy Now: Greek Students Take The Square Fight Against Education Reform Syntagma Square Re-Occupied

Greece: Students fight against education reform/Syntagma square re-occupied

On August 24th the Greek parliament voted in favour of the education reform bill submitted by the Minister of Education, Anna Diamantopoulou, which includes some of the most sweeping changes in the country’s educational system. The law introduces a UK-style administration of universities, with external individuals and non-academics taking part in the running of institutions and assessment-based, industry-oriented funding. Diamantopoulou - supported by some members of the far right party LA.O.S (Popular Orthodox Rally) – announced the complete abolishment of the historic university asylum (which prevented police from entering academic grounds in the name of the freedom of expression) and the election of university vice-chancellors primarily from their academic community

Students responded with demonstrations and mass occupations. At least 222 departments across the country are now occupied. There seems to be a completely unprecedented agreement between students across almost the entire political spectrum for mobilisations against the voted law: this is rapidly becoming a stand-off between the Student community and the Parliament.

Below: a google map with departments under occupation (please note that it’s not quite up-to-date, as the number of departments increases rapidly, literally by the hour).

Syntagma square re-occupied

Yesterday, the indignants of Greece took back Syntagma square. Around 20.000 people protested against the IMF, police repression and lack of democracy. Many leftist groups participated, among with many anti-cuts and anti-racist organisations and a small group of Kurdish immigrants. Over 2000 joined the assembly. However in the upper Syntagma square the presence of flag wavers-nationalists, neo-fascists and anti-immigrant haters was strong [1]

Around 0:30, the riot police invaded the square and then a ruthless crackdown place. Many protesters tried to run away towards Stadiou and Filellinon streets. Later on, riot squads entered the “Everest” fast-food, beating up everybody on their way (not only protesters who were trying to escape but also people who were eating there). They threw tear gases and flash grenades and left one protester seriously injured.

Below is the statement of People’s assembly:
         On September 3rd, we are everywhere – we fill up Syntagma Square
The squares are us and we are everywhere. We are all. We started as indignant people, we have decided, and in a little while we will be revolting in masses until those who drove us here go away. Until we kick out the bankers and the market’s governments and system.

We all agree that we do not need any spokesmen in this movement, because by definition, but especially in the context of this political and economic system, they will be corrupted, cut off from the people, and will betray the people. We want to decide collectively for ourselves.  We demand to take our lives into our own hands.

The 3rd of September (the day when the first Greek constitution was drafted in 1843, and also when PASOK, the ruling party was created in 1974) is a date we can retake, by giving it back its original meaning, that of the people’s needs.

The 3rd of September is an important date for us. It is also the day that reminds us of the “cancellation” of the people’s aspirations for democracy, freedom and dignity. That reminds us of the lies told and the mockery made by our government.

We do not have any illusions: we understand that we cannot have direct democracy and people’s rule without overthrowing the government, the Troika, and the whole political and economic system.

We call all citizens to the big demonstration and people’s assembly in Syntagma Square and all the country’s squares on September 3, 2011 at 19:00
Bread – Education – Freedom

Equality – Justice – Liberty

The squares are we and we are everywhere

[1] The Blogger “The Irate Greek”describes the event of a racist attack:

         It was around 3pm on the corner of Ermou and Voulis Streets. A man selling corncobs in the street beat up an African who was selling counterfeit bags. The African was accusing the corn seller of stealing a bag from him and hiding it in his stand. The police let go the corn seller, trying isntead to disperse the people who had gathered. A man in civilian clothes was shouting that people should leave. When @mp_anana and @christina_la asked what authority he had to give orders to anyone, a policeman told them he held some position in the police and the municipality. The corn seller called activists from a far-right group and they started chatting with the police. @mp_anana and @christina_la later found out from kids from the neighbourhood that the corn seller is a member of Chrysi Avgi. A squad of riot police came and shouted again that people should leave, but people were staying to prevent them from beating up the African street sellers and were insisting that the police open the corn stand to see if the bag was inside. A lady told a policeman: “we are paying you to do your job.” He answered: “you are not paying me, mind your own business.” Shopkeepers came out and said that the Africans were ruining their business, that they should leave, etc. Ironically, at least one of them was not Greek herself. Meanwhile, the African man who had been beaten was bleeding in the street (he had to be taken to hospital, full details in Greek here).
(The names @mp_anana and @christina_la are the main display names of some tweeter users who were present at the event)

Tuesday 6 September 2011

15-O Africa United: Real Democracy Now World Revolution October 15 Global Mobilization

15 O Africa United For Real Democracy Now World Revolution African Jam Themed Party
Twitter: @democraciareal @drynternational | News @15_octubre

Reacting with the call of Democracia real Ya (Real Democracy Now) that invited citizens of the world to protest peacefully all over the world .
October 15 world revolution global mass protests all events agenda
On October 15th citizens around the world will take to the streets to express outrage at how our rights are being undermined by the alliance between politicians and big corporations,since Africa is the one the continent that souffers most from those politicians that took all the africain's goods and they shared africa according to their interest .

They shared our africa , they took our gold to make it in their necks, they took our diamonds to make it in their fingers, they took our animals to wear their skins , our minerals , our sun , our fishes , our water , they didn't let nothing for us africains , just war everywhere , people died everyday because of hunger , because of cold weather.

A big part of africains they still with no homes , with no food , with no work , with no dignity RISE UP your voice , let's say no to capitalisme, let's say no to those political leaders who though that they represent us but they work for their interest and for the benifit of the few.

When we will unite africains together we will be able to let them hear our voices , we can controle them , we we will be respected, we can stand fot those who wants to destroy our country , we can resist and we can fight against poverty , we can fight for our humanity.


Our future is at stake, and nothing can hold back the power of millions of people when they unite for a common goal.


Unidos Para Mudança Global 15 de Outubro

Em resposta à chamada do movimento Democracia Real Ya, Democracia Verdadeira Já, Real Democracy Now que convidou os cidadãos do mundo a participar nesta acção pacificaa de protesto internacional.

A 15 de outubro vamos mostrar a nosso indignação contra a perda de nossos direitos nas mãos da aliança (da globalização) entre as grandes empresas e políticos. É chegado o tempo de fazer ouvir a nossa voz. Nosso futuro está em perigo, nada pode impedir o poder de milhões de pessoas quando elas estão unidas com o mesmo objetivo.
A África é um continente que sofre muito de pobreza por causa dos políticos traidores e ladrões que têm roubado o povo entregado tudo a grandes coorporações Internacionais.
Em Moçambique roubam a madeira ea terra e entregam aos chineses,
Em Angola roubam o Ouro, o Petróleo e os Diamantes para entregar às corporações alemãs, americanas, canadianas, inglesas e outras.
Em Cabo Verde demoliram as casas da Praia para construir um Resort de Luxo. Talvez seja para entregar ao Dias Loureiro.
Na guiné é um caos.
São Tomé vái pelo mesmo caminho.
Todos Mamam Africa.

Eles dividiram a nossa África, tomaram nosso ouro para colocá-lo em seus pescoços, pegaram nossos diamantes para colocá-los em seus dedos, tomaram nossos animais para colocá-los em suas peles, levaram todo o zinco para construção, tomadram a totalidade do nosso café, tomaram todo o cobre, os nossos minerais, o nosso Sol, o nosso peixe, nossa água, e não nos deixaram nada além de guerra em todos os lugares, as pessoas que morrem a cada dia por causa de fome e frio ...

Os africanos, a maioria, estão desalojados, sem comida, sem dignidado, sem trabalho. Diga não ao capitalismo, e não os líderes políticos que servem os seus interesses e daqueles que trabalham para o serviço de uma minoria.


Unidos somos mais fortes do que eles, podemos levantar e fazer ouvir as nossas vozes, nós podemos controlar, seremos respeitados, seremos capazes de impôr áqueles que querem impôr, seremos capazes de resistir, seremos capazes de lutar e vencer pobreza que nos obrigam, seremos capazes de lutar por nossa humanidade.



Nosso futuro está em perigo e nada pode parar o poder de milhões de pessoas quando elas estão unidos por um objetivo.


Reagissons à l'appel de Democracia Real Ya qui a invité les citoyens du monde à participer à cette action pacifique de protestation internationale.

Le 15 OCTOBRE ,nous montrerons notre indignation contre la perte de nos droits aux mains de l’alliance entre les grandes corporations et la classe politque.Il est temps de faire entendre notre voix. Notre avenir est en jeu, rien ne peut freiner la puissance de millions de personnes quand elles sont unis par les mêmes objectifs et puisque l'Afrique est l'un des continents qui souffre le de la pauvreté à cause des politiciens qui on pris tous les biens de notre MAMA AFRICA.

Ils ont partagé notre afrique, ils ont pris notre or pour le mettre dans leurs cous, ils ont pris nos diamons pour les mettres dans leurs doigts, ils ont pris nos animaux pour mettre leurs peaux,ils ont pris tout le zinc pour construire des metros, ils ont pris nos cheveux pour en faire la coupe afro ,il ont pris tout notre café, il ont pris tout le cuivre, nos minéraux, notre soleil, nos poissons, notre eau, ils sont partis sans rien nous laisser à part la guerre et des gens qui meurent chaque jour à cause de faim et du froid.

La plus part des Africains sont encore sans maison, sans nourriture, sans travail, sans dignité , FAITES ENTENDRE VOS VOIX, pour dire non au capitalisme, non aux dirigeants politiques qui servent leur intéret et ceux qui travaillent pour le bénéfice d’une minorité.


Quand nous serons unis,nous les Africains, nous serons capable de faire entendre notre voix, nous pourrons les contrôler, nous serons respectés, nous pourrons nous imposer à ceux qui veulent s'imposer, nous pourrons résister , nous pourrons lutter contre la pauvreté, nous pourrons lutter pour notre humanité.



Notre future est en jeu , et rien ne peut arrêter le pouvoir de millions de personnes quand ils sont unis pour un seul but.


Reaccionemos con la llamada de Democracia Real Ya que ha invitado los ciudadanos del mundo a participar a esta accion pacifica de protestacion internacional.

En el 15 de Octubre, mostraremos nuestra indiñacion contra la perdida de nuestros derechos en las manos de la alianza entre las grandes corporaciones y la clase politica. Es el tiempo de hacer entender nuestra voz. Nuestro futuro esta en peligro, nada puede parar el poder de milliones de personas cuando estan unidas con el mismo objetivo y porque Africa es un de los continentes que sufre mucho de la pobreza a causa de los politicos que han cogido todo lo que apartenece a Mama Africa.

Han compartido nuestra Africa, han cogido nuestro oro para meterlo en sus cuellos, han cogido nuestros diamantes para meterlos en sus dedos, han cogido nuestros animales para meterlos en sus pieles, han cogido todo el zinc para construir metros, han cogido nuestro pelo para hacer un afro, han cogido la totalitad de nuestro café, han cogido todo el cobre, nuestros minerales, nuestro sol, nuestro pescado, nuestra agua, se fueron sin dejarnos nada sino la guerra en todas partes, gentes que se mueren cada dia a causa del hambre y del frio...

La malloria de los Africanos son sin casa, sin comida, sin trabajo, sin diñidad. Digan no al capitalismo, no a los dirigentes politicos que sirven sus interés y los que trabajan por el servicio de una minoridad.


Cuando estémos unidos, seremos capaz de hacer entender nuestra voz, podremos controlarlos, seremos respectados, prodremos imponernos a esos que quieren imponerse, prodremos resistir, prodremos luchar contra la povreza, prodremos luchar para nuestra humanidad.


Nuestro futuro esta en peligro y nada puede parar el poder de milliones de personas cuando estan unidas para un solo objetivo.


تفاعلا مع نداء "الديموقراطية الحقيقية" الذي دعا مواطني العالم إلى المشاركة في هذا التحرك السلمي للاحتجاج العالمي.

في 15 أكتوبر، سنظهر عدم رضانا عن ضياع حقوقنا على أيدي التحالفات بين الشركات الكبيرة و الطبقة السياسية. حان الوقت لإسماع صوتنا، . و منذ أن أصبحت إفريقيا القارة التي تعاني من الفقر بسبب السياسيين الذين أخذوا جميع سلعها، و وزعوها حسب مصالحهم.

وزعوا إفريقيا، أخذوا ذهبنا ليضعوه على أعناقهم، و الماس ليضعوه على أصابعهم، و حيواناتنا لارتداء جلودها، لقد أخذوا كل الزنك لبناء مترو الأنفاق، أخذوا شعرنا لأجل التصفيفة الإفريقية، أخذوا كل البن لدينا، كل النحاس، معادننا، شمسنا، أسماكنا، مياهنا، لقد ذهبوا دون أن يتركوا لنا شيئا، أو بالأحرى لقد تركوا الحرب في كل مكان، و الناس يموتون كل يوم بسبب الجوع، و العطش.


معظم الأفارقة لايزالون دون مأوى، دون طعام، دون عمل، و لا كرامة. اجعلوا أصواتكم تسمع، و قولوا لا للرأسمالية، لا للسياسيين الذين يخذمون مصالحهم، و لا أولئك الذين يعملون لصالح الأقلية.

ادا التحدنا، نحن الأفارقة سنصبح قادرين على إسماع صوتنا، قادرين على السيطرة عليهم، و نكون محترمين، قادرين على الفوز على أولئك الذين يريدون الفوز، و نستطيع أن نقاوم، و أن نحارب الفقر، و نكافح من أجل إنسانيتنا.

لنفجر الصمت الإفريقي

مستقبلنا على المحك، و لا شيء يتستطيع إيقاف الآلاف من الناس عند اتحادهم لأجل هدف واحد.

Unidos Para Mudança Global 15 de Outubro

Internacional, DRY, 15 O, União Africana, Angola, Guiné, Moçambique, Cabo Verde, São Tomé, Argel, Marrocos, Quénia, Mongolé, Cachupa, Kizomba, Tarrachinha, Tarachinha, Luanda, Maputo, Praia, São Vicente, África Unida Para Mudança Global 15 de Outubro, Democracia Rea Ya, Rea, Democracy Now, Democracia Verdadeira Já, Democracia, Revolução, Revolucion, Revolution, World Revolution, NWO, Pt, Esp, Fr, Eng, Arab
Sábado, 15 de Outubro · 18:00 - 21:00 - Linguas: PT - FR - SP - ENG

Reagir com a chamada da democracia real Agora que convidou os cidadãos do mundo a participar nesta acção pacificaa de protesto internacional.

A 15 de outubro vamos mostrar a nosso indignação contra a perda de nossos direitos nas mãos da aliança (da globalização) entre as grandes empresas e políticos. É chegado o tempo de fazer ouvir a nossa voz. Nosso futuro está em perigo, nada pode impedir o poder de milhões de pessoas quando elas estão unidas com o mesmo objetivo.
A África é um continente que sofre muito de pobreza por causa dos políticos traidores e ladrões que têm roubado o povo entregado tudo a grandes coorporações Internacionais.
Em Moçambique roubam a madeira ea terra e entregam aos chineses,
Em Angola roubam o Ouro, o Petróleo e os Diamantes para entregar às corporações alemãs, americanas, canadianas, inglesas e outras.
Em Cabo Verde demoliram as casas da Praia para construir um Resort de Luxo. Talvez seja para entregar ao Dias Loureiro.
Na guiné é um caos.
São Tomé vái pelo mesmo caminho.
Todos Mamam Africa.

Eles dividiram a nossa África, tomaram nosso ouro para colocá-lo em seus pescoços, pegaram nossos diamantes para colocá-los em seus dedos, tomaram nossos animais para colocá-los em suas peles, levaram todo o zinco para construção, tomadram a totalidade do nosso café, tomaram todo o cobre, os nossos minerais, o nosso Sol, o nosso peixe, nossa água, e não nos deixaram nada além de guerra em todos os lugares, as pessoas que morrem a cada dia por causa de fome e frio ...

Os africanos, a maioria, estão desalojados, sem comida, sem dignidado, sem trabalho. Diga não ao capitalismo, e não os líderes políticos que servem os seus interesses e daqueles que trabalham para o serviço de uma minoria.


Unidos somos mais fortes do que eles, podemos levantar e fazer ouvir as nossas vozes, nós podemos controlar, seremos respeitados, seremos capazes de impôr áqueles que querem impôr, seremos capazes de resistir, seremos capazes de lutar e vencer pobreza que nos obrigam, seremos capazes de lutar por nossa humanidade.



Nosso futuro está em perigo e nada pode parar o poder de milhões de pessoas quando elas estão unidos por um objetivo. Event AFRICA UNITE


more info : contact the web-sites bellow : Event AFRICA UNITE

ES: http://international.democ​​h/movilizacion-internacion​al-del-15o/

more info : contact the web-sites bellow :

ES: http://international.democ​​h/movilizacion-internacion​al-del-15o/