European globalists are committing another act of economic terrorism by exploiting the euro debt crisis in a bid to create a “United States of Europe,” with European Council president Herman van Rompuy announcing he is ready to spearhead the group, a move that frighteningly parallels plans by top Nazis, may of whom went on to found the EU, and their mission to build a continent-wide economic government.
EU leaders are fearmongering over the consequences of member states abandoning the single currency, warning that a euro collapse would lead to martial law and even civil war.
Their “solution” is to hand themselves even more power to create a common economic policy that all member states would be forced to follow at the expense of their national sovereignty, a de facto financial government for the whole of Europe.
“European Council president, the Knight of Malta jesuit jew Herman van Rompuy said that he was ready to run for a second term as European Union president, to lead a “United States of Europe,”.
As we can see below, the European Common Market, the precursor to the European Union, was a brainchild of top Nazis in the 1940’s who wanted to preserve fascist power in the event of defeat in world war two.
US Military Intelligence report EW-Pa 128
Enclosure No. 1 to despatch No. 19,489 of Nov. 27, 1944, from
the Embassy at London, England.
Office of Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2
7 November 1944
SUBJECT: Plans of German industrialists to engage in underground activity after Germany’s defeat; flow of capital to neutral countries.
SOURCE: Agent of French Deuxieme Bureau, recommended by Commandant Zindel. This agent is regarded as reliable and has worked for the French on German problems since 1916. He was in close contact with the Germans, particularly industrialists, during the occupation of France and he visited Germany as late as August, 1944.
1. A meeting of the principal German industrialists with interests in France was held on August 10, 1944, in the Hotel Rotes Haus in Strasbourg, France, and attended by the informant indicated above as the source. Among those present were the following:
Dr. Scheid, who presided, holding the rank of S.S. Obergruppenfuhrer and Director of the Heche (Hermandorff & Schonburg) Company
Dr. Kaspar, representing Krupp
Dr. Tolle, representing Rochling
Dr. Sinderen, representing Messerschmitt
Drs. Kopp, Vier and Beerwanger, representing Rheinmetall
Captain Haberkorn and Dr. Ruhe, representing Bussing
Drs. Ellenmayer and Kardos, representing Volkswagenwerk
Engineers Drose, Yanchew and Koppshem, representing various factories in Posen, Poland (Drose, Yanchew and Co., Brown-Boveri, Herkuleswerke, Buschwerke, and Stadtwerke)
Captain Dornbuach, head of the Industrial Inspection Section at Posen
Dr. Meyer, an official of the German Naval Ministry in Paris
Dr. Strossner, of the Ministry of Armament, Paris.
2. Dr. Scheid stated that all industrial material in France was to be evacuated to Germany immediately. The battle of France was lost for Germany and now the defense of the Siegried Line was the main problem. From now on also German industry must realize that the war cannot be won and that it must take steps in preparation for a post-war commercial campaign. Each industrialist must make contacts and alliances with foreign firms, but this must be done individually and without attracting any suspicion. Moreover, the ground would have to be laid on the financial level for borrowing considerable sums from foreign countries after the war. As examples of the kind of penetration which had been most useful in the past, Dr. Scheid cited the fact that patents for stainless steel belonged to the Chemical Foundation, Inc., New York, and the Krupp company of Germany jointly and that the U.S. Steel Corporation, Carnegie Illinois, American Steel and Wire, and national Tube, etc. were thereby under an obligation to work with the Krupp concern. He also cited the Zeiss Company, the Leisa Company and the Hamburg-American Line as firms which had been especially effective in protecting German interests abroad and gave their New York addresses to the industrialists at this meeting.
3. Following this meeting a smaller one was held presided over by Dr. Bosse of the German Armaments Ministry and attended only by representatives of Hecho, Krupp and Rochling. At this second meeting it was stated that the Nazi Party had informed the industrialists that the war was practically lost but that it would continue until a guarantee of the unity of Germany could be obtained. German industrialists must, it was said, through their exports increase the strength of Germany. They must also prepare themselves to finance the Nazi Party which would be forced to go underground as Maquis (in Gebirgaverteidigungastellen gehen). From now on the government would allocate large sums to industrialists so that each could establish a secure post-war foundation in foreign countries. Existing financial reserves in foreign countries must be placed at the disposal of the Party so that a strong German Empire can be created after the defeat. It is also immediately required that the large factories in Germany create small technical offices or research bureaus which would be absolutely independent and have no known connection with the factory. These bureaus will receive plans and drawings of new weapons as well as documents which they need to continue their research and which must not be allowed to fall into the hands of the enemy. These offices are to be established in large cities where they can be most successfully hidden as well as in little villages near sources of hydro-electric power where they can pretend to be studying the development of water resources. The existence of these is to be known only by very few people in each industry and by chiefs of the Nazi Party. Each office will have a liaison agent with the Party. As soon as the Party becomes strong enough to re-establish its control over Germany the industrialists will be paid for their effort and cooperation by concessions and orders.
4. These meetings seem to indicate that the prohibition against the export of capital which was rigorously enforced until now has been completely withdrawn and replaced by a new Nazi policy whereby industrialists with government assistance will export as much of their capital as possible.
Previously exports of capital by German industrialists to neutral countries had to be accomplished rather surreptitiously and by means of special influence. Now the Nazi party stands behind the industrialists and urges them to save themselves by getting funds outside Germany and at the same time to advance the party’s plans for its post-war operation.
This freedom given to the industrialists further cements their relations with the Party by giving them a measure of protection.
5. The German industrialists are not only buying agricultural property in Germany but are placing their funds abroad, particularly in neutral countries. Two main banks through which this export of capital operates are the Basler Handelsbank and the Schweizerische Kreditanstalt of Zurich. Also there are a number of agencies in Switzerland which for a 5 percent commission buy property in Switzerland, using a Swiss cloak.
6. After the defeat of Germany the Nazi Party recognizes that certain of its best known leaders will be condemned as war criminals. However, in cooperation with the industrialists it is arranging to place its less conspicuous but most important members in positions with various German factories as technical experts or members of its research and designing offices.
For the A.C. of S., G-2.
G-2, Economic Section
Prepared by
Same as EW-Pa 1,
U.S. Political Adviser, SHAEF
British Political Adviser, SHAEF
Get Up Stand Up and Fight For Yours Rights
Saturday, 8 October 2011
Euro United States of Europe NAZI Plans Revelead: US Military Intelligence Report EW-Pa 128
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United States of Europe,
US Military Intelligence Report EW-Pa 128
Friday, 7 October 2011
OWS JPMorgan Pay Police Violence! NYPD Rented With 4.6 Million Dolars Donation New York City Police Foundation
JP Morgan chase DONATES $4.6 million to NYPD
JP Morgan Chase Just Recently Donated $4.6 million dollars to the NYPD : It's time to put this nonsense to bed. ALL cops are bad. Most THINK they are not bad. Their job is to ENFORCE whatever the government wants them to, moral, immoral, doesn't matter. They earn their living because they are willing to get violent. Period. End of Sentence. They are hired guns. Being a hired gun is not bad in and of itself. It's just a job. What makes it bad is WHO HIRES THEM, and what they are hired for - "to serve and protect". Who? Not the people, the BANKS through their controlled GOVERNMENT.this is what happens when the head of NYPD dines out on Goldman Sach's DIME...which is really our dime, unlawfully transferred to GOldman sachs.
MSNBC on NYPD Police Brutality during Occupy Wall Street Lawrence O'donnell with "The Last Word"
New York City Police Foundation — New York
From the end of 2010 through the first quarter of 2011, JPMorgan Chase donated an unprecedented $4.6 million to the New York City Police Foundation, in the form of 1,000 new patrol car laptops, security monitoring software in the NYPD's main data center, other technology resources, and funding. The gift was the largest in the history of the foundation and will enable the New York City Police Department to strengthen security in the Big Apple.
New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly sent CEO and Chairman Jamie Dimon a note expressing "profound gratitude" for the company's donation.
"These officers put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe," Dimon said. "We're incredibly proud to help them build this program and let them know how much we value their hard work."
JP Morgan Chase Just Recently Donated $4.6 million dollars to the NYPD : It's time to put this nonsense to bed. ALL cops are bad. Most THINK they are not bad. Their job is to ENFORCE whatever the government wants them to, moral, immoral, doesn't matter. They earn their living because they are willing to get violent. Period. End of Sentence. They are hired guns. Being a hired gun is not bad in and of itself. It's just a job. What makes it bad is WHO HIRES THEM, and what they are hired for - "to serve and protect". Who? Not the people, the BANKS through their controlled GOVERNMENT.this is what happens when the head of NYPD dines out on Goldman Sach's DIME...which is really our dime, unlawfully transferred to GOldman sachs.
MSNBC on NYPD Police Brutality during Occupy Wall Street Lawrence O'donnell with "The Last Word"
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Posted by
May 15 International Organization Real Democracy NOW ArabSpring Europe America USA Africa Asia Australia Take The Square Democracia Real Ya Verdadeira Já Anonymous World Revolution Against NWO Fascism

New York City,
NYPD Rented With 4.6 Million Dolars Donation New York City Police Foundation,
Pay Police Violence,
NWO Banks Financial Crisis Iceland Defence: Revolution! New Icelandic Constitution! Open Data Crowd Source 2.0!
Last week, the Iceland Constitutional Council, made up of 25 Icelandic citizens, presented a bill to their parliament outlining a new constitution. The bill contains 114 articles in nine chapters, and includes elements for a more open government. It appears that the population will be given the chance to vote on the new constitution after the Alþingi (national parliament) reviews the draft.
The newest government in the world was designed with help from comments on the internet. God help us all. After Iceland’s economic collapse in 2008, the island nation decided it was time to write a new constitution, this one not based on its parent country of Denmark but rather made from the original ideas of its citizens. Iceland’s small population of 320,000 elected 25 assembly members from 522 ordinary candidates (including lawyers, political science professors, journalists, and many other professions), who in turn opened their process up to the public in an unprecedented fashion. The Constitutional Council was highly active on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Flickr, where they solicited comments and suggestions for the new government. On Friday July 29th, 2011, the Iceland parliament officially received the new constitution, comprised of 114 articles divided into 9 chapters. Set to be reviewed, and then put before vote for ratification by October 1st, the internet-assisted document marks a possible paradigm shift in governing. In the 21st Century, we’re writing our constitutions with social media. The future is a crazy place.
From the elections to the website, Iceland has gone to great length to make their citizens feel involved and enabled by the process of writing the new constitution. Candidates for the constitutional assembly gathered thousands of signatures to appear on the ballot, and discussed their views publicly on 50 radio show presentations. The candidates also wrote about themselves on public websites including Wikipedia and Facebook. After The Constitutional Council was formed, there was a constant upstream of their proceedings to Twitter, and Facebook, along with regular photo updates on Flickr. You can find videos of The Constitutional Council on YouTube, but they’re in Icelandic. Just to give you a taste, here’s the inaugural meeting…opening with a song!
Constitutional Council Sings at Inaugural Meeting
The first formal meeting of the Constitutional Council, which will review the Constitution of Iceland, took place on April 6, 2011. As the council's most senior member, Ómar Ragnarsson spoke on its behalf. He announced the council's decision to conclude each meeting on a positive note—with a song—and after yesterday's meeting the choir of 25 councilpersons performed "Öxar vid ána", a classic independence anthem. Video by Páll Stefánsson. Copyright:
Iceland elects ordinary folk to draft constitution
God bless Iceland (Guð blessi Ísland) - Trailer with English subtitles
The film "God bless Iceland" (IS. "Guð blessi Ísland") is a documentary about the financial crisis in Iceland. Its premiere will be on the 6th of October 2009, exactly a year after the Prime Minister of Iceland gave a dramatic speech on Icelandic television, informing the nation about the situation.
Documentary about Icelandic collapse
Norwegian documentary from 2008 by the Norwegian national broadcasting program Brennpunkt.
One of the men behind the collapse is Jón Ásgeir Jóhannesson and he is 1000 billion Icelandic krona in the debt to the Icelandic banks.
Iceland's Financial Crisis How it all began (1/2) (NWO ECONOMICS SERIES/ Destruction Of Nations)
Insight into what went wrong in Iceland in the Great Financial Meltdown of 2008 - 2009...and what potentially lies ahead for this small nation with just over 300,000 in total population. There are interesting parallels to Portugal, Greece, Ireland, U.S., Italy, Spain... financial situation as well.
Crowdsourced Icelandic constitution submitted to parliament
In April 2011, Iceland decided to rewrite their constitution by crowdsourcing ideas and suggestions from the Internet. We've taken a look at the draft constitution and there are several articles that create a more open government for Iceland. You've got the standard open meeting laws, but then it goes into detail about open data, transparency for campaign funding, and open land. Below are a few highlights from the draft constitution..
•Article 15, information rights, opens by saying, "Anyone is free to gather and disseminate information." The article outlines open data and public access to documents that public bodies collect or cover.
Article 65.
Right of referral to the nation
Ten per cent of voters may demand a national referendum on laws passed by Althingi. The demand shall be presented within three months from the passage of the law. The law is void if voters reject it, otherwise it retains its validity. Althingi may void the law before the referendum takes place.
The referendum shall take place within a year from the time the demand of voters was presented.
Article 66.
Issues before the Althingi at the initiative of voters
Two per cent of voters may present an issue to Althingi. Ten per cent of voters may present a bill to Althingi. Althingi may present a counter-proposal in the form of another bill. If the bill of the voters has not been withdrawn it shall be presented to a referendum as well as the bill of the Althingi if that appears. Althingi may decide that the referendum shall be binding.
A vote on the bill proposed by voters shall take place within two years from the time the issue was presented to Althingi.
Article 67.
Implementation of the collection of signatures and a referendum
Issues presented before a referendum at the demand or initiative of voters according to Articles 65 and 66 shall concern the public interest. On their basis, a vote may not be demanded on fiscal budgets, supplementary fiscal budgets, laws enacted to enforce international obligations as well as laws concerning tax issues or the right to citizenship. Care shall be taken that a bill at the initiative of the voters shall be in accordance with the Constitution. Should a disagreement arise whether issues fulfil the above conditions the courts shall decide.
The implementation of referrals or the initiative of voters shall be laid down by law, such as the form and representation of the demand, the length of time for the collection of signatures and their arrangement, how much may be spent on publicising, how the issue may be withdrawn after learning of the response of Althingi and how such a vote may be arranged.
A blog post at DataMarket shows how excited supporters were to participate in the process and influence decisions concerning the use of open data:
Overall, the draft constitution seems well-structured, easy-to-read, and appears to include all of the things a government would need to function. Creating a city-lead council and crowdsourcing ideas and suggestions from not only citizens but the entire world is amazing. But will it work? The ultimate test will be if Iceland's parliament accepts the new constitution and then lets the citizenship vote on it.
No matter what happens next, I think this process can work for other nations. Iceland decided to hit the reset button on their government. Could yours do the same?
Crowdsourced Icelandic constitution submitted to parliament download pdf
Stjornlagarad Iceland Governmnt Website/
Stjornlagarad Iceland Governmnt Facebook
The newest government in the world was designed with help from comments on the internet. God help us all. After Iceland’s economic collapse in 2008, the island nation decided it was time to write a new constitution, this one not based on its parent country of Denmark but rather made from the original ideas of its citizens. Iceland’s small population of 320,000 elected 25 assembly members from 522 ordinary candidates (including lawyers, political science professors, journalists, and many other professions), who in turn opened their process up to the public in an unprecedented fashion. The Constitutional Council was highly active on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Flickr, where they solicited comments and suggestions for the new government. On Friday July 29th, 2011, the Iceland parliament officially received the new constitution, comprised of 114 articles divided into 9 chapters. Set to be reviewed, and then put before vote for ratification by October 1st, the internet-assisted document marks a possible paradigm shift in governing. In the 21st Century, we’re writing our constitutions with social media. The future is a crazy place.
From the elections to the website, Iceland has gone to great length to make their citizens feel involved and enabled by the process of writing the new constitution. Candidates for the constitutional assembly gathered thousands of signatures to appear on the ballot, and discussed their views publicly on 50 radio show presentations. The candidates also wrote about themselves on public websites including Wikipedia and Facebook. After The Constitutional Council was formed, there was a constant upstream of their proceedings to Twitter, and Facebook, along with regular photo updates on Flickr. You can find videos of The Constitutional Council on YouTube, but they’re in Icelandic. Just to give you a taste, here’s the inaugural meeting…opening with a song!
Constitutional Council Sings at Inaugural Meeting
The first formal meeting of the Constitutional Council, which will review the Constitution of Iceland, took place on April 6, 2011. As the council's most senior member, Ómar Ragnarsson spoke on its behalf. He announced the council's decision to conclude each meeting on a positive note—with a song—and after yesterday's meeting the choir of 25 councilpersons performed "Öxar vid ána", a classic independence anthem. Video by Páll Stefánsson. Copyright:
Iceland elects ordinary folk to draft constitution
God bless Iceland (Guð blessi Ísland) - Trailer with English subtitles
The film "God bless Iceland" (IS. "Guð blessi Ísland") is a documentary about the financial crisis in Iceland. Its premiere will be on the 6th of October 2009, exactly a year after the Prime Minister of Iceland gave a dramatic speech on Icelandic television, informing the nation about the situation.
Documentary about Icelandic collapse
Norwegian documentary from 2008 by the Norwegian national broadcasting program Brennpunkt.
One of the men behind the collapse is Jón Ásgeir Jóhannesson and he is 1000 billion Icelandic krona in the debt to the Icelandic banks.
Iceland's Financial Crisis How it all began (1/2) (NWO ECONOMICS SERIES/ Destruction Of Nations)
Insight into what went wrong in Iceland in the Great Financial Meltdown of 2008 - 2009...and what potentially lies ahead for this small nation with just over 300,000 in total population. There are interesting parallels to Portugal, Greece, Ireland, U.S., Italy, Spain... financial situation as well.
Crowdsourced Icelandic constitution submitted to parliament
In April 2011, Iceland decided to rewrite their constitution by crowdsourcing ideas and suggestions from the Internet. We've taken a look at the draft constitution and there are several articles that create a more open government for Iceland. You've got the standard open meeting laws, but then it goes into detail about open data, transparency for campaign funding, and open land. Below are a few highlights from the draft constitution..
•Article 15, information rights, opens by saying, "Anyone is free to gather and disseminate information." The article outlines open data and public access to documents that public bodies collect or cover.
Article 65.
Right of referral to the nation
Ten per cent of voters may demand a national referendum on laws passed by Althingi. The demand shall be presented within three months from the passage of the law. The law is void if voters reject it, otherwise it retains its validity. Althingi may void the law before the referendum takes place.
The referendum shall take place within a year from the time the demand of voters was presented.
Article 66.
Issues before the Althingi at the initiative of voters
Two per cent of voters may present an issue to Althingi. Ten per cent of voters may present a bill to Althingi. Althingi may present a counter-proposal in the form of another bill. If the bill of the voters has not been withdrawn it shall be presented to a referendum as well as the bill of the Althingi if that appears. Althingi may decide that the referendum shall be binding.
A vote on the bill proposed by voters shall take place within two years from the time the issue was presented to Althingi.
Article 67.
Implementation of the collection of signatures and a referendum
Issues presented before a referendum at the demand or initiative of voters according to Articles 65 and 66 shall concern the public interest. On their basis, a vote may not be demanded on fiscal budgets, supplementary fiscal budgets, laws enacted to enforce international obligations as well as laws concerning tax issues or the right to citizenship. Care shall be taken that a bill at the initiative of the voters shall be in accordance with the Constitution. Should a disagreement arise whether issues fulfil the above conditions the courts shall decide.
The implementation of referrals or the initiative of voters shall be laid down by law, such as the form and representation of the demand, the length of time for the collection of signatures and their arrangement, how much may be spent on publicising, how the issue may be withdrawn after learning of the response of Althingi and how such a vote may be arranged.
A blog post at DataMarket shows how excited supporters were to participate in the process and influence decisions concerning the use of open data:
"Therefore we feel proud–and partially responsible–that some of the core values of open data are now a part [of] a draft of a new constitution for Iceland." Source: Open Data coming to the Icelandic Constitution
•Article 51 talks about campaign funding. Ultimately, it makes the government responsible for financing candidates to keep costs reasonable, ensure transparency, and limit campaign advertising.
•Article 55, open meetings, requires that all parliamentary sessions are open to the public. However, it doesn't require committee meetings to be open. Each committee can decide on the level of transparency individual meetings require.
•Articles 33 and 34 give guidance for environmental and natural resources. This is a new part in the Chapter on Human Rights, renamed Human Rights and Nature. I think this highlights how important environmental resources are in Iceland. It reflects their culture and in their own words, "is the foundation of life in the country." The draft says public resources are owned collectively and eternally by the people of Iceland.
Overall, the draft constitution seems well-structured, easy-to-read, and appears to include all of the things a government would need to function. Creating a city-lead council and crowdsourcing ideas and suggestions from not only citizens but the entire world is amazing. But will it work? The ultimate test will be if Iceland's parliament accepts the new constitution and then lets the citizenship vote on it.
No matter what happens next, I think this process can work for other nations. Iceland decided to hit the reset button on their government. Could yours do the same?
Crowdsourced Icelandic constitution submitted to parliament download pdf
Stjornlagarad Iceland Governmnt Website/
Stjornlagarad Iceland Governmnt Facebook
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Posted by
May 15 International Organization Real Democracy NOW ArabSpring Europe America USA Africa Asia Australia Take The Square Democracia Real Ya Verdadeira Já Anonymous World Revolution Against NWO Fascism

Crowd Source,
Iceland Defence,
Icelandic Constitution,
Open Data,
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
NWO: Sovereign Military Order Of Malta Jesuit Vatican Knigts Templar Shadows Government
Sovereign Military Order Of Malta
Jesuit Vatican Knigts Templar Shadows Government
First, there is the mafia in the Church, the prelates who have not only lost their faith but who remain in the Church in order to destroy the Church: otherwise, they would leave the Church. If I would lose my faith, I would leave the Church. But to lose the faith and remain in the Church, there must be some reason for that. They use the slogan 'progress' as a means to camouflage their diabolical work of destruction and to fool the faithful. In order to draw them away from Christ and His holy Church. They are real servants of the anti-Christ.
- Dietrich von Hildebrand
The Devastated Vineyard
On the Popes left you will see two men. The one further away is H. E. Albrecht Freiherr von BOESELAGER who is the son of jesuit trained Nazi, Philipp Freiherr von Boeselager who just died at the ripe old age of 90.
I wonder where King Juan Carlos of Spain is and why he's not in that picture with the SMOM Grandmaster and the Pope. Maybe he was just busy that day. I would think it would be big business to have him miss such an event. Maybe only the ones permanently stationed in Rome were there that day.
Although King Juan Carlos of Spain is a Prince of the Holy Roman Empire he is not as powerful as many others. King Juan is a 'Middle Eastern' Navigator for the SMOM, under the command of the SMOM Council. You'll notice the powerful, H.E Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempo di Sanguinetto next to the Pope in that photograph. These are the real power in the SMOM. Giacomo is the Grand Commander of the order. Then next to him we have the powerful, Grand Hospitaller, Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager. The other side of Festing we see the Grand Chancellor, Jean-Pierre Mazery. Next to him is of course is the Receiver of the Common Treasure, Marchese Gian Luca Chiavari Patrician Genoese. So when we understand this, then one can see why Juan Carlos of Spain is not present. Juan is like a provincial of the Jesuits. A Provincial is powerful but is nothing compared to an Assistant directly in contact with the SUPERIOR GENERAL. Example of this is New York Provincial, David S. Ciancimino being powerful but the Americas Assistant, James E. Grummer is the most powerful of all. When Maltese controlled Vladimir Putin comes out with terms like "The Court That Makes The King," this is who he's refering to. -CRAIG OXLEY
Archbishop James Harvey escorts the new Grand Master of the Knights of Malta, Matthew Festing of Britain, before his meeting with Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican on June 23, 2008.
Pope Benedict XVI speaks with the new Grand Master of the Knights of Malta, Matthew Festing of Britain, during their meeting at the Vatican June 23, 2008. Festing was elected in March as the new Grand Master of the Knights of Malta, which began as a Christian crusading military order more than 900 years ago and now operates as a worldwide charity. Elected in a secret conclave, he succeeds Andrew Willoughby Ninian Berti, also British, who died in February 2008.
How are the Order's activities financed?
Activities are funded essentially by its members. Funds come from private donations and vary according to different countries and situations. Resources for hospitals and medical activities usually come from agreements stipulated with the national health and social systems. The same is true for emergency services. In developing countries, activities are often backed by grants from governments, the European Commission or other international organisations. Funds also come from donations or benefactors' contributions to Order's activities.
H. E. Albrecht Freiherr von BOESELAGER who is the son of jesuit trained Nazi, Philipp Freiherr von Boeselager who just died at the ripe old age of 90.
Philipp Freiherr von Boeselager (Catholic Nobleman, Forester, Knight of Malta,) 1917-2008. He joined the Order of Malta in 1946, eventually co-founding Malteser Hilfdienst, the medical operation of the German knights of the Order, and helping coordinate German pilgrimages to Lourdes. Philipp was the fourth of eight children and was educated by the Jesuits at Bad Godesborg. That's actually a picture of his brother behind him who studied to be a Jesuit Priest. Both were supposedly part of a failed assassination attempt on Hitler. This story followed them their whole lives offering them a convienient escape from the curse of being a former "Nazi".
Pope Benedict XVI leaves after a mass celebrated at the Roman Hospital "San Giovanni Battista" of S.M.H.O in Rome, 02 December 2007.
Pope Benedict XVI conducts Holy Mass during his pastoral visit to the Roman Hospital "San Giovanni Battista" of the Order of Malta in Rome December 2, 2007.
Pope Benedict XVI is welcomed by the FORMER Grand Master of the Order of Malta Fra Andrew Bertie (L) during his pastoral visit to the Roman Hospital "San Giovanni Battista" of the Order of Malta in Rome December 2, 2007.
Pope Benedict XVI meets Knights of Malta Grand Master Fra Andrew Bertie during a mass celebrated at the Roman Hospital "San Giovanni Battista" of S.M.H.O in Rome, 02 December 2007.
Cuba's President Fidel Castro decorates the Grand Master of the Order of Malta, Prince Fra' Andrew Bertie, with the order of Jose Marti in Havana in a November 16, 1998 file photo. Andrew Willoughby Ninian Bertie, the Grand Master of the Knights of Malta, a group which started as a Christian chivalric and military order more than 900 years ago, has died. The order said on Friday that Bertie, 78, an Englishman who was elected Grand Master in 1988, died in a hospital on February 7, 2008 in Rome, where the order has been based since 1834.
A woman looks at paintings, Jean-Marc Nattier's Portrait of a Commander of the Order of the Knights of Malta (L), Louis Tocque's Portrait of an Unknown Man and Guillaume Voiriot's Portrait of an Unknown Woman, from The Collection of Louis La Caze at The Wallace Collection, in London, on February 13, 2008. The exhibition features 17 Old Masters pictures lent by the Musee du Louvre.
The coffin of Carl's Jr. founder Carl Karcher passes through an honor guard representing the Knights and Dames of Malta, left, in black, and the Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre, right, in white at the funeral services for Karcher at St. Boniface Catholic Church in Anaheim, Calif., Friday, Jan. 18, 2008. Karcher, 90, was founder of the Carl's Jr. restaurant chain and an Orange County civic leader.
Former first lady Bernadette Chirac attends mass celebrated by Pope Benedict XVI at La Prairie in Lourdes on September 14, 2008 in celebration of the 150th anniversary of when the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared to Bernadette Soubirous in 1858. More than 150,000 people were expected to attend the open-air mass given by Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday during his pilgrimage to the shrine town of Lourdes, amid heavy security.
She was born to a devout catholic family and received a strict education from her mother.
Nobility of Bernadette Chirac
Bernadette Chirac was born into an old aristocratic family of public servants, from the Trois-Évêchés. Her family includes military officers, goldsmiths, lawyers, diplomats and industrialists. They would ultimately become owners of factories in Gien and Briare, in the Loiret, which were famed for their porcelain and enamel. Like many old French families, Bernadette Chirac has several European royal families among her ancestors. In 1852, a decree by Napoleon III authorizes the addition of Courcel, one of the family's properties, to their name. In 1867, Napoleon III made Alphonse Chodron de Courcel a hereditary baron for services rendered to the State.
Looks like she's involved in the Constantiniane order as well. From:
The Jesuit Jew Herman Achille Van Rompuy (pronounced [ˈɦɛɾmɑn vɑn ˈɾɔmpœy] born in a Jewish family, 31 October 1947) is the first long term and full time President of the European Council (until the Treaty of Lisbon, the position had rotated among the Prime Ministers of the Member States for six months each, since then they choose a President of their meetings for a 2½ year period, renewable once). A Belgian politician of the Christian Democratic and Flemish party, Van Rompuy served as the 49th Prime Minister of Belgium from 30 December 2008 until his predecessor (Yves Leterme) succeeded him on 25 November 2009. He has the Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold.
Durão Barroso Is Knight Templar and SMOM
Jesuit Vatican Knigts Templar Shadows Government
First, there is the mafia in the Church, the prelates who have not only lost their faith but who remain in the Church in order to destroy the Church: otherwise, they would leave the Church. If I would lose my faith, I would leave the Church. But to lose the faith and remain in the Church, there must be some reason for that. They use the slogan 'progress' as a means to camouflage their diabolical work of destruction and to fool the faithful. In order to draw them away from Christ and His holy Church. They are real servants of the anti-Christ.
- Dietrich von Hildebrand
The Devastated Vineyard
On the Popes left you will see two men. The one further away is H. E. Albrecht Freiherr von BOESELAGER who is the son of jesuit trained Nazi, Philipp Freiherr von Boeselager who just died at the ripe old age of 90.
I wonder where King Juan Carlos of Spain is and why he's not in that picture with the SMOM Grandmaster and the Pope. Maybe he was just busy that day. I would think it would be big business to have him miss such an event. Maybe only the ones permanently stationed in Rome were there that day.
Although King Juan Carlos of Spain is a Prince of the Holy Roman Empire he is not as powerful as many others. King Juan is a 'Middle Eastern' Navigator for the SMOM, under the command of the SMOM Council. You'll notice the powerful, H.E Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempo di Sanguinetto next to the Pope in that photograph. These are the real power in the SMOM. Giacomo is the Grand Commander of the order. Then next to him we have the powerful, Grand Hospitaller, Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager. The other side of Festing we see the Grand Chancellor, Jean-Pierre Mazery. Next to him is of course is the Receiver of the Common Treasure, Marchese Gian Luca Chiavari Patrician Genoese. So when we understand this, then one can see why Juan Carlos of Spain is not present. Juan is like a provincial of the Jesuits. A Provincial is powerful but is nothing compared to an Assistant directly in contact with the SUPERIOR GENERAL. Example of this is New York Provincial, David S. Ciancimino being powerful but the Americas Assistant, James E. Grummer is the most powerful of all. When Maltese controlled Vladimir Putin comes out with terms like "The Court That Makes The King," this is who he's refering to. -CRAIG OXLEY
Archbishop James Harvey escorts the new Grand Master of the Knights of Malta, Matthew Festing of Britain, before his meeting with Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican on June 23, 2008.
Pope Benedict XVI speaks with the new Grand Master of the Knights of Malta, Matthew Festing of Britain, during their meeting at the Vatican June 23, 2008. Festing was elected in March as the new Grand Master of the Knights of Malta, which began as a Christian crusading military order more than 900 years ago and now operates as a worldwide charity. Elected in a secret conclave, he succeeds Andrew Willoughby Ninian Berti, also British, who died in February 2008.
How are the Order's activities financed?
Activities are funded essentially by its members. Funds come from private donations and vary according to different countries and situations. Resources for hospitals and medical activities usually come from agreements stipulated with the national health and social systems. The same is true for emergency services. In developing countries, activities are often backed by grants from governments, the European Commission or other international organisations. Funds also come from donations or benefactors' contributions to Order's activities.
H. E. Albrecht Freiherr von BOESELAGER who is the son of jesuit trained Nazi, Philipp Freiherr von Boeselager who just died at the ripe old age of 90.
Philipp Freiherr von Boeselager (Catholic Nobleman, Forester, Knight of Malta,) 1917-2008. He joined the Order of Malta in 1946, eventually co-founding Malteser Hilfdienst, the medical operation of the German knights of the Order, and helping coordinate German pilgrimages to Lourdes. Philipp was the fourth of eight children and was educated by the Jesuits at Bad Godesborg. That's actually a picture of his brother behind him who studied to be a Jesuit Priest. Both were supposedly part of a failed assassination attempt on Hitler. This story followed them their whole lives offering them a convienient escape from the curse of being a former "Nazi".
Pope Benedict XVI leaves after a mass celebrated at the Roman Hospital "San Giovanni Battista" of S.M.H.O in Rome, 02 December 2007.
Pope Benedict XVI conducts Holy Mass during his pastoral visit to the Roman Hospital "San Giovanni Battista" of the Order of Malta in Rome December 2, 2007.
Pope Benedict XVI is welcomed by the FORMER Grand Master of the Order of Malta Fra Andrew Bertie (L) during his pastoral visit to the Roman Hospital "San Giovanni Battista" of the Order of Malta in Rome December 2, 2007.
Pope Benedict XVI meets Knights of Malta Grand Master Fra Andrew Bertie during a mass celebrated at the Roman Hospital "San Giovanni Battista" of S.M.H.O in Rome, 02 December 2007.
Cuba's President Fidel Castro decorates the Grand Master of the Order of Malta, Prince Fra' Andrew Bertie, with the order of Jose Marti in Havana in a November 16, 1998 file photo. Andrew Willoughby Ninian Bertie, the Grand Master of the Knights of Malta, a group which started as a Christian chivalric and military order more than 900 years ago, has died. The order said on Friday that Bertie, 78, an Englishman who was elected Grand Master in 1988, died in a hospital on February 7, 2008 in Rome, where the order has been based since 1834.
A woman looks at paintings, Jean-Marc Nattier's Portrait of a Commander of the Order of the Knights of Malta (L), Louis Tocque's Portrait of an Unknown Man and Guillaume Voiriot's Portrait of an Unknown Woman, from The Collection of Louis La Caze at The Wallace Collection, in London, on February 13, 2008. The exhibition features 17 Old Masters pictures lent by the Musee du Louvre.
The coffin of Carl's Jr. founder Carl Karcher passes through an honor guard representing the Knights and Dames of Malta, left, in black, and the Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre, right, in white at the funeral services for Karcher at St. Boniface Catholic Church in Anaheim, Calif., Friday, Jan. 18, 2008. Karcher, 90, was founder of the Carl's Jr. restaurant chain and an Orange County civic leader.
Former first lady Bernadette Chirac attends mass celebrated by Pope Benedict XVI at La Prairie in Lourdes on September 14, 2008 in celebration of the 150th anniversary of when the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared to Bernadette Soubirous in 1858. More than 150,000 people were expected to attend the open-air mass given by Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday during his pilgrimage to the shrine town of Lourdes, amid heavy security.
She was born to a devout catholic family and received a strict education from her mother.
Nobility of Bernadette Chirac
Bernadette Chirac was born into an old aristocratic family of public servants, from the Trois-Évêchés. Her family includes military officers, goldsmiths, lawyers, diplomats and industrialists. They would ultimately become owners of factories in Gien and Briare, in the Loiret, which were famed for their porcelain and enamel. Like many old French families, Bernadette Chirac has several European royal families among her ancestors. In 1852, a decree by Napoleon III authorizes the addition of Courcel, one of the family's properties, to their name. In 1867, Napoleon III made Alphonse Chodron de Courcel a hereditary baron for services rendered to the State.
Looks like she's involved in the Constantiniane order as well. From:
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Look to the Masonic Shake Ands Grip |
The Jesuit Jew Herman Achille Van Rompuy (pronounced [ˈɦɛɾmɑn vɑn ˈɾɔmpœy] born in a Jewish family, 31 October 1947) is the first long term and full time President of the European Council (until the Treaty of Lisbon, the position had rotated among the Prime Ministers of the Member States for six months each, since then they choose a President of their meetings for a 2½ year period, renewable once). A Belgian politician of the Christian Democratic and Flemish party, Van Rompuy served as the 49th Prime Minister of Belgium from 30 December 2008 until his predecessor (Yves Leterme) succeeded him on 25 November 2009. He has the Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold.
Durão Barroso Is Knight Templar and SMOM
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Jesuit Vatican Knigts Templar Shadows Government,
Order Of Malta,
OWS American Revolution Occupy Wall Street Protests Ignored by Corporate Mainstream Media
Occupy Wall Street What the corporate media do not want you to see!
US becomes a center of poverty-wage manufacturing
Going into its 16th day, the Occupy Wall Street protest is not only not fading out, it’s about to get a big injection of support, and bodies. The established New York City labor and community groups who normally organize local marches, rallies and sit-ins, have announced they plan to join up next week.
Crain’s reports that the groups include The United Federation of Teachers, 32BJ SEIU, 1199 SEIU, Workers United and Transport Workers Union Local 100. The Working Families Party will help organize it, and will help promote it.
“We’re getting involved because the crisis was caused by the excesses of Wall Street and the consequences have fallen hardest on workers,” a spokesman for TWU Local 100 told Crain’s.
“We’re not trying to grab the steering wheel or to control it,” Michael Kink, executive director of the Strong Economy For All coalition told Crain’s. “We’re looking to find common cause and support the effort. It’s the right fight at the right time and we want to be part of it.”
The executive board for the Transport Workers Union Local 100 which boasts roughly 38,000 bus and subway workers plus an additional 26,000 retirees, voted Wednesday night to support demonstrators, who have been camped out at Zuccotti Park near World Trade Center since September 17. According to spokesman Jim Ganon union invited its members to join Occupy Wall Street crowd for a march and rally at 4:30 P.M. on October 5th. The Working Families Party is also expected to participate in October 5th action according to spokesman T.J. Helmstetter.
With the full backing of the Obama administration, US and foreign-based corporations are exploiting levels of mass unemployment and poverty not seen since the Great Depression in order to transform the US into a cheap labor platform in direct competition with Mexico, China and other low-wage countries.
Using the threat of liquidation, the White House demanded the expansion of near poverty wages throughout the industry, stripped workers of the right to strike and demanded labor costs be kept in line with the Asian and European manufacturers operating non-union factories in the South. This has resulted in booming profits for the US-based automakers, which have, in turn, refused to provide any wage increases to workers while shoveling out tens of millions in executive bonuses.
US becomes a center of poverty-wage manufacturing
Going into its 16th day, the Occupy Wall Street protest is not only not fading out, it’s about to get a big injection of support, and bodies. The established New York City labor and community groups who normally organize local marches, rallies and sit-ins, have announced they plan to join up next week.
Crain’s reports that the groups include The United Federation of Teachers, 32BJ SEIU, 1199 SEIU, Workers United and Transport Workers Union Local 100. The Working Families Party will help organize it, and will help promote it.
“We’re getting involved because the crisis was caused by the excesses of Wall Street and the consequences have fallen hardest on workers,” a spokesman for TWU Local 100 told Crain’s.
“We’re not trying to grab the steering wheel or to control it,” Michael Kink, executive director of the Strong Economy For All coalition told Crain’s. “We’re looking to find common cause and support the effort. It’s the right fight at the right time and we want to be part of it.”
The executive board for the Transport Workers Union Local 100 which boasts roughly 38,000 bus and subway workers plus an additional 26,000 retirees, voted Wednesday night to support demonstrators, who have been camped out at Zuccotti Park near World Trade Center since September 17. According to spokesman Jim Ganon union invited its members to join Occupy Wall Street crowd for a march and rally at 4:30 P.M. on October 5th. The Working Families Party is also expected to participate in October 5th action according to spokesman T.J. Helmstetter.
With the full backing of the Obama administration, US and foreign-based corporations are exploiting levels of mass unemployment and poverty not seen since the Great Depression in order to transform the US into a cheap labor platform in direct competition with Mexico, China and other low-wage countries.
Using the threat of liquidation, the White House demanded the expansion of near poverty wages throughout the industry, stripped workers of the right to strike and demanded labor costs be kept in line with the Asian and European manufacturers operating non-union factories in the South. This has resulted in booming profits for the US-based automakers, which have, in turn, refused to provide any wage increases to workers while shoveling out tens of millions in executive bonuses.
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May 15 International Organization Real Democracy NOW ArabSpring Europe America USA Africa Asia Australia Take The Square Democracia Real Ya Verdadeira Já Anonymous World Revolution Against NWO Fascism

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