Saturday 24 September 2011

Indignati Italy OWS YesWeCamp Anon Guarding Italian Parliament World Wide Revolution

World Revolution Occupy Wall Street,  Arab Spring, Tahrir Square, Spanish Revoution, Portuguese Revolution Iceland Revolution style becomes World Occupation. #OccupyWorld
Misure che spremono economicamente gli italiani, che li privano di diritti, come quello di un lavoro affidabil, guadagnati con gli anni e col sangue, misure che privano noi giovani di una pensione, di una sicurezza lavorativa, di un futuro. Misure che frenano lo sviluppo e l'economia, Italia, Italy, Italian Revolution

Indignati Italia Tutti al Italian parliament

The Iceland Revolution, the people that punish polititians and Bankers Banksters Gang Máfia (ignored by corporate media) that starts in 2008 cause criminal actions of corrupt polititions and bankers that generate Iceland bankrupcy and people reaction against politians and bankers, becomes #OccupyWorld for Real Democracy.

The time has come to exit out of the networks, talk and engage all people.

Walk On. Rise Up! Get Up! Take The Streets and Squares!

Get Up from the chairs and demonstrate outside in the streets and Squares, our desire for change.

These guys have slept on the floor tonight, because they want to send the signal that there is a desire to change how actually politic works.

In times of economic crisis the government (of both parties) is imposing always increasing taxes on people while keeping their full privileges.

Our politicians are the most expensive of whole Europe, each of them earn each month 30 to 60 times what an average italian do and they work only a couple of days a week. They only have to work for 3 years. If they succeed they get paid for their whole life (they draw their pension) while a normal italian has to work for (at least) 40 years before retiring from work. Moreover they have free cars, museums, cinemas, stadiums, food, flights and so on while they hold office.

You can't even imagine how many privileges they have.

We (italians) pay for everything they ( and their family ) do.

This has to come to an end. They are italians like us and they have to pay the economic crisis too. They must pay their restaurants, their private travels and amusements like everyone of us do.

For this reasons we are protesting.

The people in the picture is not homeless. They are people like me and you, like your sister, like your father. They all have a home but they are there!

They are guarding the Italian parliament (Montecitorio, behind the picture) , to the bitter end.

Politicians are trying to hinder them in order to make them stop (the police did not allow them to mount the tents hoping to make them go home)...Police didn't succeed. People slept on bricks because we all strongly believe we have to do something to change this.

There are people among them who have been on hunger strike for more than 3 months..

Politicians are trying to ignore them (forcing the media to ignore them too)....

But they do not succeed...people is still there..and their activity spreads on the Internet...

..and you? what do you do to change things?

You do not need to go there to sleep on the floor, just click on "Share", please. Even if you don't live here in Italy we need all the Italians to know what's going on. They will surely join us.

If italian press ignores us we need someway to force them to talk about us. Maybe some international press will give us the visibility we deserve.

On my public timeline you will find some other pictures of what happened yesterday (so you can have an idea of what's going on)


In tempo di crisi economica il governo (senza distinzione fra maggioranza e opposizione) vara misure assurde per risanare il debito pubblico.

Misure che spremono economicamente gli italiani, che li privano di diritti (come quello di un lavoro affidabile) guadagnati con gli anni e col sangue, misure che privano noi giovani di una pensione, di una sicurezza lavorativa, di un futuro. Misure che frenano lo sviluppo e l'economia.

Il debito pubblico va risanato. Gli italiani devono fare sacrifici. Punto.

Tutto corretto. Sacrosanto direi. Vogliamo il bene della nostra patria e un futuro per noi e i nostri figli. Se c'è da soffrire, soffriremo, tutti.

TUTTI? No, non proprio tutti. La classe politica non paga la crisi. Avevano detto che avrebbero tagliato il numero dei parlamentari, non l'hanno fatto. Avevano detto che avrebbero tagliato il loro stipendio, non l'hanno fatto. Avevano promesso che si sarebbero ridotti i costi della politica tagliando le province, le hanno eliminate e le hanno ricreate con un altro nome.

Ci prendono in giro, su tutto, destra e sinistra. E la crisi la stiamo pagando solo noi poveri lavoratori, professionisti, precari, disoccupati.

Questo non va bene Non è giusto che chi legifera sia un cittadino di serie A mentre tutti gli altri sono di serie B. I cittadini SONO e DEVONO essere tutti uguali. Loro lavorano 3 anni, noi 40, prima di vedere (forse) la pensione...Perché?

Questi ragazzi hanno dormito per terra stanotte pur di mandare il segnale che c'è voglia di cambiare le cose.
Non sono barboni. Sono persone come me e te, come tua sorella, come tuo padre. Hanno tutti una casa ma sono li!
Loro stanno presidiando Montecitorio, a oltranza.

Gli altri stanno provando a ostacolarli pur di farli desistere (la polizia non gli ha fatto montare le tende sperando che andassero via) ...

C'è chi, fra loro, fa lo sciopero della fame da più di 3 mesi..
I politici stanno provando a ignorarli (e a farli ignorare dai mass media)....
Ma non ci riescono...Loro stanno ancora li..e il passa-parola si diffonde su internet...

..e tu per cambiare le cose che fai?
Non è necessario che tu vada li a dormire per terra, basta molto meno: clicca su "Condividi". Ogni condivisione, ogni persona che viene a sapere quello che sta succedendo, è una persona in più.

Non appoggiamo una parte politica specifica. Non vogliamo fare cadere l'attuale governo per mandare al posto loro quelli che attualmente stanno all'opposizione.
Con le parole sono tutti bravi, coi fatti fanno tutti schifo.

Non vedrete fra noi bandiere di questo o quel partito.

Ciè che vedrete è solo il tricolore, l'unica bandiera che ci interessa, che ci rappresenta, che ci unisce e ci da la forza di andare avanti.


Power to people.
Thank you for all the help you could give us.
International, Rally Everybody to Rome Big Demonstration Flashmob, Protests, Real Democracy Now, Freedom, AcampadaItalia, Yes we camp, Italy Tent camp, Indignati


Friday 23 September 2011

USDOR America Revolution OCCUPYWALLSTREET Topless Protest: Why we Occupy Wall Street

#USWDOR Unite States Day of Rage #OccupyWallStreet #OccupyAmerica #OccupyUSA World Revolution

Why we Occupy Wall Street? protesters speak.
Wall Street Topless Protest Video
New York Occupy Wall Street HIGHLIGHTS of FULL DAY Video
march around Wall Street

The anti-capitalist protesters #OccupyWallStreet #AntiBanks movement who have set up tent camp in lower Manhattan are becoming a reference of the area, and a reference for America and for the World.

organizing demonstrations in Dallas, TX and in Austin, TX simultaneously, it's so amazing to be a part of something so big

Casey O'Neill had no regrets. He had travelled thousands of miles across the country – and gave up a well-paying job as a data manager in California – to sleep rough in a downtown Manhattan public square, enduring rain and increasingly chilly nights. Police keep a close eye on him every day.

But O'Neill was happy to be part of the "Occupy Wall Street" that have transformed New York's Zuccotti Park from a spot where Wall Streeters grab a lunchtime sandwich into an informal camp of revolutionaries, socialists, anarchists and quite a lot of the just-plain-annoyed.

"Regrets? No. God, no," said O'Neill, 34. "It is a little scary for sure. Somebody had to make a stand to do this. It is kind of amazing right now." O'Neill is even happy to sleep on the park's concrete benches. "It's OK, actually," he said.

O'Neill is part of an encampment in the square that looks ramshackle but in fact is highly organised, and looks rapidly on the way to becoming a fixture of downtown Manhattan life – if the police let the protesters stay there.

That looked unlikely on Tuesday when several protesters were forcibly arrested and taken away, including one woman who ended up in hospital. But for now the protest continues after beginning last weekend with a march on Wall Street.

The protest has morphed into a wide-ranging anti-capitalist demonstration that has attracted attention – and support – from around the world. Bemused bankers, construction workers and other downtown workers pass by every day, stopping to gawp and take pictures. Sometimes there is a lot to look at. Today, for example, Zuni Tikka, 37, was engaged in a topless protest along with several friends.

Wall Street protesters go topless

The protesters' camp in Zucoti Park Lower Manhattan

Standing bare-breasted behind a poster that proclaimed "Capitalism Isn't Working", she happily posed for interested bystanders. The lack of clothing, she explained, was a metaphor. "I can't afford a shirt. Wall Street has stolen the shirts from our backs," she said.

That carnival atmosphere is typical of the protest. Anyone hoping (or fearing) for a violent assault on the bastions of American capitalism will be sorely disappointed. Instead, several hundred protesters each morning and evening set off to march by the New York stock exchange.

They blow trumpets, bang drums and chant slogans while holding placards that read "Free Market My Ass" and "Too Big Has Failed". They go back and forth down Wall Street, behind barricades lined with police, and then return to the camp in Zuccotti Park.

New York Occupy Wall Street HIGHLIGHTS of FULL DAY - YouTube

The daily march around Wall Street

End MEDIA BLACKOUT Occupy Wallstreet

They then spend the day holding workshops, informal concerts and various protest stunts (such as the nude demonstration). They welcome visitors and tourists and try to obey the demands made by the police.

Each day a "general assembly" is held where topics and events are discussed in a free-for-all of debate and discussion. "It is a leaderless situation," said Thorin Caristo, 37, who nonetheless is part of a small core group of people who try to keep things organised.

Occupy Wall Street - Jam Protest Drum Circle with Freestyle Rapping

Why OCCUPY Wall Street activist protesetr Thorin Caristo Explains

One of the protesters, Thorin Caristo, explains why he is there

The protest has attracted wide support and has a sophisticated social media operation. There is a live steaming video TV feed onto the internet and a huge presence on Twitter. Supporters around the world have even been sending in orders to a local pizza shop to keep the protesters fed. So much so, in fact, that some organisers have asked them to stop ordering pizza as they had more than they could eat. Now most help comes in the form of money or – most importantly – more people coming.

"People are donating from all over the world. There are car pools of people arriving from Wisconsin, California and Florida. They told us: 'Hang on, we're coming!' One woman who has travelled a long way is Becky Wartell, 24, a massage therapist from Maine. "I am a small business owner!" she laughed. She had just returned from the latest march down Wall Street.

Wall Street activist protester Becky Wartell point of view

Anti-capitalist protester Becky Wartell explains why she has joined the protests at Wall Street

"What everybody's here protesting is that fact that 1% of the population controls so much wealth. We are the rest of society. We are the 99%," she said.

There is a broad range of opinion on display. Some are travellers who have made protesting into a lifestyle. Some are students. Others are working people, like O'Neill and Wartell, who have taken time off to join in. No one knows how long they are going to be in Zuccotti Park.

As with much of the protest, things appear likely to just evolve as they go along. The same goes for the protesters' aims too. "We don't have a precise goal. We want to stay a month. That's a loose goal. Or maybe longer. We want to be here until we have entered a worldwide dialogue about transparency and accountability in the financial system," said Caristo.

One thing many of the protesters do know is their facts and figures. For every hippy talking about world peace or traveller wanting to heal the world, another will mention the exact tax rates that rich Americans pay, or that 20% of the US population now control 84% of the wealth. Or that the richest 400 families have the same net worth as the bottom 50% of the entire nation.

Even Tikka, as she posed topless before a gaggle of fascinated construction workers, was protesting deliberately next to a sign that read: "I didn't say look, I said listen."

OCCUPYWALLSTREET Seattle Revolution Activists Arrested at Pay US Back Big Bank Chase JPMorgan

#USDOR #OccupyAmerica American Revolution Global #AntiBanks Resistance Movement  #OccupyWallStreet Solidarity Action:  Seattle Activists in Front of Chase Bank; 11 Arrested
USDOR OccupyAmerica American Revolution Global AntiBanks Resistance Movement  Occupy Wall Street Solidarity Action:  Seattle Activists Shut Down Intersection in Front of Chase Bank 11 Arrested

Activists World Revolution USDOR Occupy America American Revolution Global Anti Banks Resistance Movement  Occupy Wall Street Solidarity Action:  Seattle Activists Shut Down Intersection in Front of Chase Bank JP Morgan Bank PAY US BACK 11 Arrested

In solidarity with #OccupyWallStreet, Pay US Back big bank fall actions launch in Seattle as activists shut down the corner of 3rd and University Avenues in front of JP Morgan Chase Headquarters for 45 minutes. 11 people were arrested.

Police and protesters, Seatle United States Day of Rage USDOR Occupy America American Revolution Global Anti Banks Resistance Movement  Occupy Wall Street Solidarity Action:  Seattle Activists Shut Down Intersection in Front of Chase Bank JPMorgan Bank PAY US BACK 11 Arrested

Pay US Bank: Big Bank Fall Actions Launch This Week. Join the Fight!
The New Bottom Line

So let OUR roar begin. September 20 in Seattle, and rolling for weeks thereafter, that anger will reverberate in cities across the country, where everyday people confront the big banks directly.

We know where the money is to keep our communities strong and healthy. It’s not in Grandma’s pension. It’s not in the homes of families fighting foreclosure. And it’s not in the pockets of American schoolchildren or schoolteachers. It’s not in cuts to what we care about most. The money is on Wall Street.

Everyday people from all walks of life will come together throughout the next few weeks to demand that the big banks “Pay US Back.” They’ll organize and participate in innovative protests, shut down buildings, hold prayer vigils and more.

They’ll go to J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and demand the big banks “Pay US Back.”
More Photos at: New Bottm Line

Te Ction was taken by Activists from Working Washington and Washington CAN

Check also

OWSLosAngeles American Revolution Occupy Los Angeles OCCUPYWALLSTREET GlobalRevolution Call To Action

Welcome to the Los Angeles Solidarity with Occupy Wall Street chat
Friday, 9/23 5P.M. @ Pershing Square
American Revolution Los Angeles Dmocracy Now Arab Revolutio, Spanish Revolution with Occupy Wall Street, Location Pershing Square, Los Angeles. Calling all concerned citizens of Los Angeles  and surrounding areas to Los Angeles to Occupy L.A. OWSLosAngeles! Our country has a massive income gap. USA is classist, sexist, racist, ruled by corporation and criminal Banker and we're sick of it. We're currently in the process of GROWING NUMBERS and organizing around an already-existing event this weekend at Hollywood Vine Los Angeles, Los AngeleS, L.A. Chat, Anonymous, Anon, _opla, OpLA, OpLosANGELS, california, USAOperatiuon: The Stand, Los Angeles

Los Angeles. Calling all concerned citizens of Los Angeles and surrounding areas to Los Angeles to Occupy L.A. OWSLosAngeles! Our country has a massive income gap. USA is classist, sexist, racist, ruled by corporation and criminal Banker and we're sick of it. We're currently in the process of GROWING NUMBERS and organizing around an already-existing event this weekend at Hollywood Vine Los Angeles

Faceebook Operatiuon: The Stand, Los Angeles

On the weekend of September 23, 24 & 25 ANONYMOUS will be sponsoring a peaceful world-wide protest to express the frustration and disappointment of it's citizens. We encourage all people in the Los Angeles area to come to the corner of Hollywood Blvd & N Highland Ave with fliers, signs and any other forms of educational expression, for the public, of current world events. This will be the 2nd phase in "The Plan" and it is intended to flex the muscle of the American people, by showing the government how so many of us are unhappy with current events. With this we try to prevent a revolution and instead achieve the peaceful and forward thinking change we the people so desperately need .

Please put your information and answers to the 4 questions in the document at the right top corner of the Tinychat Window

Our hash tag is #OWSLosAngeles

Occupychi OCCUPYWALLSTREET Anonymous Chicago GlobalRevolution Take The Square USA For RealDemocracyNOW


alt="Twitter Operatiuon The Stand, Los Angeles, ano, anonymous, anonop, anonymos operations, anonymousw operation Los Angeles, Anon, LA, American Revolution, American Revolution Los Angeles, Revolution Los Angeles, Spanish American Revolution, Tahrir Square Los Angeles" title="OWSLosAngeles"

Thursday 22 September 2011

Occupychi OCCUPYWALLSTREET Anonymous Chicago GlobalRevolution Take The Square USA For RealDemocracyNOW

Calling all concerned citizens of Illinois and surrounding areas to Chicago!
Our country has a massive income gap. USA is classist, sexist, and racist, and we're sick of it.

Occupy Chicago Facebook, Take the Square Chicago Illionoi, Take the Square, Take the Square Chicago, Occupy Chicago, Occupychicago, Chicago, Chicago Revoluion, Take The Square Chicago, Tahrir, Spanish Revolution, American Revolution, US Revolution, Occupy Chicago Tahrir Style

use tags on here and twitter:

These are the CURRENT route plans

Please give me tips, watch for changes:

THIS FRIDAY, the 23rd, Rally - 9am Sears Tower (Willis Tower)
March 12pm - West Adams to Michigan, Michigan to Monroe, south on LaSalle
Rally - outside of Federal Reserve Bank on Jackson/Lasalle
General Assembly 3pm
- the purpose of the General Assembly to the OccupyWallStreet movement is one of discussion. Assemblies are held to learn about each other’s views and talk about what our demands should be for our country.
March ? LaSalle to Monroe to Michigan
Rally and overnight - Michigan/Millenium Park

Occupy Chicago Facebook
Occupy Chicago Twitter

Occupy Chicago Facebook

Occupy Chicago Twitter

For more information:
Occupy Chicago Website

Occupy Wall Street (National)

Take the Square (International)

If you think you can help in anyway PLEASE send me a message, or email me at

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Anonymous WorldRevolution OCCUPYWALLSTREET Antibanks Protests Statement

Anonymous America World Revolution OCCUPY WALL STREET Antibanks Protests Statement, Manahatan protest march
Statement from the Occupiers of Wall Street
Occupy Wall Street: Talking with an #OccupyWallStreet Organizer
Anonymous Occupy Wall Street Sep19 Review Day #3 (incl. arrestings)

Statement from the Occupiers of Wall Street
Third Communiqué: A Message From Occupied Wall Street
Published 2011-09-20 12:50:30 UTC by OccupyWallSt

We're still here. We intend to stay until we see movements toward real change in our country and the world. This is the third communiqué from the 99 percent.

Today, we occupied Wall Street from the heart of the Financial District. Starting at 8:00 AM, we began a march through the Wall Street area, rolling through the blocks around the New York Stock Exchange. At 9:30 AM, we rang our own "morning bell" to start a "people's exchange," which we brought back to Liberty Plaza. Two more marches occurred during the day around the Wall Street district, each drawing more supporters to us.

Hundreds of us have been occupying One Liberty Plaza, a park in the heart of the Wall Street district, since Saturday afternoon. We have marched on the Financial District, held a candlelight vigil to honor the fallen victims of Wall Street, and filled the plaza with song, dance, and spontaneous acts of liberation.

Food has been donated to the plaza from supporters all over the world. Online donations for pizza, falafels, and other food are coming in from supporters in Omaha, Madrid, Montreal, and other cities, and have exceeded $8,660. (Link to donate:

On Saturday we held a general assembly, two thousand strong, based on a consensus-driven decision-making process. Decisions were made for the group to occupy Liberty Plaza in the Wall Street corridor, bedding down in sleeping bags and donated blankets. By 8:00 PM on Monday we still held the plaza, despite constant police presence.

We speak as one. All of our decisions, from our choices to march on Wall Street to our decision to camp at Liberty Plaza were decided through a consensus process by the group, for the group. We are building the world that we want to see, based on human need and sustainability, not corporate greed.

Planned and spontaneous actions will continue throughout the coming days. Expect us.

Occupy Wall Street: Talking with an #OccupyWallStreet Organizer

Talk with Justin Wedes (@OccupyWallStNYC on Twitter) of the NYC General Assembly LIVE from Occupy Wall Street. #OccupyWallStreet

Day no. 3: To compress the filesize, the video has only 360p but it's still nicely to watch, enjoy.
Anonymous Occupy Wall Street Sep19 Review Day #3 (incl. arrestings)

'A big THANK you' to all live protesters and twitter supporter who are joining/joined the revolution.

Keep protesting peacefully and keep suppporting hard on twitter the revolution #occupywallstreet #takewallstreet #sep17 #ows #ourwallstreet

Thanks for Video-Sourcing:

@AnonNewsINT (international) @AnonNewsDE (german) on Twitter

Twitter -

Rage Against The Machine: Wall-Street Markets Matrix Secret Exposed

The Matrix, played with money. Computers ruling the stock markets, the world of high-speed trading, Wall Street's secret and financial markets advantage Exposed:

High-speed trading

They're unknown and invisible to most of us, but electronic trading programs now rule the stock markets.

"Anyone who is doing anything sensible right now is either losing money or is out of the market entirely." These are the words of a quant trader, who is seeing something scary in the capital markets. Scary enough to merit a warning that we could be on the verge of another October 87, August 2007, or January 2008.

There is not much publicly available data to follow what goes on in the mystery shrouded quant world and High frequency trading. However, one of the charts that tracks the market neutral performance is the HSKAX, or the Highbridge Statistical Market Neutral Fund, presented below. As one can see we have crossed into major statistically deviant territory, likely approaching a level that is 6 standard deviations away from the recent norms.

High-frequency trading acording to wikipedia

High frequency trading (HFT) is the use of sophisticated technological tools to trade securities like stocks or options, and is typically characterized by several distinguishing features[1]:
HFT is highly quantitative, employing computerized algorithms to analyze incoming market data and implement proprietary trading strategies;
HFT usually implies a firm holds an investment position only for very brief periods of time - even just seconds - and rapidly trades into and out of those positions, sometimes thousands or tens of thousands of times a day;
HFT firms typically end a trading day with no net investment position in the securities they trade;
HFT operations are usually found in proprietary firms or on proprietary trading desks in larger, diversified firms;
HFT strategies are usually very sensitive to the processing speed of markets and of their own access to the market.
In high-frequency trading, programs analyze market data to capture trading opportunities that may open up for only a fraction of a second to several hours.[2] High-frequency trading, (HFT), uses computer programs and sometimes specialised hardware [3] to hold short-term positions in equities, options, futures, ETFs, currencies, and other financial instruments that possess electronic trading capability.[4] High-frequency traders compete on a basis of speed with other high frequency traders, not long-term investors (who typically look for opportunities over a period of weeks, months, or years), and compete with each other for very small, consistent profits.[5][6] As a result, high-frequency trading has been shown to have a potential Sharpe ratio (measure of reward per unit of risk) thousands of times higher than the traditional buy-and-hold strategies. By 2010 High Frequency Trading accounted for over 70% of equity trades taking place in the US and was rapidly growing in popularity in Europe and Asia. Aiming to capture just a fraction of a penny per share or currency unit on every trade, high-frequency traders move in and out of such short-term positions several times each day. Fractions of a penny accumulate fast to produce significantly positive results at the end of every day.[5] High frequency trading firms do not employ significant leverage, do not accumulate positions, and typically liquidate their entire portfolios on a daily basis.[6]

One financial industry source claims algorithmic trading, including high-frequency trading, substantially improves market liquidity.[6] An academic study shows [7] additional benefits, including lowering the costs of trading,[7] increasing the informativeness of quotes,[7] improved linkage between markets,[7] and other positive spillover effects, at least in quiescent or stable markets; the authors of this study also note that "it remains an open question whether algorithmic trading and algorithmic liquidity supply are equally beneficial in more turbulent or declining markets...algorithmic liquidity suppliers may simply turn off their machines when markets spike downward."[7]

Algorithmic and high frequency trading were both implicated in the May 6, 2010 Flash Crash, when high frequency liquidity providers were in fact found to have withdrawn from the market.[8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15] A July, 2011 report by the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), an international body of securities regulators, concluded that while "algorithms and HFT technology have been used by market participants to manage their trading and risk, their usage was also clearly a contributing factor in the flash crash event of May 6, 2010.
What is high-speed trading?

It’s Wall Street’s winning edge. By harnessing massive computer power to buy and sell stocks in the blink of an eye, high-speed traders leverage tiny changes in value to make huge profits. The technique was pioneered in the early years of this decade by a hedge fund that hired astrophysicists, mathematicians, and statisticians to devise electronic trading programs. Other firms, including Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse, quickly followed suit. Few outside the securities industry knew much about the practice until computer glitches helped cause the Dow to plummet 600 points in 15 minutes in May. But high-speed trading—also called high-frequency trading—now accounts for up to 70 percent of all trading in shares listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

What advantage does it provide?

Two-tenths of a second, which is enough to make traders rich. Using a high-speed system, traders can buy into a stock rally or sell into a decline slightly ahead of the pack, gaining a more favorable price than ordinary investors making the same trade a fraction of a second later. The advantage rarely amounts to more than a couple of cents, but compounded over the course of millions of daily transactions, it can add up to tens of millions of dollars. High-speed trading “is where all the money is getting made,” says William Donaldson, former head of the NYSE. “If an individual investor doesn’t have the means to keep up, they’re at a huge disadvantage.”

How does it work?

Automatically. High-speed trading firms, from Wall Street powerhouses like Goldman Sachs to little-known shops with a handful of employees, program their computers to scan markets and exploit ephemeral price differences on the same stock trading on different exchanges. Their computer algorithms automatically generate thousands of transactions per second to profit from a price difference. For a fee, many stock exchanges even allow high-speed traders to get a few milliseconds’ preview of orders of 10,000 or more shares, giving them added incentive to handle unwieldy orders. “It is a rigged game,” says Sal Arnuk of Themis Trading, a brokerage firm. Some high-speed traders go one step further, paying a stock exchange for the right to install computer servers right next to the exchange’s own servers, a practice known as “co-location.”

Does co-location increase speed?

Yes. The physical proximity to the exchange server reduces the time from when a firm’s buy or sell order is entered and when it’s executed. “By co-locating,” says Adam Afshar of Hyde Park Global, a high-speed trading firm, “we are able to take 21 milliseconds off our trades. In the past, 21 milliseconds was a trivial matter. Now it’s a pivotal matter.” Several academic studies have found that shaving even one millisecond off every trade can be worth $100 million a year to a large, high-speed trading firm.

Does this trading distort markets?

Its fans claim it makes them more efficient. In this view, high-speed traders actually perform a valuable service by adding liquidity to the market, meaning they generate so much activity that other market participants can quickly find buyers and sellers for their trades. Critics counter that high-speed traders exploit a costly technological advantage—high-speed computer systems can cost $250 million—to suck unearned profit out of the market. “They’re like locusts,” says professional trader Joe Saluzzi. “They come in, swarm the market, squeeze as much as they can, and when they’re done they’ll just move on to the next market.”

Do small investors get hurt?

Yes, but without knowing it. High-speed traders take some of the profits that would have gone to ordinary, slower investors. Institutional investors, such as pension funds and insurance companies, also suffer. Large institutions conduct multimillion-dollar stock trades, which high-speed traders sniff out using pattern-recognition algorithms. The traders then use their speed advantage to jump ahead of the institutions, buying if the institution is buying, which sends the price up, and selling if it’s selling, sending the price down. This “front-running” reduces returns to big funds’ beneficiaries and pensioners.

Did speed traders cause May’s ‘flash crash’?

Probably. Securities regulators suspect the flash crash started when a clerk entered an erroneous price for a stock-options transaction. High-speed trading algorithms spotted the anomaly and reacted with a cascade of orders to sell the stocks related to the options, sending markets plunging before humans could intervene. High-speed trading, say researchers from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, “has the potential to generate errors and losses at a speed and magnitude far greater” than anything we’ve known in the past. That’s why the major stock exchanges recently installed “circuit breakers” to temporarily halt trading in a stock if its price rises or falls more than 10 percent within five minutes. Even if the breakers succeed in reducing risk, however, they can do nothing to level the high-speed playing field. “The dilemma,” says financial consultant Sang Lee, “is, do we slow down the faster guys or require that the rest of the market speed up?”

The servers that run the world

On May 6, stock traders were in full panic mode. “Guys, this is probably the craziest I’ve seen it down here ever!” shouted a trader on the floor of the Chicago Futures Exchange, amid a frenzied sell-off of stocks. Meanwhile, in a quiet, air-conditioned room in Jersey City, the only sound was a monotonous hum emitted by hundreds of Dell and Hewlett-Packard computer servers. The servers were serenely in charge, spitting out sell orders by the hundreds of thousands. Like a science-fiction film in which robots turn on their creators, the May 6 flash crash appears to have been a triumph of machines over humans. “Why do we pretend that people are in control?” asks Wall Street Journal blogger Evan Newmark. Trillions of dollars in wealth is at the mercy, he says, of “a bunch of computers making ugly, messy love with each other.”

A Report from NANEX named:

"Dear HFT, Please Explain This" shows that:

On August 25, 2011 at 15:45:48, in a one second period of time, there were more than 10,000 quotes and exactly zero trades in DELL. Close inspection of these quotes reveals something very disturbing. This cannot be dismissed as a computer problem or glitch. This can't be explained as stupidity or some oversight. It is not pinging for hidden liquidity. And it's certainly not price discovery. As far as we can tell, it's not adding liquidity or narrowing the bid/ask spread.

What caused this blast of 10,000 quotes in DELL appears deliberate. Of the 10,000 quotes, the bid and ask prices remain the same. The bid size also remains constant except for one change after the first 7,000 or so quotes. The only real variation is the ask size. Not a simple 2 step variation, but one that repeats in a mathematical pattern with a long cycle. This makes it difficult to detect, but it also confirms that it must be emanating from a single source.

There are approximately 4,000 stocks that quote during active trading. Which means 40 million quotes/second if just one of the 9 exchanges allow this nonsense to spread to all 4,000 symbols. You would need 40 gigabits per second of bandwidth to receive data at that rate. Unfortunately, we think it's just a matter of time, because events like this one in Dell are no longer isolated or rare. And it doesn't look like there are any grown-ups in charge.

Another article from NANEX where they award the HTF WITH THE PIG AWARD (We hereby award the originator of this mess the HFT Pig Award.), named :

Strange Days Aug 29th, 2011

On August 29, 2011 over a 4 second period beginning at 12:19:48, there were 44,939 quotes from one exchange in one stock: NVIDIA (symbol NVDA). All but 14 of these quotes set the NBBO. There were exactly zero trades. During this period, these NVDA quotes accounted for 81% of all NBBO quotes for all NYSE, AMEX, ARCA, and Nasdaq equities. The algorithm appears to be the same one that caused excessive quotes in Dell on August 25th.

The Chart below shows the percentage of quotes and NBBO quotes in NVDA compared to quotes from all stocks.

HFT Breaks Speed-of-Light Barrier, Sets Trading Speed World Record.
Adds a new unit of time measurement to the lexicon: fantaseconds.
On September 15, 2011, beginning at 12:48:54.600, there was a time warp in the trading of Yahoo! (YHOO) stock. HFT has reached speeds faster than the speed-of-light, allowing time travel into the future. Up to 190 milliseconds into the future, or 0.19 fantaseconds is the record so far. It all happened in just over one second of trading, the evidence buried under an avalanche of about 19,000 quotes and 3,000 individual trade executions. The facts of the matter are indisputable. Based on official UQDF/UTDF exchange timestamps, there is unmistakable proof that YHOO trades were executed on quotes that didn't exist until 190 milliseconds later!

Millions of traders depend on the accuracy of exchange timestamps -- especially after bad timestamps were found to be a key factor in the disastrous market crash known as the flash crash of May 2010. We are confident the exchange timestamp problem has been completely addressed by now: the SEC would have made sure of it. Adding accurate timestamps is not exactly rocket science; it's not even considered to be a difficult problem. Based on recent marketing materials, the exchanges are practically experts on measuring time. And with hundreds of millions in annual data feed subscriptions paid by the same subscribers expecting quotes with accurate timestamps, there is no shortage of funds to make it happen.

So we can be certain the exchange timestamps were accurate, which means that HFT has truly entered the era of the fantasecond.

But let us suppose for a moment that in reality, quotes became queued (delayed) and were timestamped after leaving this queue. After detailed analysis of the UQDF data feed (see chart below) that transmits this information to traders, we find that the traffic rate for all output lines and specifically multicast line #6 which carries YHOO, were well below peak rates. So it doesn't appear there were any capacity problems which have always been an excellent indication of feed delay.

This raises a few thorny questions.

Does this mean there are far more delays than previously thought? Is there a delay every time we see an explosion of quotes in one stock? Because recently, that, sort, of thing, happens, all the time.

Regulation NMS (Reg. NMS) makes it clear that direct exchange feeds are prohibited from having a speed advantage over the UQDF data feed. The reason is primarily because UQDF computes the NBBO, which is the key component of Reg. NMS that assures investors they are getting the best price when buying or selling stocks. This assurance is called trade-though price protection.

How does one ensure trade-through price protection if the price being protected hasn't even occurred yet?

Maybe it would be better to just fantasize about fantaseconds after all.

The first chart is a 250 ms interval chart of the NBBO in YHOO which is plotted as vertical lines and colored red if the NBBO was crossed during the interval, yellow if it was locked, and gray if it was normal. The implied quote rate is shown as a histogram at the bottom and scaled in quotes/second. We will focus on the time shown in the black circle.

Zoomed in detail of above chart in 2 millisecond intervals.  Note that this chart shows just 2.1 seconds of time.

The next chart includes trade executions which are plotted as dots or squares and sized according to trade size. A unique color and shape is assigned to each reporting exchange. What is unusual about this chart is that trades are reported ahead of quotes. The trades (dots and squares) should trail after the quotes (vertical bars). Up to the point in time that is labeled A, and after the point labeled B, trades and quotes were in sync. Between these two points, quote timestamps began falling behind.

By plotting quotes and trades from just one of the active exchanges, we can easily measure how far in time the trade messages came before the quotes and therefore estimate the minimum amount of time the quotes were delayed. Below is a 1 millisecond interval chart of YHOO showing only Nasdaq trades (black circles) and the Nasdaq bid-ask spread (gray vertical bars). Note that this chart shows just over 1 second of time.

1 NQEX Nasdaq Exchange
8 CINC National Stock Exchange
9 PHIL Philidelphia Stock Exchange
11 BOST Boston Stock Exchange
60 BATS BATS Trading
63 BATY BATS Y Exchange
64 EDGE Direct Edge A
65 EDGX Direct Edge X

The chart below shows quote message rates for UQDF and multicast line #6 which is the line that carries YHOO quotes. The time of the event is shown at the lower left. Although traffic from YHOO was a significant percentage of all traffic on UQDF, it was not high enough to indicate any problems. Note the much higher surge on the right side of the chart; there weren't any known problems at that time in YHOO.

High Frequency Trading - Regulators Seek Secret HFT Codes

The requests for proprietary code and algorithm parameters by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), a Wall Street brokerage regulator, are part of investigations into suspicious market activity, said Tom Gira, executive vice president of FINRA's market regulation unit.

``It's not a fishing expedition or educational exercise. It's because there's something that's troubling us in the marketplace,'' he said in an interview.

The Securities and Exchange Commission, meanwhile, has also begun making requests for proprietary algorithmic trading data as part of its authority to examine financial firms for compliance with U.S. regulations, according to agency officials and outside lawyers.

The requests by SEC examiners are not necessarily related to any suspicions of specific wrong-doing, although the decision to ask for it can be triggered by a tip, complaint or referral.

People must Wake Up Take The Squares and Rage Against The Machine

Wake up. Organize and protest for our distinctly freedoms! Change the system one by one.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

15-O, DRY, USDOR: Uncut Activists Brutality Arrested at OCCUPYWALLSTREET Anti NWO Protests

15-O, DRY, USDOR, Revolution, Arab Spring, Portuguese Revolution, Spanish Revolution, Greek Revolution, Italian Revolution, Brasilian Revolution, Asia Revolution, World Revolution, Money, Police, Bank, Uncut Activists Brutality Arrested at OCCUPY WALL STREET  Anti NWO Protests
Breaking news: US Uncut Organizer, Justin brutaly arrested by NYPD at Wall Street protests #OccupyWallStreet while speaching.

Inocent people arrested for no reason by the USA New World Order Fascist NAZI Police State, criminal Bankers puppets.

There was no coverage on the corporate media: CBS, CNN, FOX, BBC, ABC, RTP, SIC, TVI, TVE, GLOBO, RTL, TELE 5...

Fascist State Police arrests this morning 20th sep 2011 OCCUPY WALL STREET

NYPD has arrested this morning innocent people violently with no reason in Liberty Plaza.

OCCUPY WALL STREET!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please come and join us! We need you here!

The more people we are, the stronger we get!!!!!


This kind of fascist criminal actions taken by the police (Bank Bankers Banksters Gangsters Mafia puppets paid with citizens money), against peaceful people, are appenning everywhere: Siria, Egipt, France, Italy, Portugal, Greece, Spain, United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Belgium, Angola, Mozambique, Morocco, Argel, Saudi Arabia, Israel, India, Philippines, Brasil, Mexico, Chile, All South America...

This must stop and reclaims a Global awakening and a call to Action to join forces together to Rage Against The Machine.

Its, Us Or Them!

So, We must join forces, join all Freedom Fighters, Uncut, Real Democracy Now, Deemocracia Real Ya, Democracia Verdadeira Já, 15M, 15O, Spanish Revolution Portuguese Revolution, Greek Revolution, Italian Revolution, Arab Spring, J14, Anon, Lulz and mobilize thogheter at October 15, Iceland Revolution Style, Global World Revolution Against Banksters and Make Them Pay Their Crisis.

Power to The People!

Greetings and Take The Square, Take Wall Street, Crack Down Wall Street, Abolish the FED, Crack the Empire.

Rage Against The Machine #OccupyWallStreet #TakeWallStreet #MarchaBruselas #MarchToBrussels #Indignado #outraged #Indignant #Indignati #Indigna-Te

GlobalRevolution Rev Billy Preaches OCCUPYWALLSTREET!! Police Brutality Against Peaceful People

USA America Breaking News occupy wall street Take Wall Street US Day Of Rage news Not Seen on FOX, CNN, NBC, BBC:

The Occupation of Wall Street Rev. Billy Preaches, 9/17/2011 forever!

NYPD Arrest protesters drag by their legs bleeding due Fascist NAZI New World Order police.

#OccupyWallStreet Yahoo Censorship in action video down

Make It VIRAL!

Directly from New York USA America Breaking News occupy Wall Street news Not Seen on FOX, CNN, NBC, BBC, NYPD Arrest protesters drag by their legs bleeding due Fascist NAZI New World Order police

Wall Streett Occupy Breaking News: NYPD, NWO NAZI COOPS ACTING LIKE JERKS
World Revolution American Revolution Directly from New York USA America Breaking News occupy Wall Street news Not Seen on FOX, CNN, NBC, BBC, NYPD Arrest protesters drag by their legs bleeding due Fascist NAZI New World Order police

PROTESTERS' ARRESTS. Police brutality, blood, protestor can't breathe
World Revolution American Revolution Directly from New York USA America Breaking News occupy Wall Street news Not Seen on FOX, CNN, NBC, BBC, NYPD Arrest protesters drag by their legs bleeding due Fascist NAZI New World Order police

World Revolution American Revolution Directly from New York USA America Breaking News occupy Wall Street news Not Seen on FOX, CNN, NBC, BBC, NYPD Arrest protesters drag by their legs bleeding due Fascist NAZI New World Order police

World Revolution American Revolution Directly from New York USA America Breaking News occupy Manahatan Wall Street news Not Seen on FOX, CNN, NBC, BBC, USDOR US Day Of Rage NYPD Arresting protesters drag by their legs bleeding due Fascist NAZI New World Order police

World Revolution American Revolution Directly from New York USA America Breaking News occupy Wall Street news Not Seen on FOX, CNN, NBC, BBC, NYPD Arrest protesters drag by their legs bleeding due Fascist NAZI New World Order police

World Revolution American Revolution Directly from New York USA America Breaking News occupy Wall Street news Not Seen on FOX, CNN, NBC, BBC, NYPD Arrest protesters drag by their legs bleeding due Fascist NAZI New World Order police

World Revolution American Revolution Directly from New York USA America Breaking News occupy Wall Street news Not Seen on FOX, CNN, NBC, BBC, NYPD Arrest protesters drag by their legs bleeding due Fascist NAZI New World Order police

World Revolution American Revolution Directly from New York USA America Breaking News occupy Wall Street news Not Seen on FOX, CNN, NBC, BBC, NYPD Arrest protesters drag by their legs bleeding due Fascist NAZI New World Order police

World Revolution American Revolution Directly from New York USA America Breaking News occupy Wall Street news Not Seen on FOX, CNN, NBC, BBC, NYPD Arrest protesters drag by their legs bleeding due Fascist NAZI New World Order police

this is the result of neocorporate fascism, look at how all our "public servants" here ignore the people, throwing them around like ragdolls that they have to be. This kind of thing won't last very long, the middle ground is vanishing quickly between we the people and the government... The constitution must be preserved at all costs.^

The Occupation of Wall Street Rev. Billy Preaches, 9/17/2011 forever!

Debating the finer points of the 1st Amendment with the NYPD

Police Arrest Protester for Drawing with Sidewalk Chalk @ Occupy Wall Street 9/19/11

New York NYPD American Fascist New World Order NAZI Police Brutality Against Peacefull Protesters on Wall Street Occupation

Breaking occupy wall street news

Not Seen on FOX, CNN, NBC, BBC

#OccupyWallStreet Yahoo Censorship in action

LoudMouthRadio LoudMouth Radio
RT @Anon_Central: Mayor Bloomberg office number is 212-772-1081 ext 12006 ask him 2 support the ppl at #occupywallstreet #takewallstreet #occupywallstreet #ourwallstreet --> police brutality, protesting in a tyranny, TAKE YOUR COUNTRY AND FREEDOM BACK!

Protestors start chanting "the whole world is watching"- cops slink away

#occupywallstreet multiple arrests, police infiltrating encampment tearing down tents, beating protesters.

OCCUPYWALLSTREET Roseanne Barr Speaks: WorldRevolution,GlobalRevolution, EuropeanRevolution, SpanihRevolution, PortugueseRevolution, ArabSpring

Roseanne Barr Speaks to Wall Street Protesters...#occupywallstreet

Block the censorship, Promote #occupywallstreet
With thousands after pitching tents in response to greed and corruption on wall street, Anonymous and other groups have set up a Tahir Square style revolution and even thou thousands of protesters have gathered the media outlets are blocking the word from getting out.

Lets stop the censorship by promoting the protest.

GlobalRevolution OCCUPYWALLSTREET Live Stream


History is knocking, October 2011,#oct6, #october2011, Ray McGovern,
Andy Shallal, Lee Camp,
Dennis Trainor Jr,
Solomon Comissiong,
Kevin Zeese,
Dr. Margaret Flowers, Christopher Hedges, Glen Ford,
Ted Rall,
Maria Allwine,
Diane Wittner,
David Swanson
,Ellen Davidson,
Lynn Petrovich,
Lisa Simeone, David Petrovich,
 Debra Sweet,
Tarak Kauff,
Carol Gay,
Karen Malpede

People we are supposed to live in a democracy!

In a democracy people have the right to SAY NO WITHOUT FEAR!!

There actually should be NO NEED TO DEMONSTRATE in a TRUE DEMOCRACY, because the people would be the highest executive ,therefore if any policy was unpopular it would be petitioned against and a referendum held on whether we accept it or not.




Facebook Event: DRY October 15 WORLD REVOLUTION International Mobilization For globaldemocracy

Facebook Event: DRY 15.O International Mobilization: #globaldemocracy

Facebook Event: Concentração Lisboa Praça da Liberdade 15 de Outubro de 2011

Blogger Mobilização Internacional 15 de Outubro Portugal  Lisboa e Porto As Ruas e Praças São Tuas

Facebook Event: Acampada de indignados Plaza de Cibeles, Madrid, España Spain

15-O Causes United Dublin Ireland: Europe Democracy Now United Protest Real Democracy NOW World Revolution

15-O Africa United: Real Democracy Now World Revolution October 15 Global Mobilization

WORLD REVOLUTION Saturday Oct 15th, Real Democracy Now, European Revolutio, Arab Revolution, Portugese Revolution, Spanish Revolution, 15-O, Democracia Real, YA, Revolução Mundial Sábado 15 de Outubro, Solidariedade Social, CASLAS, Lagos

Portuguese Revolution  Mobilização Internacional 15 de Outubro Portugal As Ruas e Praças São Tuas