Saturday 1 October 2011

EU Debt Financial Crisis Used To Consolidate Political Control and Enslave People Under a ECB MF Banking Fascist NAZI Dictatorship System

European Union EU NAZI Fascist Criminal Bankers Banksters Gang Mafia Dictatorship

EU debt crisis being used to consolidate political control.
EU debt crisis used to give more power to Banksters and enslave people under a NAZI Banker Fascist State Dictatorship.

"If the eurozone were to split, it is difficult to imagine for the European Union not to split as well. It is difficult to imagine Europe to be as safe as it is now without the European Union." -- Polish Finance Minister Jacek Rostowski (AP)

 Fear is being laid on thick as another "crisis" is being used in an attempt to consolidate political power. This time-honored tactic looks like it is now getting the final push in Europe as financial leaders and presidents alike call for a United States of Europe to avert collapse.

The message is clear coming from the establishment: form a more centrally-controlled political and economic union or you will suffer.

Unfortunately, EU NAZI Fascist State it's not a prediction, but a promise.

It's become obvious that this has been the plan all along. "If you have a currency union, you certainly also need more elements of a political and of an economic union. That was clear from the outset when we started this project some 10, 15 years ago," said the Luxembourg finance minister Frieden.

However, many nations have not been so quick to give up their sovereignty and economic independence. Therefore, a good crisis is needed, followed by a coordinated chorus of experts to sway public opinion and policy.

Earlier last month former German Chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder, set the stage for solution by calling for a United States of Europe. "The current crisis makes it relentlessly clear that we cannot have a common currency zone without a common fiscal, economic and social policy." He added: "We will have to give up national sovereignty. From the European Commission, we should make a government which would be supervised by the European Parliament. And that means the United States of Europe."

New IMF chief, Christine Lagarde, warned that developed economies have entered a "dangerous new phase" because of a "vicious cycle" of weak economic growth and feeble political leadership. Singing the same tune, Lagarde recommends a collective solution; "Without collective, bold, action, there is a real risk that the major economies slip back instead of moving forward." Incidentally, debt was not mentioned as part of the problem.

George Soros recently claimed that a European treasury is needed to avoid a depression. Soros warned, "Even if a catastrophe can be avoided, one thing is certain: the pressure to reduce deficits will push the euro zone into prolonged recession. This will have incalculable political consequences." Leaving no room for discussion, Soros states, "There is no alternative but to give birth to the missing ingredient: a European treasury with the power to tax and therefore to borrow."

U.S. Treasury Secretary Geithner has not publicly endorsed a policy, but he's demanding more "forceful action." Geithner is also echoing calls for more unity; "What's very damaging is not just seeing the divisiveness in the debate over strategy in Europe but the ongoing conflict between countries and the [European] Central Bank." In other words, individual nations and the European Central Bank must unite the policies.

And the Federal Reserve continues to do its part to prop up the European Central Bank to prevent global contagion while policies are coordinated. As the Washington Post reports, "Worried that a mounting debt crisis in Europe could trip up the global economy, the Federal Reserve opened its vault Thursday to the central banks of other countries in an effort to head off a crippling shortage of dollars." No dollar figure was given for these short-term currency swaps, but after the first tens of trillions, who's counting?

So, the perpetrators of the so-called crisis are speaking in one voice to avoid disaster; Give us more control over taxation and policy and we'll maintain the misery at current levels. Even though the financial crisis was manufactured specifically for this power grab, the threat of collapse remains very real as the banks can turn out the lights anytime they want. If threats fail to bring all dissenting nations into the fold, they'll simply make good on their promise to tighten the debt/austerity screws until the tortured submit to their demands. This obvious cycle must be broken unless the European nations prefer a global dictatorship as described by Nigel Farage during a recent European Parliament debate:

Nigel Farage Stands up for democracy

Greece under Commission-ECB-IMF Dictatorship

Nigel Farage Stands up for democracy
greek crisis 14/09/11

I have one last plea Mr Barroso, will you please help Greece. Help her to get her currency back, help her to reschedule her debts, help her to get out of the mess you have put her into. You policies have failed, stand up, be a man, admit it.

Nigel Farage at European Parliament: Greek Under EU Commission ECB IMF Dictatorship

Nigel Farage at European Parliament,Greek Under EU Commission ECB IMF Dictatorship
Nigel Farage: Greece under Commission-ECB-IMF Dictatorship

European Parliament, Strasbourg - 14 September 2011

• Speaker: Nigel Farage MEP, UKIP, Co-President of the EFD Group in the European Parliament (Europe of Freedom and Democracy)

• Debate: European Council and Commission statements - Economic crisis and the euro (in the presence of President Barroso)

- 'Blue Card' question by Phillippe Lamberts (Belgoium) - Greens

• Speech Transcript:

I noticed during your speech Mr Barroso there was an all pervading sense of gloom. I saw for the first time, even your supporters shaking their heads, they don't believe it what you are saying, the European people don't believe in what you are saying, and I don't really think even you now believe in what you are saying.

We all know that Greece is going to default; the end game for Greece is near. And you can't say you were not warned. You were told that Treaties were fatally flawed, you were all told that Greece should never have joined the Euro and when I stood up here and talked about Greek bond spreads you treated me with such utter derision it was as if I had just been let out of the local lunatic asylum. No, you have been warned all the way through.

So now what you have got is Economic Governance and everybody here on the front row supports more European Economic Governance. What is European Economic Governance? I'll tell you what it is.

It is a plane landing at Athens airport out of which get an official from the Commission, an official from the ECB and an official from the appalling IMF. Those three people, the Troika you call them, go in meet the Greek Government and tell the Greek Government what they may of may not do. You have killed Democracy in Greece. You have three part-time overseas dictators now telling the Greek people what they can and cannot do. It is totally unacceptable.

It is any wonder that the Greek people are burning EU flags and drawing swastikas on them. Unless Greece is allowed to get out of this economic and political prison, you may well spark a revolution in that country.

I suppose there is some good news at least, and that is that people in Germany, right up to the President are waking up realise that this process represents the death of democracy. None of this can work and the German people will simply refuse in the end to pay the bill. The one achievement is that you have split Europe between North and South, the Greeks now badmouth the Germans, the Germans now badmouth the Greeks.

I have one last plea Mr Barroso, will you please help Greece. Help her to get her currency back, help her to reschedule her debts, help her to get out of the mess you have put her into. You policies have failed, stand up, be a man, admit it.


EU Member States:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, United Kingdom

Video Source: EbS - European Parliament

See also:
NWO New World Order Knights Templar Sovereign Military Order of Malta

EU Euro United States Of Europe Nazi Plans Revealed

EU Debt Financial Crisis Used to Consolidate Political Control

Friday 30 September 2011

DemocracyNow OWS DRY 15-O: Bankers Rules World! Eurozone USA Markets Crash! United for Global Change! October 15 People Rise Up Against Tyrany

DemocracyNow OWS DRY 15-O: Bankers Rules World! Eurozone USA Markets Crash! United for Global Change! October 15 People Rise Up Against Tyrany
"Global Bankers Rule The World"

Trader on the BBC says Eurozone Market will crash

15 October - People United for Global Change

In a scary and painfully frank interview BBC interviewer Maxine Croxall, is visibly shaken when market trader Alessio Rastani predicts that the "Market is Toast." Apparently there is nothing Euro governments can do.
Respected RT Analyist Max Keisler confirms everything Alessio says!

"Global Bankers Rule The World"

RT Looks into who really rules the World after claims from Independant Trader Alessio Rastani that 'Goldman Sachs rules the World'.

Alessio Rastani, an independent trader, had an eye opening interview with BBC where he stated Goldman Sachs and not governments rule the world. He went on to say that he dreams of economies going into recession. Rastani has taken a lot of heat from the media, claiming that he is a phony. Kristine Frazao investigates to see if Rastani's statement has any credibility

15 October - United for Global Change

DRY 15-O International Mobilization Take The Square Global Democracy Real Democracy NOW October Coalition Video, DemocraciaRealYa, Democracia Real Yayouth people realize that even if you had a carrer such as engenier or lawyer or a doctor you wont be able to buy a house, a car or even a LCDtv or cloth or a good ealth service or education.

Now Capitalism is in all around the world and it cant be able to solve all this fire! urgent to superate this global sistem whit the planification of the economy and whit the intervination of the people, where the States work for the people, not for criminal banker, not corporations without Soul.

15 October ows world revolution global mass protest international agenda porto, Faro Coimbra, Evora, Beja.....html

Thursday 29 September 2011

OWS 15-O Australia Revolution Rise Up: Occupy Melbourne Occupy Australia October 15th!

Occupy Melbourne on Facebook, Occupy Australia, Melbourne on Facebook
Call out made to Occupy Australia: People of the world rise up on October 15th!

As the Occupy Wall St protests continue to spread, a call out has been made for Melbourne to join the global day of action United for Global Change on October 15th stating the aim of "NON-VIOLENTLY sending a message to the financial sector worldwide. Australia too is under the same bind of freedom because of monetary policy and corporate greed. Show your support for Occupy Wall Street! Occupy Australia!!!" The day is an attempt to unite the struggle by ordinary people around the world for a true democracy. A democracy where the needs of the majority of people is put before the profits and privileges of the few. A world united under the banner of solidarity, workers and human rights, peace and environmental justice. It is time for Australia to join the global movement that has seen non-violent mass protests and uprising against both military dictators and the dictators of capital in Greece, Yemen, Chile, Egypt, Tunisia, Israel, USA, Spain, Portugal, Libya, Syria, Bahrain, the UK and beyond. It’s time for us to unite. It’s time for them to listen.

The relevance of such an anti-corporate, anti-capitalist demonstration to Australia cannot be doubted. Does anyone seriously believe that Australian democracy is currently structured to support the needs of the majority rather than protect the interests of the few?

This is a country where a few multi-national mining companies orchestrated the sacking of a serving Prime Minister to avoid the paying a mining tax. BHP recently announced a profit of $22 billion dollars. •This is a country where our climate change policy includes compensating the worst and biggest corporate polluters billions of dollars.
• This is a country where the cost of housing is out of reach for so many people in both the rental and private markets, whilst large developers, banks and speculators make billions in profits.
• This is a country where the cost of living continues to rise as people pay more and more for their basic utilities as private corporations rake in profits in the electricity, gas and telecommunications sectors.
• This is a country that is still at war,10 years after invading Afghanistan despite the majority of Australians opposing the war.
• This is a country where the suppression of workers rights continues under both the Federal ALP and Coalition and where wages for ordinary people continue to stagnate.
• This is a country where the environment whether it be in the Kimberleys or the forests of NSW, Victoria or Tasmania is constantly sacrificed on the altar of corporate profits
•This is a country where Indigenous people are still being oppressed and subject to assimiliationist policies so mining companies can access the resources on their land
•This is a country where education is increasingly expensive and user-pays as students have to work harder and accrue massive debts.
• This is a country where both major parties seek to divide us from the real problems we face and turn our anger on defenceless asylum seekers who we lock up in gulags.

Call out made to Occupy Melbourne on Facebook

Are you sick of the corporate governed society in which we now live? Have you been laid off due to the banks self-perpetuated financial meltdown? Are you struggling to make ends meet as a result of this corrupt system? Do you believe in fighting for your rights? Then its time to join the Global Revolution – millions of people worldwide have protested for their rights as human beings of this planet... and have changed the way of the future – its time we in Australia get off our couches, put down our VB’s and join the rest of the world in fighting for our rights and the rights of our fellow human beings. Take a stand. Come and march with us on Saturday October 15th 2011. The whole world will be in revolt on this day – let’s show the worlds rich and greedy 1% that we, the 99%, are where the power truly lies. Remember, the strongest point of the pyramid is but at its base. This will be a time where you can voice your thoughts and opinions, say what you have wanted to say, and stand up for your rights to do so.

This protest, as with the many others occurring all around the world, is multifaceted, with many issues being discussed and voiced. It is time now to let us know what you want to fight for on this day. Just as important as it is to fight for our rights, showing love and gratitude for life will balance this protest, so let’s not fuel it with anger, fear and hatred, but lets put a positive spin on it with words of harmony and peace. This is the difference between the wagers of war and the peaceful protesters. Kindness and love are met equally with kindness and love. This is the way of the future.

Call out made on Indymedia to Occupy Melbourne

"NON-VIOLENTLY sending a message to the financial sector worldwide. Australia too is under the same bind of freedom because of monetary policy and corporate greed. Show your support for Occupy Wall Street! Occupy Australia!!!"
Dear all,

I am writing as a call to action for the International Day of Protest due globally on October 15th 2011.

As you may well have heard by now, the Occupy Wall St protests have gained attitude and momentum, and have spread virally across the United States, and now the world, calling for an end to corporate greed and injustice, and a real democracy for all human beings on this planet.

As a part of this movement we are hoping to plan a peaceful, passive protest somewhere in Melbourne CBD, Federation Square has been mentioned as an ideal target. Simultaneous protests are currently being planned in Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth and Sydney.

Of course we expect: non-violence towards all, co-operation with police, commitment to clean occupational space, liaising with local business and acceptance of different views whether they be left, right or otherwise.
With great respect to the fact that this is quite short notice (just over a fortnight...) we would ask that you consider this protest and that you should be a part of it. This is a call for us as Australians and citizens of this planet to stand up in solidarity without narrow political ideals for our rights to co-exist free from the bonds of political interests swayed heavily by high-end corporate greed and intentions. Jobs are being lost and the poverty line is being pushed further down as a result of the "1%" gearing the financial and political systems towards their own best interest.

We of course are a small grass roots movement with no attachments to any political or religious parties, we feel this is a part of a global movement and a fantastic oppurtunity for all to stand up and let their voices be heard. Any opinions, input or help are of course greatly appreciated and encouraged. And of course if you feel this is a worthy

I ask you to please consider and visit the following link: <--- here you will find other links to the global network that is growing

Tina Athanasopoulos:
Occupy Melbourne:
thanks for your time

OWS 15-O Revolution! London, United Kingdom March: Hyde Park to the City People's Assembly

March Hyde Park to the City

Sábado, 15 de Outubro · 13:00 - 16:30

London, United Kingdom

People's Assemblies Network

October 15th - United for Global Change

1pm Assemble at Speaker's Corner for a March to the City ...

Facebook page for Occupy the London Stock Exchange:​ages/Occupy-the-London-Sto​ck-Exchange/26422338694506​6
Twitter account: @OccupyLSX (!/OccupyL​SX)
hashtags #OccupyLSX #OccupyLondon

Alright you peaceful redeemers, rebels, anarchists, truthers, students, and utopian dreamers out there...
We are a people-powered movement, protesting against the increasing social and economic injustice in this country. Since the financial crisis the government has made sure to maintain the status quo and let the people who caused this crisis get off scot-free, whilst conversely ensuring that the people of this country pay the price, in particular those most vulnerable. What we have in common is that we are the other 99%, that we want People over Profit, that we are making our voices heard against greed and corruption and for a democratic and just society. And we are doing that in a non-violent and peaceful way.

A worldwide shift in revolutionary tactics is underway right now that bodes well for the future. The spirit of this fresh tactic, a fusion of Tahrir with the acampadas of Spain, is captured in this quote:

The antiglobalization movement was the first step on the road. Back then our model was to attack the system like a pack of wolves. There was an alpha male, a wolf who led the pack, and those who followed behind. Now the model has evolved. Today we are one big swarm of people.
— Raimundo Viejo, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain

The beauty of this new formula, and what makes this novel tactic exciting, is its pragmatic simplicity: we talk to each other in various physical gatherings and virtual people's assemblies … we zero in on what our one demand will be, a demand that awakens the imagination and, if achieved, would propel us toward the radical democracy of the future … and then we go out and seize a square of singular symbolic significance and put our asses on the line to make it happen...

October 15th - United for Global Change

On October 15th people from all over the world will take to the streets and squares. From America to Asia, from Africa to Europe, people are rising up to claim their rights and demand a true democracy. Now it is time for all of us to join in a global non-violent protest.

The ruling powers work for the benefit of just a few, ignoring the will of the vast majority and the human and environmental price we all have to pay. This intolerable situation must end.

United in one voice, we will let politicians, and the financial elites they serve, know it is up to us the people to decide our future. We are not goods in the hands of politicians and bankers who do not represent us.

On October 15th, we will meet on the streets to initiate the global change we want. We will peacefully demonstrate, talk and organize until we make it happen.

It's time for us to unite. It's time for them to listen.
People of the world, rise up on October 15th!

Here's the Global Facebook Group​ent.php?eid=21722378831860​2

And the global call out http://international.democ​​united-for-global-change-o​ctober-15th/

Attac Endorsement: http://international.democ​​joint-mobilizations-and-eu​ropean-level-coordinated-a​ctions/

"It is NOT a matter of political ideas, religion or ideology. It’s a matter of how much we care about our future and the future of the planet."

We want the protest to be peaceful and relaxed and are asking those attending to respect four suggestions:

1. No political party or trade union banners
2. No flags
3. No violence
4. No alcohol or drugs.

Facebook Event

OWS, OccupyMN, Anonimous Message America: Occupy Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank! World Revolution

Message from anonymous - #OcuppyMN Occupy Mineapolis

Occupy Wall Street AntiBanks Movement

Greetings citizens of the world.

This is a message from anonymous.

OWS OccupyMN Anonimous Message America Occupy Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank World Revolution, Occupy Wall Street
On October 7th we will stand in support with our brothers and sisters as they occupy the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.
We have watched the actions of law enforcement during Occupy Wall Street and find the police arrests completely unacceptable.
We the people have the power and, will use it.
Our one demand we have ever had is Freedom.
Simple yet so complicated, or so it seems.
We will be pulling back the veil of deception that has been placed over the people's eyes now for far too long.
The Federal Reserve Banks have a stranglehold over the citizens.
Now most people go to work every day to make someone else wealthy while they are, through no fault of their own, pushed deeper and deeper into debt each day.
People are all now considered a piece of property.
An asset to be used as collateral in world financial markets.
Drone tax payers.
Fodder for the machine which devours a man's soul with little care or respect for anything besides profit and outlandish bonus payments.

people must begin to see your situations clearly and without fear.
For without action now,.... the machine will destroy what is left of our children's future on this most excellent planet.

This is a call from anonymous.
For non-violent resistance movements.

As We do not condone violence in any way.

We will march from 90 Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, on October 7th at 9:00 AM and our voices will be heard.

We are Anonymous.
We are legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forgive.
Minneapolis expect us.

If you need trillions of dollars and don' t feel like earning it this is the place for you! Normally they call this "counterfeiting" but these guys are legit and can do it for all for free! Do you have credit card debt? It's free money! Need to start a war in the Middle East? Free! Bailing out your multi-national bank? FREE!* *Offer only applicable if you are in cahoots with the Federal Government thus the name "federal reserve"

Wednesday 28 September 2011

15-O, OWS, DemocracyNow, OccupyLondonStockExchange, Antibanks GlobalRevolution Protests UK Rise Up

15-O, OWS, DemocracyNow, OccupyLondonStockExchange, Antibanks GlobalRevolution Protests UK Rise Up
#OCCUPYLONDONSTOCKEXCHANGE #OccupyTheWorld #occupyboston OccupyLondonStockExchange: OccupyAmestardam #OccupyBrussels #OccupyUSA #occupyportland #occupywallstreet #occupyAustralia

“State and Terrorist Corporations” “To radically shift regime behavior we must think clearly and boldly for if we have learned anything, it is that regimes do not want to be changed. We must think beyond those who have gone before us, and discover technological changes that embolden us with ways to act in which our forebears could not. Firstly we must understand what aspect of government or neocorporatist behavior we wish to change or remove. Secondly we must develop a way of thinking about this behavior that is strong enough carry us through the mire of politically distorted language, and into a position of clarity. Finally must use these insights to inspire within us and others a course of ennobling, and effective action.”

15 O, October 15, 16:30 - 12/12 at 11:00

Occupy the London Stock Exchange

London Stock Exchange

10 Paternoster Square

London, United Kingdom

Alright you peaceful redeemers, rebels, anarchists, truthers, students, and utopian dreamers out there...

o radically shift regime behavior we must think clearly and boldly for if we have learned anything, it is that regimes do not want to be changed. We must think beyond those who have gone before us, and discover technological changes that embolden us with ways to act in which our forebears could not. Firstly we must understand what aspect of government or neocorporatist behavior we wish to change or remove. Secondly we must develop a way of thinking about this behavior that is strong enough carry us through the mire of politically distorted language, and into a position of clarity. Finally must use these insights to inspire within us and others a course of ennobling, and effective action
We are a people-powered movement, protesting against the increasing social and economic injustice in this country. Since the financial crisis the government has made sure to maintain the status quo and let the people who caused this crisis get off scot-free, whilst conversely ensuring that the people of this country pay the price, in particular those most vulnerable. What we have in common is that we are the other 99%, that we want People over Profit, that we are making our voices heard against greed and corruption and for a democratic and just society. And we are doing that in a non-violent and peaceful way.

A worldwide shift in revolutionary tactics is underway right now that bodes well for the future. The spirit of this fresh tactic, a fusion of Tahrir with the acampadas of Spain, is captured in this quote:

The antiglobalization movement was the first step on the road. Back then our model was to attack the system like a pack of wolves. There was an alpha male, a wolf who led the pack, and those who followed behind. Now the model has evolved. Today we are one big swarm of people.
— Raimundo Viejo, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain

The beauty of this new formula, and what makes this novel tactic exciting, is its pragmatic simplicity: we talk to each other in various physical gatherings and virtual people's assemblies … we zero in on what our one demand will be, a demand that awakens the imagination and, if achieved, would propel us toward the radical democracy of the future … and then we go out and seize a square of singular symbolic significance and put our asses on the line to make it happen

Facebook page: Occupy London Stock Exchange Facebook page
Twitter account: @OccupyLSX (!/OccupyL​SX)
hashtags #OccupyLSX #OccupyLondon

In a Facebook Event called Occupy the London Stock Exchange, organisers call on crowds to march on the exchange’s headquarters at Paternoster Square and fortify it with tents and barricades “for a few months”.

“Beginning on October 15, we want to see at least over 20,000 people flood into lower St Pauls, set up tents, kitchens, peaceful barricades and occupy the London Stock Exchange for a few months. Once there, we shall incessantly repeat one simple demand in a plurality of voices,” reads the description of the protest on Facebook.

“The beauty of this new formula, and what makes this novel tactic exciting, is its pragmatic simplicity: we talk to each other in various physical gatherings and virtual people’s assemblies … we zero in on what our one demand will be, a demand that awakens the imagination and, if achieved, would propel us toward the radical democracy of the future … and then we go out and seize a square of singular symbolic significance and put our asses on the line to make it happen…”

According to the group the protest will begin at 4.30pm on Saturday October 15 and run until 11am on December 12.

The event currently has 151 confirmed attendees, with a further 89 tentative yes’s, despite the site failing to list any aims or objectives for the event, or exactly what is being protested against.

Read more

OWS American Revolution: Occupy Wall Street Los Ageles Livestream World Revolution USA

Occupy Wall Street Los Angeles brings you live stream video coverage from independent journalists on the ground at nonviolent protests around the world. The team is made of local supports who were inspired by the movement my NYC's Occupy Wall Street. Currently broadcasting from #OccupyLA protests around Los Angeles that began on Sept 17, 2011 on #USdorLA (US Day Of Rage Los Angeles)and resurfaced Friday, Sept 23, 2011. Put people before profits.

Put people before profit.We support NYC's Occupy Wall Street movement that started out onSeptember 17th, 2011.

At Occupy LA's General Assembly meeting on 9/25, we have voted and decided on the official occupation date and location!!!

********CITY HALL ON OCTOBER 1ST!***********

Bring your sleeping bags, tents, food, hygiene products, flashlights, anything else you can think of to sustain occupying overnights, and most importantly, BRING YOUR SIGNS!

"We are the 99%"
"Occupy LA"
Whatever signs you'd like, get creative!


~Occupy LA

About Occupy LA:
We are in solidarity with #OccupyWallStreet and the other occupations and actions happening across the nation and the world. We are the 99% that demand a world that works through democracy, not corporatocracy. We will not be silent. Join us. #OccupyLA

OWS Reasons For Revolution: The Money Masters Full Documentary! Understand Financial System! Why You Must Occupy Wall Street

The Money Masters - Full
The Money Masters  Full, The Money Masters Full Documentary autor website Download, The Money Masters, Full Documentary, autor website, Download

THE MONEY MASTERS is a NON-FICTION, historical documentary that traces the origins of the political power structure. The modern political power structure has its roots in the hidden manipulation and accumulation of gold and other forms of money. The development of fractional reserve banking practices in the 17th century brought to a cunning sophistication the secret techniques initially used by goldsmiths fraudulently to accumulate wealth. With the formation of the privately-owned Bank of England in 1694, the yoke of economic slavery to a privately-owned "central" bank was first forced upon the backs of an entire nation, not removed but only made heavier with the passing of the three centuries to our day. Nation after nation has fallen prey to this cabal of international central bankers.

If you like this film, please share it with a friend and support the makers by purchasing a full quality DVD here

GIABO OWS California Antibanks Revolution: Mass Mobilization Make Wall Street Banks Pay

GIABO OWS California Antibanks, Banks, People, Job, Revolution, Mass Mobilization, Make Wall Street Banks Pay, Global Insurretion Against Bankers Occupation
Mass Mobilization to Make Wall Street Pay

Is occupying squares the right action? People know that the greedy 1% are the culprits. Still activists try to bring their message to The People. Still they are disappointed when the media – controlled by the 1% - don’t publish their activity. Still there is no direct pressure on the greedy grabbers. So we never get a Humane World. Be active around the slogan:

“Make Wall Street Pay! Make Banks Pay! Make Corporations Pay!

Make Wall Street Pay!"

GIABO - Global Insurretion Against Bankers Occupation

California St. San Francisco, CA

Make Wall Street Banks Pay in California

Join Refund CA coalition for a march on San Francisco's financial district on Thursday Sept. 29 from 3-6pm.

The goal of the coalition is to shift the debate of the economic crisis around whether the budget crisis should be solved with spending cuts or new revenue, to a debate about who should pay to solve the crisis- students and workers, or Wall Street.

A week of escalating actions throughout the week, including a bank divestment action, and a "clean-up" action, are being planned for Monday Sept. 26 - Thursday Sept. 29th, targeting Wells Fargo, Bank of American, and possibly Chase Bank and concluding with a march on SF's financial district on Thursday the 29th.

The main message/demand is: "Big banks crashed our economy and destroyed our communities. Budget cuts threaten our schools, libraries, and social services. We bailed out the banks. Now they need to pay."


It is important for us to remember that Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and other banks broke no laws in not paying any taxes this year. They didn’t have to because their lobbyists helped to write the tax laws.

Large corporations like Bank of America are incapable of making the kind of pledge our nation’s founders made to each other at the end of their declaration. By law they must put the economic interest of their shareholders above everything else.

Corporations like Bank of America must be put in their place. This begins by insisting that if corporations want to be afforded the same rights as citizens, they must take on the same responsibilities of citizens.

It is time for Banks and corporations to pay their fair share of taxes and to stop purchasing special privileges and entitlements that are not available to flesh-and-blood citizens.

Website Make Banks Pay California

Facebook Make Banks Pay California

Facebook MakeWallStreetBanksPayCalifornia

TWITTER: #makebankspayCA

Monday 26 September 2011

Trader Tells Truth on BBC: "Collapse Is Coming, Eurozone Markets Will Crash, Goldman Sach Rules The World"

As Trader Tells Truth: "The Collapse Is Coming...And Goldman Sach Rules The World"
Alessio Rastani interveiweed by BBC predicts that the "Market is Toast." Apparently there is nothing Euro governments can do.

In an interview on BBC News this morning that left the hosts gob-smacked (google it... it is the BBC after all), Alessio Rastani outlines in a mere three-and-a-half-minutes what we all know and most ignore. While the whole interview is worth watching, the money shot for us was "This economic crisis is like a cancer, if you just wait and wait hoping it is going to go away, just like a cancer it is going to grow and it will be too late!". While he dreams of recessions, sees Goldman ruling the world, and urges people to prepare, it is hard to disagree with much (or actually anything) of what he says and obviously interventions and machinations means we will have days like this (in Silver for instance), there is only one endgame here and we hope there is less hopeful euphoria (and more preparedness) as we pull back the curtain further an further.

While we do not know who this trader is, one thing we can be 100% certain of is that he will never appear on CNBC.

In a scary and painfully frank interview a freaked out BBC interviewer is visibly shaken when market trader Alessio Rastani predicts that the "Market is Toast." Apparently there is nothing Euro governments can do.

If you are on Facebook Alessio is commenting further. This may be one of the most important debates on Net at the moment.!

Update previous title:
Eurozone Market will Crash Traders like Alessio Rastani dream about the money they will make

OWS: Kitchenware Revolution! One Man Protest! How Iceland Economy Recovered! Lessons For The World!

Hordur Torfason, Hordur Torfason Icelandic Revolution, Hordur Torfason one man protest, Iceland Economic Recovery A Lesson  for Portugal, Greece, Ireland, Spain, Italy, European Union, USA. Iceland Economic Recovery A Lesson for the World on how to handle financial difficulties
Hördur Torfason at the second weekly protest,
on the 18 October 2008
Iceland's Economic Recovery A Lesson  for Portugal, Greece, Ireland, Spain, Italy, European Union, USA...
Iceland's Economic Recovery A Lesson for the World on how to handle financial difficulties.

2009 Icelandic financial crisis protests

The 2009 Icelandic financial crisis protests, also referred to as the Kitchenware Revolution occurred in the wake of the Icelandic financial crisis. There had been sporadic protests since October 2008 against the Icelandic government's handling of the financial crisis. The protests intensified on 20 January 2009 with thousands of people showing up to protest at the parliament (Althing) in Reykjavik.

Iceland's parliament is not elected according to the "one person, one vote" principal, with conservative rural areas receiving considerably more representation per person than the main cities.

Protesters were calling for the resignation of government officials, and for new elections to be held. The protests stopped for the most part with the resignation of the old right-wing government. A new left-wing government has been formed after elections in late April.

How All Began

Hördur Torfason Staged a One Man Protest

Concerned with the state of the Icelandic economy, Hördur Torfason staged a one man protest in October 2008. Torfason stood "out on Austurvöllur with an open microphone and invited people to speak". The following Saturday a more organised demonstration occurred, and participants established the Raddir fólksins. The group decided to stage a rally every Saturday until the government stepped down. Torfason led the protest from a stage near the front.

Some of the 6000 protesters in front of the Alþingishús,
seat of the Icelandic parliament, on 15 November 2008

On 20 January 2009, the protests intensified into riots. Between 1,000 and 2,000 people clashed with riot police, who used pepper spray and batons, around the building of the parliament (Althing), with at least 20 people being arrested and 20 more needing medical attention for exposure to pepper spray. Demonstrators banged pots and honked horns to disrupt the year's first meeting of Prime Minister Geir Haarde and the Althing. Some broke windows of the parliament house, threw skyr and snowballs at the building, and threw smoke bombs into its backyard. The use of pots and pans saw the local press refer to the event as the "Kitchenware Revolution".
Iceland, Iceland Revolution, Iceland Protests
Iceland Protests 20 January 2009

On 21 January 2009, the protests continued in Reykjavík, where the Prime Minister's car was pelted with snowballs, eggs, and cans by demonstrators demanding his resignation. Government buildings were surrounded by a crowd of at least 3,000 people, pelting them with paint and eggs, and the crowd then moved towards the Althing where one demonstrator climbed the walls and put up a sign that read "Treason due to recklessness is still treason." No arrests were reported.

On 22 January 2009, police used tear gas to disperse people on Austurvöllur (the square in front of the Althing), the first such use since the 1949 anti-NATO protest. Around 2,000 protesters had surrounded the building since the day before and they hurled fireworks, shoes, toilet paper, rocks, and paving stones at the building and its police guard. Reykjavik police chief Stefán Eiríksson said that they tried to disperse a "hard core" of a "few hundred" with pepper spray before using the tear gas. Eiríksson also commented that the protests were expected to continue, and that this represented a new situation for Iceland.

Despite the announcement on 23 January 2009 of early Parliamentary elections (to be held on 25 April 2009) and the announcement of Prime Minister Geir Haarde that he was withdrawing from politics due to esophageal cancer and would not be a candidate in those elections, protesters continued to fill the streets, calling for a new political scene and for immediate elections; Haarde announced on 26 January 2009 that he would hand in his resignation as PM shortly, after talks with the Social Democratic Alliance on keeping the government intact had failed earlier the same day.

Iceland's Economic Recovery A Lesson For Ireland from the Economist in 2010

The article in The Economist argues that Ireland could learn something from Iceland on how to handle financial difficulties.

The Economist points out, for one, that on the Misery Index (unemployment plus inflation), Iceland's level of "misery" has been steadily declining, and this year went below Ireland's, which is on its way up.

"Evidence of economic recovery in Iceland means the Irish can no longer persuade themselves that things are worse elsewhere," the article says in part. "Figures released on December 7th showed that Iceland’s GDP rose by 1.2% in the third quarter (Ireland’s third-quarter GDP rose by 0.5%, according to figures published on December 16th). The Icelandic central bank’s benchmark interest rate has fallen to 4.5%, from a peak of 18%. The halving of the dollar value of the Icelandic krona at the height of the crisis pushed inflation as high as 18.6%. It has since fallen close to the central bank’s 2.5% target. The 'misery index', a crude grading that sums unemployment and inflation rates, suggests Iceland is now doing better than Ireland (see chart)."

The reason for this, the Economist argues: letting the banks fail, and not being a part of a larger currency.

On the first point, the article says that by not pouring public money into trying to rescue its banks, Iceland saved itself revenue that would have been tied up in them. Ireland has attempted to save its banks, but has yet to see any benefit from doing so.

At the same time, the euro is no longer seen as the magic solution to economic troubles, the articles states. "When panicky investors were rushing out of small currencies in the autumn of 2008, the euro seemed a haven. There was much talk in Iceland of fast-tracked membership of the European Union and, ultimately, the euro. Two years on, the euro looks more like a trap for countries struggling to regain export competitiveness. Greece and Ireland have lost the confidence of markets, even though both issue bonds in euros. Iceland’s voters are cooler about joining the EU and the euro."

Not that either strategy is without its faults, of course. Iceland did not attempt to save its banks because it could not: the banks were several times greater than the GDP at the time of the crash. Furthermore, the article speculates that Icelanders might be more open to the euro if the economy of the EU were in better shape.

"Even so, that Iceland’s economy has done little worse than Ireland’s is still a triumph," the article concludes. "It has been tough with its creditors and disregarded some international norms—and recovered. Ireland has stood by its banks to the benefit of the wider European banking system. Its reward has been 'rescue' loans at an interest rate that makes it hard to fix its finances. The next Irish government may look at Iceland and decide to play hardball with Europe."

Real Democracy NOW! Greek: Declaration of Support from ICELAND Civic Movement

Iceland People Revolution: Country That Wants to Punish Bankers and Politicians Responsible for Economic Crisis Bailout's

From The Reykjavik Grapvine

Icelanders Thirst For Vengeance, Says Former Tycoon

Björgólfur Thór Björgólfsson told a Norwegian business newspaper that Icelanders in the wake of the area of "outvasion vikings" have sought vengeance against the rich. He also expressed regrets about buying Landsbanki.

In a nine-page interview in Dagens Næringsliv, RÚV reports, Björgólfur discussed his career and Iceland in general. When the subject of the crash was brought up, he had some strong words to share.

Björgólfur contends that shortly after the financial collapse, the general public wanted to strip the wealthy of all their assets. Rather than creating a "truth commission" modelled after the post-apartheid South Africa model, he says, parliament chose to be controlled by anger and take the matter to court, referring to the trial of former prime minister Geir H. Haarde.

He also said that the Special Investigative Commission report was flawed, contending that he was called a liar in the report but was never interviewed by anyone on the commission over his business practices.

He said that his reputation in the business world has been actively tarnished by the media, comparing his situation to the notorious Hafskip Case from the mid-80s - where a shipping company (owned by his father) on already shaky ground financially was supposedly put out of its misery by negative press coverage.

Björgólfur now sees himself in the same position, and claims that his damaged reputation means that he now owes some 1 trillion ISK.

When asked about some of the biggest regrets in his life, Björgólfur named purchasing Landsbanki. This, he said, he has often regretted, both before and after the financial collapse.
check also

Sunday 25 September 2011

OWS Occupy Canada Revolution Rally for Respect: Demand a Toronto for Everyone

Rally for Respect: Demand a Toronto for Everyone
Real Democracy7 Now, Occupy Canada, Uncut, DRY, Global Revolution, World Revolution,m Save Toronto City Services
Monday 26 de September · 17:30 - 20:30
Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen St. West, Toronto, ON
On Monday, September 26th at 5:30 pm, we'll be rallying outside the City Council Meeting that will decide the fate of Toronto's Public Services.

Join us and thousands of others in saying no to Rob Ford's agenda of service cuts.

Occupy Canada

Real Democracy Now Occupy Canada Uncut Global World Revolution Save Toronto City Services

Show your support for Occupy Wall Street. We will be updating #OccupyWallStreet News Daily, Subscribe and show support for our brothers and sisters across the border. Please feel free to share any ideas you have here, this entire thing is a work in progress and we need help to spread the word! This was put together rather quickly. Thank you for all the support! Remember, this is to be non-violent at all costs. Subversive elements would like us to get violent so that they could end the movement, we won't let them. There is safety in numbers. Tell everyone you know. This isn't your movement or my movement, this is OUR movement. This is "We the People."

Facebook Event: Rally for Respect: Demand a Toronto for Everyone

See Also: Occupy Canada Facebook page

OWS, Revolution, DRY, UK Uncut: United Kingdom Health Care Block Westminster Bridge

Save United Kingdom Health Care, Block the Bridge, Block the Bill
The government is just weeks away from destroying the NHS forever. This is an emergency. On Sunday October 9th, join UK Uncut on Westminster Bridge and help block the bill.
Save United Kingdom Health Care, Block the Bridge, Block the Bill The government is just weeks away from destroying the NHS forever. This is an emergency, join UK Uncut on Westminster Bridge and help block the bill, Anti Banks protest

The government is just weeks away from destroying the NHS forever. This is an emergency. On Sunday October 9th, join UK Uncut on Westminster Bridge and help block the bill.
Save United Kingdom Health Care, Block the Bridge, Block the Bill The government is just weeks away from destroying the NHS forever, emergency, Revolution, UK Uncut, Westminster Bridge, help, block the bill

Free coaches available!
Call a Lib Dem/Crossbench Lord and explain how you're willing to Block the Bridge to save the NHS!

On one side of Westminster Bridge is Parliament. On 7th September, MPs in the Commons voted for the end of the NHS as we know it. Yet the coalition’s Health and Social Care bill was not in the Lib Dem manifesto. It was not in the Tory manifesto. None of us voted for this.

On the opposite side of the bridge is St Thomas’ Hospital, one of Britain’s oldest medical institutions.
If the bill passes, hospitals like St Thomas’ will be sold to private corporations, the staff put on private payrolls and beds given over to private patients. Despite the government’s lies, this bill represents the wholesale privatization of the NHS and, with it, the destruction of the dream of comprehensive healthcare provided equally to all.

On October 12th, the Lords have a chance to vote down the bill, and a huge Liberal Democrat rebellion is brewing. We have one last chance to save our NHS.

On Sunday 9th October, just three days before the Lords vote, join UK Uncut in a spectacular act of mass civil disobedience to block the bill. By blocking Westminster Bridge we symbolically block the bill from getting from Parliament to our hospitals. Yes, it will be disruptive. Yes, it will stop the traffic. But this is an emergency and we have to shout as loud as we can.

Get to the middle of Westminster Bridge shortly before 1pm. When Big Ben strikes one, pick one of the tactics below and help block the bridge:

■ Bring some fake blood and play dead
■ Bring hospital radio to the bridge with some music and comedy
■ Bring a nurse for a resuscitation skill-share
■ Dress up in scrubs and perform an operation
■ Enjoy a picnic overlooking Parliament
■ Share stories about the the NHS
■ Invite a friend from across the pond to describe the reality of a privatised healthcare system
■ Invite older generations to describe a time before universal healthcare
■ (if you’ve got other good ideas, email them to
Invite everyone you know to the Facebook event, and make sure you click ‘attending’ – the action will only go ahead if 1000 or more people plan to attend. We'll be in close contact with St. Thomas’ before and during the protest to ensure access for emergency vehicles.

We will not let a coalition of millionaire politicians and private health lobbyists destroy our NHS. Be on Westminster Bridge for 1pm on October 9th and together let’s block this bill from getting to our hospitals.
Health, UK, Save United Kingdom, Health Care, Block the Bridge, Block the Bill The government is just weeks away from destroying the NHS forever, This is an emergency, join UK Uncut, Westminster Bridge, help, block, the bill

Free coaches available! See here for more information Posters/flyers available here

See you on the bridge. UK Uncut

Equador Wikileaks Leakead Cables Exposes Chevron Lobbying Efforts

Equador Wikileaks Leakead Cables Exposes Chevron Lobbying Efforts
Leaked Cables Reveal Chevron Lobbying Efforts in Equador

(CN) - Chevron tried to shake off multibillion-dollar environmental claims in Ecuador by lobbying government officials, even as it blasted opponents for allegedly playing to the courts' corrupt and political side, according to diplomatic cables released by Wikileaks.

A provincial court in Lago Agrio, Ecuador, slapped Chevron with an $18.2 billion penalty in February to remediate decades of damage to the Amazon caused by oil drilling. Chevron's predecessor, Texaco, had drilled there from 1964 to 1992, and the court found it had decimated the rainforest and groundwater by dumping billions of gallons of oil in a region home to 30,000 people.

Chevron was pulled into a decade-old lawsuit over the spill when it acquired Texaco in 2001.
About seven years later, in a cable to the U.S. secretary of state, former U.S. Ambassador Linda Jewell wrote that Chevron had begun to "quietly explore" a deal with the government of Ecuador (GOE) to make the case disappear.

"Chevron had begun to quietly explore with senior GOE officials whether it could implement a series of social projects in the concession area in exchange for GOE support for ending the case, but now that the expert has released a huge estimate for alleged damage, it might be hard for the GOE to go that route, even if it has the ability to bring the case to a close," Jewell wrote on April 7, 2008.

Karen Hinton, a spokeswoman for the Ecuadoreans suing Chevron, said the oil giant has "consistently tried to end run" the court case through government negotiations, in defiance of the official separation of powers in Ecuador.

Though Chevron has previously decried a lack of separation in Ecuador's "politicized" courts, it defended past political maneuvers.
Chevron spokesman Justin Higgs confirmed that the oil giant spoke to Ecuador but did not address whether the oil giant asked the government to pressure its judiciary to dismiss the case.
Higgs focused on Chevron's domestic ties, which he said the company needs to contest the verdict.

"Chevron has indeed had discussions with U.S. Embassy officials and the USG [U.S. government] more broadly to secure its support in ensuring that Chevron's contractual and treaty-based rights in Ecuador are protected," Higgs said in an email to Courthouse News.

The Wikileaks cables also show that Chevron did not always have misgivings about the Ecuadorean courts. One rallying cry Chevron has used to undermine the Lago Agrio trial is a video that allegedly implicates the presiding judge, Juan Nuñez, in $3 million bribery scheme. Chevron has claimed it received videos unsolicited and published them over the Internet on Aug. 31, 2008.

But two years earlier, Chevron had nothing to report about the Ecuadorean judiciary when speaking to Charge d'Affaires Jefferson Brown. "Chevron had not had any real complaints about the judge in the Lago Agrio case," Brown said in a March 21, 2006, cable to the State Department.

Two days after Chevron published the Nuñez footage, then-U.S. Ambassador Heather Hodges sent a cable to the secretary reporting that Chevron lawyers phoned the Embassy to give diplomats a "heads up" about the disclosure. Ecuador ultimately expelled Hodges this past April for disclosures she made in unrelated cables obtained by Wikileaks.

While denying wrongdoing, Nuñez stepped down from the case to avoid the appearance of impropriety. But cracks quickly surfaced in Chevron's allegations.
Summarizing hours of footage, The New York Times later reported, "No bribes were shown on the tapes."

Hodges explained in the cable that the "tapes were recorded clandestinely by Diego Borja, an Ecuadorian who had performed work for Chevron as a logistics contractor, and Wayne Hansen, a U.S. citizen with no ties to Chevron."

Although Chevron has distanced itself from the cameramen, Courthouse News discovered emails currently under a court seal that show Hansen contacted the company's investigator months before the release of the videos.

Hansen claimed in the email that Chevron duped him, and he threatened to ask Judge Nuñez for forgiveness if the company did not contact him.

More than a year later, he sent another email to Borja's investigative firm. Hansen claimed that he was in Peru, to which he had apparently fled in defiance of a subpoena that would compel an explanation of the videos.

Hodges, the ambassador, told Washington that Ecuadorean government officials were immediately skeptical and indignant about the recordings.

President Rafael Correa's Legal Secretary General Alexis Mera "pointed out that Chevron's disclosure was based on illicitly obtained recordings and called it a disgraceful attempt to influence the outcome of the judicial proceeding," Hodges wrote.

In a follow-up cable sent about a week later, Hodges said that Ecuador's prosecutor general called on the attorney general to "initiate proceedings against Chevron in the United States, presumably for violations under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act."

The Ecuadorean government has not backed off from allegations that Chevron orchestrated a "judicial entrapment" scheme, and it continues to ask a U.S. federal judge to unseal the Borja and Hansen communications.

Meanwhile, the Ecuadoreans' spokeswoman hopes that the cables will turn the tables on which party allegedly committed misconduct in Ecuador.
"These diplomatic cables reveal a shocking level of misconduct on the part of Chevron's lawyers to undermine the rule of law in Ecuador," Hinton said. "They also demonstrate the company's extremely close ties to U.S. embassy officials in Ecuador who seemed open to helping Chevron shut down the legal case."

In one of the first discovery proceedings Chevron initiated last year in New York, U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan interrupted counsel for the Ecuadoreans as the lawyer assailed Chevron's litigation strategy.
"I am not naïve," Kaplan said. "I don't assume that anyone's hands in this are clean."


OWS American Revolution: Police Brutality Brutality, Activists Arrested Like Cows and Maced in New York OCCUPYWALLSTREET Protests

 Peaceful Protest Penned Like Animals and maced with pepper gas at OCCUPY WALL STREET
Woman and Child Maced By New York Police, NYPD used Pepper Spray at Occupy Wall Street
Mother and Child Maced By New York Police. NYPD used Pepper Spray at Occupy Wall Street

Big demontration protest rally arround Wall Street New York
Big demontration protest rally arround Wall Street New York

Broadway People Pushed to Sidewalk
Protests Around Wall Street, finance, money, wall street
Protests Around Wall Street
Protests Around Wall Street, protests, line, rally, brutality, America, NWO, Fascism
Police blocking street with a line

Police making arrests, police, arrests, rally, America, US, USA, EE UU, New York Police making arrests at occupy Wall Street Protests
New York Police making arrests at occupy Wall Street Protests

Cops forming line some with clubs out, New York Police making arrests at occupy Wall Street Protests
Cops forming line some with clubs out

Army police with nets at Union Square
Army police with nets at Union Square

Activist Arrested at Union Square, Army police with nets at Union Square
Arrest at Union Square

Mass arrest at 13th near 5th Avenue New York
Mass arrest at 13th near 5th Avenue New York

Peaceful protestors are penned in like animals then arrested for not dispersing on Wall Street in New York City. They are using excessive force as well as chemical agents to illegally suppress people's right to protest peacefully. The night before a undercover provocateur was sent in and was trying to start fights with protestors. After he was called out he left and went right to the police line.