Europe United - Protest Dublin - Causes United
Saturday, 15 Outuber · 14:00 - 18:00
Place - The Spire Of Dublin
October 15 world revolution global mass protests all events agenda
On October 15th 2011 European's from all across Europe will be uniting in support of each others causes.
In Ireland we are suffering just as much as everyone else, we have had our vital services cut, people have lost jobs because of cuts, increased taxes and new charges. We have all been divided for to long and we need to unite for the better of our own lives, the lives of our families, friends and communities.
Protests in Ireland are taking place all the time but being divided stops us from ever fixing the problems we are having.
On October 15th 2011 we ask you to stand together for one single day so we can all together try and sort the issues. We are being made to pay for the banks / corporations and Government.
United We stand, Divided We Fall.
Europe (October 15th 2011) - United By Protest - Causes United (Ireland)
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Saturday, 30 July 2011
15-O Causes United Dublin Ireland: Europe DemocracyNow United Protest RealDemocracyNOW WorldRevolution
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United Protest,
RealDemocracyNOW Anonymous Press-Release: What is Anonymous? What is "The Plan"? Videos
What is Anonymous? What is "The Plan"?
Ladies and gentlemen,
This is an address to the people and media outlets of the world. Allow me to share with you a message. What you take from this message is for you to decide, but we must address some important issues at hand as to who we are and what we stand for. We are simply Anonymous. And before I tell you what Anonymous is, allow me to begin by sharing with you a story of one person who takes the step to becoming Anonymous. This person is neither you nor I, but everyone. It is our brother, our sister our family and our friend. This is their story:
I awoke today much like any other. The alarm, the slight ache nagging in my back, the random ray of light sneaking through the curtain. Today was just like the last and a precursor to tomorrow. Every day was exactly the same. Wake up, coffee, cigarette, get ready, off to work. Spend all day at work dealing with bullshit I could care less about, simply to make a few bucks. Go home, eat, two hours of MY time, bed. Rinse, repeat.
And this is how today was different. Because hit me. Today I recognized this system for what it is. BULLSHIT. Today I identified within myself what life should be, rather than what is simply accepted. But why? Why do so many people become so completely dismissive of that tiny little itch deep within their soul that calls out to them, trying to remind them what this life could be...or perhaps I should further emphasize my belief by saying what this life should be.
Are we really here to be born into this world, raised as a child and molded into conformity? Taught what it is to be "normal", how to think, what to say, how to live? We begin our young lives with constant indoctrination under the guise of education only to grow up with higher expectations from all the garbage society shoves into our minds. Our obsession with idols, entertainment and celebrities has us chasing unattainable wealth and fame until we finally realize that reality is knocking on our door and it's time to put the suit on and get that dream job everyone always talks about. And why not? Maybe get a nice house in the suburbs, nice car, enough money to live comfortably numb to the world around us. Maybe a nice little dog would do too? Yes I think so. Sony has a new big screen? Why yes, I must have that. Right after I get the iPhone 15! We grow up being told who to be. We become that person and we are told what to buy, what to wear and how to be happy. And if you can't, there's drugs to help. Then we get old, maybe buy a home in Florida and we die. Is this what we are here for? To be shaped into molds, taught to consume until the day we're put in the ground?
My mind raced...conformity, corruption, apathy, acceptance, oppression, violations of human-rights. Millions of people suffering, starving, struggling. Why? Why does this have to happen? And how is this acceptable? Corporate big-wigs are living the high life while they rape the land we all share and steal our way of life. Our cultures are polluted by their preachings of capitalism and consumerism. Do we really even know ourselves anymore? Do you like what you see within yourself? Are you happy with the life you have, the struggle of your daily life and the lives of others around you? Can you honestly justify that simply because things are going well for you at this present time, nothing needs to be done to change this world to end the suffering and struggle of millions? Where has our compassion gone? Where is our passion for life?
Fact: Almost half of the world - over three billion people - live on less than $2.50 a day. THREE BILLION PEOPLE! At least 80% of humanity lives on less than $10 a day and live in countries where income differentials are widening. 22,000 children die each day due to poverty and 1 billion live in poverty. That's one out of 2 children in the world.
Fact: The world military expenditure in 2010 is estimated to have reached $1.62 trillion in US dollars, representing a 50% increase since 2001. This corresponds to 2.6 percent of world GDP, or approximately $236 for each person in the entire world. The United States with it's massive spending budget, is the principal determinant of the current world trend and now at 43% of the world total, accounts for just under half the military expenditures of the entire world.
Fact: The National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project (NPMSRP) was started in March of 2009 as a method of recording and analyzing police misconduct in the United States through the utilization of news media reports to generate statistical and trending information. In general, from April 2009 to June 2010 there were 5,986 reports of misconduct that have been recorded. 382 Fatalities were linked to misconduct. Nearly $350 billion had been spent in related settlements and judgements. 23% of the reports for 2010 at the time of presentation were due to excessive force. 10.6% were linked to sexual misconduct. And recently in Dayton, Ohio a mentally handicapped boy was beaten, tazed and arrested by Dayton Police.
The lists of injustices and corruption in the world go on and on. And now I ask again - how have we come to accept this? Simply because that is the way it is? If we as humans truly have souls, reason, logic and compassion then I say that accepting the unacceptably unjust is less than acceptable.
Was this a sudden epiphany that burst in my brain, spontaneously igniting receptors and allowing my thought process to comprehend these matters specifically on this day? No, today is different because beginning on this day, I can no longer except this insanity simply because "that's the way it is". Today I can see the system before me, it's gears turning, surrounding us from every angle as the machine swallows us whole. Today I brought my wrench. heart and soul ignited with the ideas that make me Anonymous. And on this day, we must set the record straight.
Still an individual, I am also many. I am you and you are me. We are one within our cause. Anonymous is not a group, nor is it a membership. Anonymous is merely an idea. The idea of true freedom, a world free of corruption, oppression and tyranny where we can live our lives as we sit fit and truly be ourselves and be accepted for it. An idea that seeks to defend such freedoms and pursue the proper course in the better interest of the people of this planet, rather than cater to the bank accounts of a small percentage of wealthy elite and crooked politicians and government officials. In sharing these ideas and principals, we are all Anonymous.
We are not who we have been portrayed to be. While some who associate themselves as Anonymous may make the personal decision to attack targets through hacking and exploits, being Anonymous does not make you a hacker, nor does it mean that you are a criminal. Being Anonymous simply means that one shares the values and principals of freedom, the defense of it and the pursuit for it. We are ordinary people, concerned with the state of this world. We are your neighbors, your friends, your family. We are your mailmen, store clerks, business professionals, veterans and military personnel. And united as this one idea we call Anonymous, we desire a change. A change that is for once in the better interest of the people of this world. Through this desire, we have devised what we so simply yet eloquently call "The Plan."
"The Plan" consists of three phases occurring over the course of the next year and will continue from there-on. Since the launch on June 15th 2011, we have grown to over 50,000 members strong. Our actions and passion for our cause speak volumes for the sincere and pure motives of our movement. What do we desire? A more promising way of life, free of the constraints society has laid upon us. Free of the division. A world with more transparent governments that work for the people, instead of against them. Where peace officers are serving the people once again rather than the establishment. A world where we can evolve as a world community, end these senseless wars and settle our differences with nothing more than true diplomacy. We wish to have less corporate influence in our countries and in our daily lives. We want to see the return of main street, and the gradual containment of wall street. And most certainly, we desire the ability to control our own economy by removing the powers that have been granted to the world banks and ridding the world of their fiat currencies. To sum the many ideas we share into one statement: We desire a world that works together as human beings in the best interest of the people, decided by the people rather than a world divided by race and nationality that functions solely for wealth and conquest.
The phases of "The Plan" are broken down ever so simply, and yet complex in their entirety.
Phase One: Assemble. Spread the message and begin educating yourself further on the corruption that takes place within our communities and our world as a whole. Share information and assist each other in developing new ideas for our own lives and our communities to improve the current condition.
Phase Two: Organize. Continue spreading the message and education. Begin reaching out into your own community and building the unity and bond to strengthen the cause in your local areas. Learn what you can do to help others around you. Learn compassion and caring for others and ways you can improve the lives of others. Begin planning ways to address the important issues that stand between our communities and a better way of life.
Phase Three: Mobilize. Our efforts come full circle and we begin to share our dissatisfaction in organized, mass-unison with those who control the current structure of the system. Mass protests, boycotts and other peaceful means of non-compliance will be used to set the message straight that we will no longer participate and tolerate this system of servitude.
Our unity will be our stronghold. Our respect and understanding for personal differences will be our foundation. Our cause will be our offensive and our dedication, intelligence and philosophy will be our defense. Change is coming, and we can for once look forward to this change.
United as one. Divided by zero.
We are Anonymous. Expect us.
Anonymous announces "The Plan"
Anonymous has gone live with their war against the system called simply, "The Plan". This is a global movement and has three phases. We are just beginning phase one which is simple. PHASE 1: Better yourself. Spread the message. Be the message. Follow me below for more information.
"The Plan" 1 year. 3 phases. A world of change.
Share this message with everyone you can.
PHASE 1: Better yourself. Spread the message. Be the message.
*Educate yourself on the depths of the system, the functions put it place to inhibit true freedom as well as the mechanisms within the system that motivate the masses to subconsciously accept giving up those freedoms. The structures within the system that promote division within the people of the countries of this world and the injustices that are placed upon the people.
*Spread the message. Share this video and the website with everyone you can. Make your own videos, songs, art, graffiti etc... spreading the word that we are here, the movement is taking hold. Expect us.
*Learn ways that will allow you to break free from the system. Start small and implement them in your daily lives. This will be implemented as a focus of Phase 2 as well, escalating what you have learned.
*ANON hackers - begin supporting the movement. This is a calling to all of you for the aid of this movement. Low-priority targets are your engagement. Assist with the movement and spread the message of "The Plan".
The resistance is here.
Expect us.
I urge everyone to take the 20 minutes to watch the movies and give it some thought. What we're doing now is not working. We are running out of time. Right now we have the entire world's momentum with us, let's not waste that. There is much work to be done and we need your help to make this planet a better place for everyone to live on. What we need is Solidarity. The people of Greece, Ireland, UK, Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, Spain, Italy, Syria, Bahrain have all decided they no longer can abide by the flagrant disregard the Oligarchy has for the workers of the planet. The time is now for Global Solidarity.
Ladies and gentlemen,
This is an address to the people and media outlets of the world. Allow me to share with you a message. What you take from this message is for you to decide, but we must address some important issues at hand as to who we are and what we stand for. We are simply Anonymous. And before I tell you what Anonymous is, allow me to begin by sharing with you a story of one person who takes the step to becoming Anonymous. This person is neither you nor I, but everyone. It is our brother, our sister our family and our friend. This is their story:
I awoke today much like any other. The alarm, the slight ache nagging in my back, the random ray of light sneaking through the curtain. Today was just like the last and a precursor to tomorrow. Every day was exactly the same. Wake up, coffee, cigarette, get ready, off to work. Spend all day at work dealing with bullshit I could care less about, simply to make a few bucks. Go home, eat, two hours of MY time, bed. Rinse, repeat.
And this is how today was different. Because hit me. Today I recognized this system for what it is. BULLSHIT. Today I identified within myself what life should be, rather than what is simply accepted. But why? Why do so many people become so completely dismissive of that tiny little itch deep within their soul that calls out to them, trying to remind them what this life could be...or perhaps I should further emphasize my belief by saying what this life should be.
Are we really here to be born into this world, raised as a child and molded into conformity? Taught what it is to be "normal", how to think, what to say, how to live? We begin our young lives with constant indoctrination under the guise of education only to grow up with higher expectations from all the garbage society shoves into our minds. Our obsession with idols, entertainment and celebrities has us chasing unattainable wealth and fame until we finally realize that reality is knocking on our door and it's time to put the suit on and get that dream job everyone always talks about. And why not? Maybe get a nice house in the suburbs, nice car, enough money to live comfortably numb to the world around us. Maybe a nice little dog would do too? Yes I think so. Sony has a new big screen? Why yes, I must have that. Right after I get the iPhone 15! We grow up being told who to be. We become that person and we are told what to buy, what to wear and how to be happy. And if you can't, there's drugs to help. Then we get old, maybe buy a home in Florida and we die. Is this what we are here for? To be shaped into molds, taught to consume until the day we're put in the ground?
My mind raced...conformity, corruption, apathy, acceptance, oppression, violations of human-rights. Millions of people suffering, starving, struggling. Why? Why does this have to happen? And how is this acceptable? Corporate big-wigs are living the high life while they rape the land we all share and steal our way of life. Our cultures are polluted by their preachings of capitalism and consumerism. Do we really even know ourselves anymore? Do you like what you see within yourself? Are you happy with the life you have, the struggle of your daily life and the lives of others around you? Can you honestly justify that simply because things are going well for you at this present time, nothing needs to be done to change this world to end the suffering and struggle of millions? Where has our compassion gone? Where is our passion for life?
Fact: Almost half of the world - over three billion people - live on less than $2.50 a day. THREE BILLION PEOPLE! At least 80% of humanity lives on less than $10 a day and live in countries where income differentials are widening. 22,000 children die each day due to poverty and 1 billion live in poverty. That's one out of 2 children in the world.
Fact: The world military expenditure in 2010 is estimated to have reached $1.62 trillion in US dollars, representing a 50% increase since 2001. This corresponds to 2.6 percent of world GDP, or approximately $236 for each person in the entire world. The United States with it's massive spending budget, is the principal determinant of the current world trend and now at 43% of the world total, accounts for just under half the military expenditures of the entire world.
Fact: The National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project (NPMSRP) was started in March of 2009 as a method of recording and analyzing police misconduct in the United States through the utilization of news media reports to generate statistical and trending information. In general, from April 2009 to June 2010 there were 5,986 reports of misconduct that have been recorded. 382 Fatalities were linked to misconduct. Nearly $350 billion had been spent in related settlements and judgements. 23% of the reports for 2010 at the time of presentation were due to excessive force. 10.6% were linked to sexual misconduct. And recently in Dayton, Ohio a mentally handicapped boy was beaten, tazed and arrested by Dayton Police.
The lists of injustices and corruption in the world go on and on. And now I ask again - how have we come to accept this? Simply because that is the way it is? If we as humans truly have souls, reason, logic and compassion then I say that accepting the unacceptably unjust is less than acceptable.
Was this a sudden epiphany that burst in my brain, spontaneously igniting receptors and allowing my thought process to comprehend these matters specifically on this day? No, today is different because beginning on this day, I can no longer except this insanity simply because "that's the way it is". Today I can see the system before me, it's gears turning, surrounding us from every angle as the machine swallows us whole. Today I brought my wrench. heart and soul ignited with the ideas that make me Anonymous. And on this day, we must set the record straight.
Still an individual, I am also many. I am you and you are me. We are one within our cause. Anonymous is not a group, nor is it a membership. Anonymous is merely an idea. The idea of true freedom, a world free of corruption, oppression and tyranny where we can live our lives as we sit fit and truly be ourselves and be accepted for it. An idea that seeks to defend such freedoms and pursue the proper course in the better interest of the people of this planet, rather than cater to the bank accounts of a small percentage of wealthy elite and crooked politicians and government officials. In sharing these ideas and principals, we are all Anonymous.
We are not who we have been portrayed to be. While some who associate themselves as Anonymous may make the personal decision to attack targets through hacking and exploits, being Anonymous does not make you a hacker, nor does it mean that you are a criminal. Being Anonymous simply means that one shares the values and principals of freedom, the defense of it and the pursuit for it. We are ordinary people, concerned with the state of this world. We are your neighbors, your friends, your family. We are your mailmen, store clerks, business professionals, veterans and military personnel. And united as this one idea we call Anonymous, we desire a change. A change that is for once in the better interest of the people of this world. Through this desire, we have devised what we so simply yet eloquently call "The Plan."
"The Plan" consists of three phases occurring over the course of the next year and will continue from there-on. Since the launch on June 15th 2011, we have grown to over 50,000 members strong. Our actions and passion for our cause speak volumes for the sincere and pure motives of our movement. What do we desire? A more promising way of life, free of the constraints society has laid upon us. Free of the division. A world with more transparent governments that work for the people, instead of against them. Where peace officers are serving the people once again rather than the establishment. A world where we can evolve as a world community, end these senseless wars and settle our differences with nothing more than true diplomacy. We wish to have less corporate influence in our countries and in our daily lives. We want to see the return of main street, and the gradual containment of wall street. And most certainly, we desire the ability to control our own economy by removing the powers that have been granted to the world banks and ridding the world of their fiat currencies. To sum the many ideas we share into one statement: We desire a world that works together as human beings in the best interest of the people, decided by the people rather than a world divided by race and nationality that functions solely for wealth and conquest.
The phases of "The Plan" are broken down ever so simply, and yet complex in their entirety.
Phase One: Assemble. Spread the message and begin educating yourself further on the corruption that takes place within our communities and our world as a whole. Share information and assist each other in developing new ideas for our own lives and our communities to improve the current condition.
Phase Two: Organize. Continue spreading the message and education. Begin reaching out into your own community and building the unity and bond to strengthen the cause in your local areas. Learn what you can do to help others around you. Learn compassion and caring for others and ways you can improve the lives of others. Begin planning ways to address the important issues that stand between our communities and a better way of life.
Phase Three: Mobilize. Our efforts come full circle and we begin to share our dissatisfaction in organized, mass-unison with those who control the current structure of the system. Mass protests, boycotts and other peaceful means of non-compliance will be used to set the message straight that we will no longer participate and tolerate this system of servitude.
Our unity will be our stronghold. Our respect and understanding for personal differences will be our foundation. Our cause will be our offensive and our dedication, intelligence and philosophy will be our defense. Change is coming, and we can for once look forward to this change.
United as one. Divided by zero.
We are Anonymous. Expect us.
Anonymous announces "The Plan"
Anonymous has gone live with their war against the system called simply, "The Plan". This is a global movement and has three phases. We are just beginning phase one which is simple. PHASE 1: Better yourself. Spread the message. Be the message. Follow me below for more information.
"The Plan" 1 year. 3 phases. A world of change.
Share this message with everyone you can.
PHASE 1: Better yourself. Spread the message. Be the message.
*Educate yourself on the depths of the system, the functions put it place to inhibit true freedom as well as the mechanisms within the system that motivate the masses to subconsciously accept giving up those freedoms. The structures within the system that promote division within the people of the countries of this world and the injustices that are placed upon the people.
*Spread the message. Share this video and the website with everyone you can. Make your own videos, songs, art, graffiti etc... spreading the word that we are here, the movement is taking hold. Expect us.
*Learn ways that will allow you to break free from the system. Start small and implement them in your daily lives. This will be implemented as a focus of Phase 2 as well, escalating what you have learned.
*ANON hackers - begin supporting the movement. This is a calling to all of you for the aid of this movement. Low-priority targets are your engagement. Assist with the movement and spread the message of "The Plan".
The resistance is here.
Expect us.
I urge everyone to take the 20 minutes to watch the movies and give it some thought. What we're doing now is not working. We are running out of time. Right now we have the entire world's momentum with us, let's not waste that. There is much work to be done and we need your help to make this planet a better place for everyone to live on. What we need is Solidarity. The people of Greece, Ireland, UK, Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, Spain, Italy, Syria, Bahrain have all decided they no longer can abide by the flagrant disregard the Oligarchy has for the workers of the planet. The time is now for Global Solidarity.
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WorldRevolution: Dublin Wake Up Speech: Rage Against The Machine Ireland Portugal Spain Greek Wake Up
Rage Against The Machine O2 Dublin Wake Up Speech
Zacks speech from wake up, from o2 dublin, 8.06.2010:
You know I've been, I've been getting really frustrated turning on the news recently and listening to all this mainstream talk.
All this talk about Ireland, and all this talk about Portugal, and all this talk about Spain, and all this talk about Greece.
And all they seem to be saying is: 'aw the people in Ireland & Spain & Greece & Portugal aw they have it too easy'
And the very companies that run these stations like CNN profited so greatly from the housing trouble and crisis that they created, the very people that created the tensions and created the economic recession, are the first to blame YOU for the reason that came about!
And I'm sick of them saying this over and over again, knowing full well that the reason we have pensions; that the reason we have vacations; that the reason why we have eight hour work days is precisely because of the kind of actions that our brothers and sisters in Greece are taking right now!
People are taking to the streets against the wealthy class who've been robbing us all for years.
And in the face of all this propaganda I wanna say:
We have to unite here in Europe!
We have to unite here in Europe!!
Across ethnic lines, Across religious difference, Across racial lines!
Because now the lines are clear
Zacks speech from wake up, from o2 dublin, 8.06.2010:
You know I've been, I've been getting really frustrated turning on the news recently and listening to all this mainstream talk.
All this talk about Ireland, and all this talk about Portugal, and all this talk about Spain, and all this talk about Greece.
And all they seem to be saying is: 'aw the people in Ireland & Spain & Greece & Portugal aw they have it too easy'
And the very companies that run these stations like CNN profited so greatly from the housing trouble and crisis that they created, the very people that created the tensions and created the economic recession, are the first to blame YOU for the reason that came about!
And I'm sick of them saying this over and over again, knowing full well that the reason we have pensions; that the reason we have vacations; that the reason why we have eight hour work days is precisely because of the kind of actions that our brothers and sisters in Greece are taking right now!
People are taking to the streets against the wealthy class who've been robbing us all for years.
And in the face of all this propaganda I wanna say:
We have to unite here in Europe!
We have to unite here in Europe!!
Across ethnic lines, Across religious difference, Across racial lines!
Because now the lines are clear
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Portugal Spain,
Rage Against The Machine,
Wake Up,
RealDemocracyNOW WorldRevolution: GreekRevolution Syntagma Square Press-Release To EuropeanRevolution Global Community Take The Square
Press-release from #Syntagma Square to Global Community #europeanrevolution #greekrevolution
Sent us by our dear fellows of .
Dear friends, brothers and sisters,
We are the ones that have fought for a month at Syntagma square in Athens. We organize ourselves with direct democracy excluding all political parties. Our voice is our everyday people´s assembly.
We are indignant because others decide for us without us and mortgage our future; they impose loans that do not benefit the people but the banks and governments’ interests. We are indignant because they terrify us using the deterrent of bankruptcy. Not only do they try to scare us but they also try to set people against each other.
*- We do not want any more support loans.*
*- We do not want public property *to be sold off.
*- We do not want the medium-term program *to pass.
*- We do not want the socialization of losses and privatization of gains.
*Unite your voice with ours.*
They are using our sacrifices and yours so that few acquire wealth.
We are here today, you will be here tomorrow.
We take to the streets everyday.
Every Sunday hundreds of thousands of citizens gather at the squares of all Greece, Syntagma being the core.
*The medium-term austerity *program will not pass.
Journalists hush, we do not.
We urge all the people of Europe and all trade unions to organize solidarity and mutual support actions on the day of the medium-term program vote.
*All together, so that we take our lives in our hands*
A revoked and dictatorial government that doesn’t represent the people of this country has just passed bills (Midterm Agreement, Implementation law) to sell up Greek public property and land, against the will of the vast majority of the people.
We inform those who look forward to an investing opportunity that we will, in a very short time, overthrow this government and all responsible will answer for their crimes against the people and the country. Their bills and signatures are not valid. They have not been validated by the Greek people and they will not be recognized by the people.
We warn any investor not to even think of coming near an auction or sale of our public property or land and furthermore not to purchase them. When we will regain the sovereignty of our country, they will lose whatever they purchased, and the money they paid in that illegal transaction will not be refunded.
Moreover we warn them that until we regain control of the country, in the process of defending our rights, as they are mentioned in the Greek Constitution and in the internationally recognized Peoples’ Rights, we will proceed to all necessary actions (through our self-organization) to annul and sabotage their investment
No prospective investor should, therefore, dare to go on with any bargain shopping of public property and land in Greece, unless they realize the high risk of their investment. In this case, their investment will be “welcomed” in the country where any time someone takes away the freedom of
the people, someone like Kanaris is born or a bridge is blown up, like that over Gorgopotamos river.
*The People’s Assembly Syntagma 3/7/2011*
Sent to our dear fellows of European Revolution
From our dear fellows of Real Democracy Greece
Also published by our dear fellows of Indignez Vous Belgique
Sent us by our dear fellows of .
Dear friends, brothers and sisters,
We are the ones that have fought for a month at Syntagma square in Athens. We organize ourselves with direct democracy excluding all political parties. Our voice is our everyday people´s assembly.
We are indignant because others decide for us without us and mortgage our future; they impose loans that do not benefit the people but the banks and governments’ interests. We are indignant because they terrify us using the deterrent of bankruptcy. Not only do they try to scare us but they also try to set people against each other.
*- We do not want any more support loans.*
*- We do not want public property *to be sold off.
*- We do not want the medium-term program *to pass.
*- We do not want the socialization of losses and privatization of gains.
*Unite your voice with ours.*
They are using our sacrifices and yours so that few acquire wealth.
We are here today, you will be here tomorrow.
We take to the streets everyday.
Every Sunday hundreds of thousands of citizens gather at the squares of all Greece, Syntagma being the core.
*The medium-term austerity *program will not pass.
Journalists hush, we do not.
We urge all the people of Europe and all trade unions to organize solidarity and mutual support actions on the day of the medium-term program vote.
*All together, so that we take our lives in our hands*
A revoked and dictatorial government that doesn’t represent the people of this country has just passed bills (Midterm Agreement, Implementation law) to sell up Greek public property and land, against the will of the vast majority of the people.
We inform those who look forward to an investing opportunity that we will, in a very short time, overthrow this government and all responsible will answer for their crimes against the people and the country. Their bills and signatures are not valid. They have not been validated by the Greek people and they will not be recognized by the people.
We warn any investor not to even think of coming near an auction or sale of our public property or land and furthermore not to purchase them. When we will regain the sovereignty of our country, they will lose whatever they purchased, and the money they paid in that illegal transaction will not be refunded.
Moreover we warn them that until we regain control of the country, in the process of defending our rights, as they are mentioned in the Greek Constitution and in the internationally recognized Peoples’ Rights, we will proceed to all necessary actions (through our self-organization) to annul and sabotage their investment
No prospective investor should, therefore, dare to go on with any bargain shopping of public property and land in Greece, unless they realize the high risk of their investment. In this case, their investment will be “welcomed” in the country where any time someone takes away the freedom of
the people, someone like Kanaris is born or a bridge is blown up, like that over Gorgopotamos river.
*The People’s Assembly Syntagma 3/7/2011*
Sent to our dear fellows of European Revolution
From our dear fellows of Real Democracy Greece
Also published by our dear fellows of Indignez Vous Belgique
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Friday, 29 July 2011
MarchaBruselas Epic Departure from Madrid The La "Marcha Hacia Buselas" SpanishRevolution EuropeanRevolution WorldRevolution Videos
Spanish activists begin a long march from Madrid to Brussels: La Marcha Hacia Buselas - #MarchaBruselas
Spanish activists have set off on a march from Madrid to Brussels in protest against the handling of the economic crisis.
The movement, known as "the Indignants", is a response to the record level of unemployment in Spain, which is currently over 20%.
Youth unemployment in the country is even higher at 44%, the highest in Europe.
The group plan to hold meetings and pick up support across the continent along the way.
"3 Salida, desde Madrid, de la marcha popular del 15-M hacia Bruselas para reivindicar una nueva unión europea Madrid 26-07-2011"
Departure from Madrid, the La "Marcha Hacia Buselas", #MarchaBruselas Indignant people parade of 15-M Movement to Brussels to demand a new European Union Madrid 26-07-2011
Spanish activists have set off on a march from Madrid to Brussels in protest against the handling of the economic crisis.
The movement, known as "the Indignants", is a response to the record level of unemployment in Spain, which is currently over 20%.
Youth unemployment in the country is even higher at 44%, the highest in Europe.
The group plan to hold meetings and pick up support across the continent along the way.
Marcha popular del 15-M hacia Bruselas
"3 Salida, desde Madrid, de la marcha popular del 15-M hacia Bruselas para reivindicar una nueva unión europea Madrid 26-07-2011"
Departure from Madrid, the La "Marcha Hacia Buselas", #MarchaBruselas Indignant people parade of 15-M Movement to Brussels to demand a new European Union Madrid 26-07-2011
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Thursday, 28 July 2011
Keiser Report: Revolution Ideas Global Insurrection Against Bankers Occupation RT America Russia Today Video
Keiser Report: Ideas for Revolution Global Insurrection Against Bankers Occupation
This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, look at the Cindy Sherman of monkeys sparking a revolution, the problem with #occupywallstreet and the truth about $500 silver if you want it. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Sandeep Jaitly about Austrian economics, Dr. Bernanke's view on gold and whether or not the dollar or the euro will kick the bucket first.
KR on FB - Keiser Repor on Facebook:
While I support Max & Stacy's push to end the current banker controlled debt based money system Im struggling to see how the poor & middle class would benefit from a gold standard. Nobody I know has any physical precious metals and my understanding is that central banks hold most of it?
This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, look at the Cindy Sherman of monkeys sparking a revolution, the problem with #occupywallstreet and the truth about $500 silver if you want it. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Sandeep Jaitly about Austrian economics, Dr. Bernanke's view on gold and whether or not the dollar or the euro will kick the bucket first.
KR on FB - Keiser Repor on Facebook:
While I support Max & Stacy's push to end the current banker controlled debt based money system Im struggling to see how the poor & middle class would benefit from a gold standard. Nobody I know has any physical precious metals and my understanding is that central banks hold most of it?
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Keiser Report,
RT America,
Russia Today,
Philippines Asia Revolution: University Students Protest Against Budget Cuts on Education The World Revolution
Philippines Asia Revolution: Manila University Revolution students walk out of classes in protest against President Aquino's budget cuts on education
University students walk out of classes in protest ahead of Pres. Aquino's State of the Nation Address in protest of plans by the government to further cut the budget of education sector and other social services. The students and others from the education sector demand that Aquino state in his SONA on Monday, July 25, that he will will increase the budget on social services. The protest actions were participated in by thousands of students in Metro Manila and the provinces in the Philippines. It was led by Anakbayan, League of Filipino Students, National Union of Students of the Philippines, Kabataana Artista para sa Tunay na Kalayaan (Youth Artsts for True Democracy), Student Christian Movement, and the College Editors Guild of the Philippines, as well as several university administrators and progressive professors and school staff
University students walk out of classes in protest ahead of Pres. Aquino's State of the Nation Address in protest of plans by the government to further cut the budget of education sector and other social services. The students and others from the education sector demand that Aquino state in his SONA on Monday, July 25, that he will will increase the budget on social services. The protest actions were participated in by thousands of students in Metro Manila and the provinces in the Philippines. It was led by Anakbayan, League of Filipino Students, National Union of Students of the Philippines, Kabataana Artista para sa Tunay na Kalayaan (Youth Artsts for True Democracy), Student Christian Movement, and the College Editors Guild of the Philippines, as well as several university administrators and progressive professors and school staff
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Public Education,
World Revolution
SouthAmericaRevolution: Chile Students Protests Rally For Public Education: RealDemocracyNOW WorldRevolution
Students in Chile stage hunger strike
Thousands of Chilean students have turned out in recent weeks for huge protests aimed at President Sebastian Pinera, a massive show of force in defense of public education funding. Chile's education system is one of the world's most expensive, according to the OECD. A natural sound AFPTV report.
18 July 2011
Thousands of Chilean students have turned out in recent weeks for huge protests aimed at President Sebastian Pinera, a massive show of force in defense of public education funding. Chile's education system is one of the world's most expensive, according to the OECD. A natural sound AFPTV report.
18 July 2011
Arabic-Web-Chilean students rally for public education
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Wednesday, 27 July 2011
RealdemocracyNOW: Anonymous Operation Onslaught WorldRevolution July 30th, 2011 YOUR HELP NEEDED
Real Democracy
NOW World Revolution: Anonymous' "Operation Onslaught" July 30th, 2011 YOUR HELP NEEDED
Good day public, we are Anonymous. Anonymous is not a group. It is not a person. It is an idea. Specifically, it is the idea that all of us deserve freedom.
Freedom of thought, of speech, of expression, of knowledge, of belief; the freedom to determine the course and destination of our own lives. If you share this idea, then you are Anonymous.
Join us. Expect Us.
NOW World Revolution: Anonymous' "Operation Onslaught" July 30th, 2011 YOUR HELP NEEDED
Good day public, we are Anonymous. Anonymous is not a group. It is not a person. It is an idea. Specifically, it is the idea that all of us deserve freedom.
Freedom of thought, of speech, of expression, of knowledge, of belief; the freedom to determine the course and destination of our own lives. If you share this idea, then you are Anonymous.
Join us. Expect Us.
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RevolutionSol 15M Madrid; Spanish Police Brutality Dragging Protesters From Parliament: SpanishRevolution EuropeanRevolution WorldRevolution Videos
15M Madrid, police dragging protesters from parliament
July 27, 2011. Police Brutality forcibly drag protesters from the encampment in front of Parliament, pulling people by either their jaws or ears to break our human chain
revolutionsol | 27 de Jul de 2011 | 21 visualizações
July 27, 2011. Police forcibly drag protesters from the encampment in front of Parliament, pulling people by either their jaws or ears to break our human chain.
This is particularly interesting - a federal police agent was filming everything, and especially protesters with cameras.
July 27, 2011. Police Brutality forcibly drag protesters from the encampment in front of Parliament, pulling people by either their jaws or ears to break our human chain
revolutionsol | 27 de Jul de 2011 | 21 visualizações
July 27, 2011. Police forcibly drag protesters from the encampment in front of Parliament, pulling people by either their jaws or ears to break our human chain.
This is particularly interesting - a federal police agent was filming everything, and especially protesters with cameras.
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EuropeanRevolution MarchaBruselas: Spanish Indignants Start Long Protest March To Brussels
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'Indignants' set out through Madrid's streets - destination Brussels |
Spanish activists, known as "Indignados, "the Indignants", have set off from Madrid on a long march to Brussels.
They are protesting against what they see as governments bowing to financial markets and ignoring the needs of their own people in the economic crisis.
As they head north, the protesters plan to hold meetings, collecting complaints and proposals as they go.
Since the movement began in Madrid two months ago, similar groups have sprung up across Europe.
The Indignants have added a new chant to their repertoire: "To Brussels!" they sing.
It will have to keep their spirits up for fully 1,000 miles (more than 1,500k), as they march across three countries.
Many of them have already spent weeks on the road, walking across Spain to Madrid, says the BBC's Sarah Rainsford in the Spanish capital.
Protester hug goodbye at start of march to Brussels on 26 June Protesters from across Spain gathered in Madrid last weekend. Next stop; Brussels
Following a mass rally there, the Indignants are heading for the heart of Europe.
They say they are marching because they are fed up with the way the economic crisis is playing out in Europe, with spending cuts, job losses, and privatisations, while those they blame for the recession remain unaffected.
The aim is to link up with fellow indignants from across Europe for a mass rally in October.
The Madrid protest began on 15 May and spread to other Spanish cities as word got around via Facebook and Twitter.
Spain's unemployment rate is the highest in the EU, at 21.3%. For the under-25s, it has risen to 44.6%.
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People Uprising From Egypt To Athens, Via Spain: ArabRevolution EgyptRevolution SpanishRevolution GreekRevolution EuropeanRevolution WorldRevolution Video
Uprising 2011 Video
From Egypt to Athens, via Spain, people have risen up against autocracy, the impact of the economic crisis and the lack of political democracy.
A World to Win is an organisation that campaigns against corporate power and for people's power. Our view is that this will require the creation of a new political democracy in place of the present capitalist state.
From Egypt to Athens, via Spain, people have risen up against autocracy, the impact of the economic crisis and the lack of political democracy.
A World to Win is an organisation that campaigns against corporate power and for people's power. Our view is that this will require the creation of a new political democracy in place of the present capitalist state.
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EuropeanRevolution RealDemocracyNOW London Message to Syntagma GreekRevolution: Real Democracy Now London International Assembly WorldRevolution
London Message to Syntagma
In this time of great confusion, political apathy and misinformation we are compelled to respond dynamically to issues that affect us all as citizens of the world, as human beings.
We EXPRESS OUR SOLIDARITY to Syntagma Square and, together, we call for the RE-ENFORCEMENT of the network of the Real Democracy Now groups across Europe.
1) We CONDEMN the propaganda of the major mainstream media who do not tell the truth about Greece, claiming that the violence was started by the protesters while there are numerous sources confirming that the Greek police act oppressively against the crowd, use prohibited tear gases, punish and beat protesters without reason, attack stores and arrest even those who do not participate in the protests. The crackdown of June 29th was in fact a chemical warfare against protesters.
We CONDEMN the actions of the Greek government: 1) The introduction of the IMF-EU-ECB Troika’s demands against the wishes of the Greek people. 2) The stance of the vice president of the government Theodoros Pagalos for calling the majority of the Greek people “crooks” while he openly declared that if instability continues the army should be called to protect the banks from the people. We wonder who will protect the people from the cannibalistic power of the banks.
Spain and Greece have been trapped within cultural stereotypes, cultivated by the mainstream mass media and people are led to believe that this economic mess has to do with our cultural habits. Of course we recognise our failure to identify the warnings in time, as before now we chose to ignore the problems and refused to see that we were being led into a destructive financial death-trap for the sake of private banks and global speculators. Hence, we call for the people to RISE UP and despise apathy and consumerism. It is time to take the future in our hands, ending the power of capitalism over our lives, both economically and politically
What we are experiencing, is the vicious application of a disastrous economic model in the EU, in the most undemocratic and provocative way while the political leaders do their best to keep the people misinformed and therefore easily manipulated. The current socio-political system aims to maximize the profit and socialize the cost.
2) We stand by the side of the SPANISH INDIGNADOS who were and always are a great influence and inspiration, by the FRENCH people and all those who go through difficult times, by the people of IRAN who fight against their oppressive regime, by the TUNISIANS and EGYPTIANS who showed the way to freedom, by the people of SYRIA, BAHRAIN, YEMEN, MOROCCO… the struggle is common.
3) We send our solidarity, also, to the people of CHILE who are struggling against the privatisation of schools and universities. During 2011 numerous student protests took place across the country, but the media kept silent about it. The Chilean people have a long history of fights against exploitation, one of the most notable being the fight against the brutal dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. Under neoliberal politics, only a few privileged will enjoy social benefits, the privatization of education will shatter the dreams of the entire youth and condemn future generations to illiteracy.
4) We believe in a global political system of EQUAL PARTICIPATION for all citizens in political life, which should be the dominant value of human society, instead of money, productivism and economism.
5) There is an English saying ‘to take the bull by both horns’. In response to the crisis, we now see both the politics of nationalism and European state-federalism rearing their ugly heads. Nationalism, however intended is divisive, racist, fascist even and therefore ultimately undemocratic. With global capital now dictating each country’s policies, the Treaty of Westphalia has run its course. At the same time, we REJECT any political union foisted on us by the European state as a solution to the crisis, which will only damage each country further by following the same FAILED neo-liberal / global capitalist-led model.
6) Instead, we will replace and transform these bankrupt institutions with democratic People’s Assemblies.
7) Let us now call for People’s Assemblies everywhere! To express our common, local sovereignty, the means to build a new society that supports people and planet, while ALSO forcing each nation to join as one, to take on the global hegemon. For only then, when global capital is superceded by people power will poverty, famine, war and planetary destruction come to an end.
I think I can change things.
I think I can help.
I know that together we can.
For peace, equality and freedom
Real Democracy Now – London International Assembly
In this time of great confusion, political apathy and misinformation we are compelled to respond dynamically to issues that affect us all as citizens of the world, as human beings.
We EXPRESS OUR SOLIDARITY to Syntagma Square and, together, we call for the RE-ENFORCEMENT of the network of the Real Democracy Now groups across Europe.
1) We CONDEMN the propaganda of the major mainstream media who do not tell the truth about Greece, claiming that the violence was started by the protesters while there are numerous sources confirming that the Greek police act oppressively against the crowd, use prohibited tear gases, punish and beat protesters without reason, attack stores and arrest even those who do not participate in the protests. The crackdown of June 29th was in fact a chemical warfare against protesters.
We CONDEMN the actions of the Greek government: 1) The introduction of the IMF-EU-ECB Troika’s demands against the wishes of the Greek people. 2) The stance of the vice president of the government Theodoros Pagalos for calling the majority of the Greek people “crooks” while he openly declared that if instability continues the army should be called to protect the banks from the people. We wonder who will protect the people from the cannibalistic power of the banks.
Spain and Greece have been trapped within cultural stereotypes, cultivated by the mainstream mass media and people are led to believe that this economic mess has to do with our cultural habits. Of course we recognise our failure to identify the warnings in time, as before now we chose to ignore the problems and refused to see that we were being led into a destructive financial death-trap for the sake of private banks and global speculators. Hence, we call for the people to RISE UP and despise apathy and consumerism. It is time to take the future in our hands, ending the power of capitalism over our lives, both economically and politically
What we are experiencing, is the vicious application of a disastrous economic model in the EU, in the most undemocratic and provocative way while the political leaders do their best to keep the people misinformed and therefore easily manipulated. The current socio-political system aims to maximize the profit and socialize the cost.
2) We stand by the side of the SPANISH INDIGNADOS who were and always are a great influence and inspiration, by the FRENCH people and all those who go through difficult times, by the people of IRAN who fight against their oppressive regime, by the TUNISIANS and EGYPTIANS who showed the way to freedom, by the people of SYRIA, BAHRAIN, YEMEN, MOROCCO… the struggle is common.
3) We send our solidarity, also, to the people of CHILE who are struggling against the privatisation of schools and universities. During 2011 numerous student protests took place across the country, but the media kept silent about it. The Chilean people have a long history of fights against exploitation, one of the most notable being the fight against the brutal dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. Under neoliberal politics, only a few privileged will enjoy social benefits, the privatization of education will shatter the dreams of the entire youth and condemn future generations to illiteracy.
4) We believe in a global political system of EQUAL PARTICIPATION for all citizens in political life, which should be the dominant value of human society, instead of money, productivism and economism.
5) There is an English saying ‘to take the bull by both horns’. In response to the crisis, we now see both the politics of nationalism and European state-federalism rearing their ugly heads. Nationalism, however intended is divisive, racist, fascist even and therefore ultimately undemocratic. With global capital now dictating each country’s policies, the Treaty of Westphalia has run its course. At the same time, we REJECT any political union foisted on us by the European state as a solution to the crisis, which will only damage each country further by following the same FAILED neo-liberal / global capitalist-led model.
6) Instead, we will replace and transform these bankrupt institutions with democratic People’s Assemblies.
7) Let us now call for People’s Assemblies everywhere! To express our common, local sovereignty, the means to build a new society that supports people and planet, while ALSO forcing each nation to join as one, to take on the global hegemon. For only then, when global capital is superceded by people power will poverty, famine, war and planetary destruction come to an end.
I think I can change things.
I think I can help.
I know that together we can.
For peace, equality and freedom
Real Democracy Now – London International Assembly
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EuropeanRevolution Monki Revolution March To Brussels Video: Real Democracy Now WorldRevolution
Monki Revolution March To Brussels promo Video
September 17 (2011) European Peoples Assembly in Brussels
and demonstration to the headquarters of the Eurpean commission
Join the revolution For Real Democracy now!
One of the rare Monki tracks in German. This track will be released on the Revolution EP. The profits of the Revolution EP will be used to finance actions of the Real Democracy Now movement.
Monki - Revolution (March To Brussels Mix)
Music and Lyrics: Monki
More Music & Videos by Monki
September 17 (2011) European Peoples Assembly in Brussels
and demonstration to the headquarters of the Eurpean commission
Join the revolution For Real Democracy now!
One of the rare Monki tracks in German. This track will be released on the Revolution EP. The profits of the Revolution EP will be used to finance actions of the Real Democracy Now movement.
Monki - Revolution (March To Brussels Mix)
Music and Lyrics: Monki
More Music & Videos by Monki
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Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Wall-Street NY New York USA America General People's Assembly Bowling Green Park August 2
Just South Of Broadway And Morris Street, At The North End Of Bowling Green Park
New York, NY
16:30 - 19:00
From the people who brought you the Bloombergville Occupation:
On Tuesday, August 2,
The Bankers’ “Debt-Ceiling Deadline”
Come To A People’s General Assembly On Wall Street
Oppose Cutbacks And Austerity Of Any Kind
Plan For The September 17 Occupation Of Wall Street
Gather at 4:30: Meet At The Bull, Just South Of Broadway And Morris Street, At The North End Of Bowling Green Park
As the two U.S. political parties unite to dismantle Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security, it’s clear:
The bankers are looting decades-old peoples’ programs and the Democrats can’t help us. Obama can’t help us. Elected officials can’t help us.
It’s time for the people to meet and take the bull by the horns!
The students, union activists, and others who organized "Bloombergville" -- the three-week anti-austerity occupation on Wall Street’s doorstep -- have called for an August 2 General Assembly/Speakout on Wall Street, at the bull, from 4:30 to 7, to protest the ongoing pro-bank, anti-people cutbacks and gather into working groups to plan for the September 17 occupation of Wall Street.
This is a call for every teacher, home health aid, parent, student, tenant, librarian, city/state employee, childcare provider, nurse, patient, employed or unemployed worker or recipient of Social Security or any type of public assistance: on August 2 come to Wall Street – the scene of the crimes now being perpetrated on the people – and make your voice heard!
The current depression-level crisis is not due to lack of revenue. It’s due to theft. The trillions that the banks are sitting on right now? That’s our money. Whether through taxes; the looting of pension and social security contributions; or the wealth we created from our labor – all of that belongs to us. Come to Wall Street August 2 and strategize -- on how to get that back!
Just South Of Broadway And Morris Street, At The North End Of Bowling Green Park
New York, NY
16:30 - 19:00
From the people who brought you the Bloombergville Occupation:
On Tuesday, August 2,
The Bankers’ “Debt-Ceiling Deadline”
Come To A People’s General Assembly On Wall Street
Oppose Cutbacks And Austerity Of Any Kind
Plan For The September 17 Occupation Of Wall Street
Gather at 4:30: Meet At The Bull, Just South Of Broadway And Morris Street, At The North End Of Bowling Green Park
As the two U.S. political parties unite to dismantle Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security, it’s clear:
The bankers are looting decades-old peoples’ programs and the Democrats can’t help us. Obama can’t help us. Elected officials can’t help us.
It’s time for the people to meet and take the bull by the horns!
The students, union activists, and others who organized "Bloombergville" -- the three-week anti-austerity occupation on Wall Street’s doorstep -- have called for an August 2 General Assembly/Speakout on Wall Street, at the bull, from 4:30 to 7, to protest the ongoing pro-bank, anti-people cutbacks and gather into working groups to plan for the September 17 occupation of Wall Street.
This is a call for every teacher, home health aid, parent, student, tenant, librarian, city/state employee, childcare provider, nurse, patient, employed or unemployed worker or recipient of Social Security or any type of public assistance: on August 2 come to Wall Street – the scene of the crimes now being perpetrated on the people – and make your voice heard!
The current depression-level crisis is not due to lack of revenue. It’s due to theft. The trillions that the banks are sitting on right now? That’s our money. Whether through taxes; the looting of pension and social security contributions; or the wealth we created from our labor – all of that belongs to us. Come to Wall Street August 2 and strategize -- on how to get that back!
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Bowling Green Park,
New York,
People’s Assembly,
G8 NATO Summit: USA Chicago Police Plans Mass Arrests Mobilized 13,000 Cops For Trains
NATO Summit: Chicago Trains 13,000 Police For Mass Arrests
Garry McCarthy to NATO, G-8 protesters: Police will be ready
By Frank Main
Chicago Sun-Times
-Joe Iosbaker, spokesman for the United National Antiwar Committee, said Thursday that he was scouting marching routes to McCormick Place, where he said the city might host the summits...“People are saying this will be larger than our RNC protest, which drew 30,000 people,” Iosbaker said, referring to the 2008 Republican National Convention held in St. Paul, Minn...About 50 groups have pledged their support for the demonstrations against NATO and will hold a planning meeting in Chicago on Aug. 28, Iosbaker said.
Battle lines between protesters and the poli ce are already being drawn for the NATO and G-8 summits that Chicago will host next spring.
On Thursday, an anti-war organizer said he was scouting potential staging areas for crowds of protesters expected outside the summits in May.
Meanwhile, police Supt. Garry McCarthy said he’s been planning for three weeks. And he put a deputy superintendent, Debra Kirby, in charge of preparing the Chicago Police Department’s response.
“We have to train for mass arrests,” McCarthy said. “We have to train 13,000 police officers in arrest procedures and containment procedures. At the same time, we will not stop patrolling the city.”
McCarthy said he will send representatives to Pittsburgh and Seattle to learn how those cities dealt with massive protests. In Seattle, about 35,000 people protested a World Trade Organization meeting in 1999...There were violent clashes between protesters and police in Pittsburgh during a G-20 summit in 2009.
McCarthy said he is working with the U.S. Secret Service, State Department and other federal agencies to plan for the protection of the foreign dignitaries who will attend the summits here.
On June 22, President Barack Obama announced the high-level meetings were coming to Chicago — after Obama was lobbied by Mayor Rahm Emanuel, his former chief of staff.
The summits will be held from May 15-22. Chicago is the first U.S. city other than Washington to host a NATO meeting. The Group of Eight industrialized nations will meet here at the same time.
Joe Iosbaker, spokesman for the United National Antiwar Committee, said Thursday that he was scouting marching routes to McCormick Place, where he said the city might host the summits.
Iosbaker said he already sought permits for protesters to gather downtown at Daley Plaza and the federal plaza. He said he also may seek a permit for a staging area in a lakefront park.
“People are saying this will be larger than our RNC protest, which drew 30,000 people,” Iosbaker said, referring to the 2008 Republican National Convention held in St. Paul, Minn.
His group is planning for protests on May 15 and May 19, but he said he expects other coalitions will stage separate actions, too.
“I think there will be some synergy as the movement against corporate globalization comes together with the anti-war movement,” Iosbaker said. “Our slogan is ‘jobs, healthcare, education, housing — not war.’ ”
Iosbaker said he is hoping for a peaceful demonstration that will result in no arrests.
“We want our marches and rallies to be things that people can bring their children to,” he said. “We want everybody who wants to say something to these heads of state to be heard.”
About 50 groups have pledged their support for the demonstrations against NATO and will hold a planning meeting in Chicago on Aug. 28, Iosbaker said.
“We intend on having our rights respected — our rights to assemble, to speak and to march,” he said.
Last year, Iosbaker’s Logan Square home was searched by FBI agents in an “investigation into activities concerning the material support of terrorism.” No charges were filed against Iosbaker, who said the raid was an effort to stifle his war opposition.
Stop NATO e-mail list home page with archives and search engine:
Stop NATO website and articles:
Garry McCarthy to NATO, G-8 protesters: Police will be ready
By Frank Main
Chicago Sun-Times
-Joe Iosbaker, spokesman for the United National Antiwar Committee, said Thursday that he was scouting marching routes to McCormick Place, where he said the city might host the summits...“People are saying this will be larger than our RNC protest, which drew 30,000 people,” Iosbaker said, referring to the 2008 Republican National Convention held in St. Paul, Minn...About 50 groups have pledged their support for the demonstrations against NATO and will hold a planning meeting in Chicago on Aug. 28, Iosbaker said.
Battle lines between protesters and the poli ce are already being drawn for the NATO and G-8 summits that Chicago will host next spring.
On Thursday, an anti-war organizer said he was scouting potential staging areas for crowds of protesters expected outside the summits in May.
Meanwhile, police Supt. Garry McCarthy said he’s been planning for three weeks. And he put a deputy superintendent, Debra Kirby, in charge of preparing the Chicago Police Department’s response.
“We have to train for mass arrests,” McCarthy said. “We have to train 13,000 police officers in arrest procedures and containment procedures. At the same time, we will not stop patrolling the city.”
McCarthy said he will send representatives to Pittsburgh and Seattle to learn how those cities dealt with massive protests. In Seattle, about 35,000 people protested a World Trade Organization meeting in 1999...There were violent clashes between protesters and police in Pittsburgh during a G-20 summit in 2009.
McCarthy said he is working with the U.S. Secret Service, State Department and other federal agencies to plan for the protection of the foreign dignitaries who will attend the summits here.
On June 22, President Barack Obama announced the high-level meetings were coming to Chicago — after Obama was lobbied by Mayor Rahm Emanuel, his former chief of staff.
The summits will be held from May 15-22. Chicago is the first U.S. city other than Washington to host a NATO meeting. The Group of Eight industrialized nations will meet here at the same time.
Joe Iosbaker, spokesman for the United National Antiwar Committee, said Thursday that he was scouting marching routes to McCormick Place, where he said the city might host the summits.
Iosbaker said he already sought permits for protesters to gather downtown at Daley Plaza and the federal plaza. He said he also may seek a permit for a staging area in a lakefront park.
“People are saying this will be larger than our RNC protest, which drew 30,000 people,” Iosbaker said, referring to the 2008 Republican National Convention held in St. Paul, Minn.
His group is planning for protests on May 15 and May 19, but he said he expects other coalitions will stage separate actions, too.
“I think there will be some synergy as the movement against corporate globalization comes together with the anti-war movement,” Iosbaker said. “Our slogan is ‘jobs, healthcare, education, housing — not war.’ ”
Iosbaker said he is hoping for a peaceful demonstration that will result in no arrests.
“We want our marches and rallies to be things that people can bring their children to,” he said. “We want everybody who wants to say something to these heads of state to be heard.”
About 50 groups have pledged their support for the demonstrations against NATO and will hold a planning meeting in Chicago on Aug. 28, Iosbaker said.
“We intend on having our rights respected — our rights to assemble, to speak and to march,” he said.
Last year, Iosbaker’s Logan Square home was searched by FBI agents in an “investigation into activities concerning the material support of terrorism.” No charges were filed against Iosbaker, who said the raid was an effort to stifle his war opposition.
Stop NATO e-mail list home page with archives and search engine:
Stop NATO website and articles:
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000 Cops For Trains,
Mass Arrests,
Mobilized 13,
Monday, 25 July 2011
Madrid Spain Spain's 'Indignant': Al Jazeera Video Coverage Puerta del Sol Spanish Revolution
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Outraged Spain's 'indignant' Madrid |
Two months after launching a movement against the economic crisis and soaring unemployment in Spain, the country's so-called "indignant" protesters have converged on Madrid.
People came from across Spain, all united in frustration about the way they have been treated.
They have been stopping in towns and villages along the way to spread their message of outrage at unemployment, welfare cuts and corruption.
Al Jazeera's Emma Hayward reports from Madrid.
Two months later, Spain's 'indignant' converge on Madrid
Spanish "indignant" activists gather at Constitucion Square before a march through the streets of Madrid which will end at Puerta del Sol Square. Seven cross-country protest marches organised by Spain's "indignant" movement are set to converge Saturday in central Madrid, on the eve of a demonstration in the Spanish capital.
AFP - Two months after they launched a movement against the economic crisis and soaring unemployment, Spain's so-called "indignant" protesters were converging on Madrid again on Saturday.
Seven cross-country protest marches were set to reach the city's Puerto del Sol square Saturday evening on the eve of a demonstration through the streets of the Spanish capital.
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Marcha Indignada Spain's 'Indignant' pit stop on the way to Madrid |
Protesters carrying sleeping bags and groundsheets set off from cities across the country at the end of June, including Barcelona, Malaga, Valencia and Bilbao, to applause from sympathisers.
They have stopped in towns and villages along the way, holding meetings at each stop to spread their message of outrage at unemployment, welfare cuts and corruption.
In the Puerta del Sol Saturday, organisers were busy setting up tents, tarpaulins and stands.
Some of the placards read: "The guilty must pay for the crisis," and "Cutbacks for the rich first."
A vast ramshackle protest camp in the square was dismantled on June 12 but the group has since mounted a series of protests, rallying an estimated 200,000 people across Spain on June 19.
The protesters have won broad public support in their fight against austerity measures, a 21.29-percent unemployment rate and corruption-tainted politicians.
"We are preparing the camp to receive the marchers from across the country, we are setting up a big kitchen," said Rafael Rodriguez Ballesteros, 56. An unemployed chef, he has been preparing thousands of meals for the demonstrators.
"We have returned to show that the movement is not dead, that it's still alive, despite the holidays."
City residents joined the marchers as they reached the outskirts of Madrid Saturday.
Many more will arrive by bus from about 30 towns and cities on Sunday, when the protesters will march through the streets of Madrid, with the demonstration ending in Puerta del Sol.
"In two months, we have had some good responses," said Fernando Carasa, 26, an anthropology student.
"We have stopped about 60 expulsions, created social pressure, achieved a bigger mobilisation than any political party," he said.
The "indignants" have been blocking bailiffs from expelling people from their homes because they cannot pay their mortgages.
Earlier this month Spain's Socialist government set new limits on the amount of money that banks can reclaim from mortgage defaulters in what was seen as an effort to appease the protesters.
The "indignant" movement emerged after protesters set up camp in the Puerta del Sol in mid-May.
It quickly fanned out nationwide as word spread by Twitter and Facebook, bringing tens of thousands of people into city squares around Spain ahead of May 22 local elections.
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Puerta del Sol,
Spanish Revolution,
Real Democracy Now Anonymous OperationPayback Press Release: Anonymous FBI Arrests
#OperationPayback Press Release: Anonymous FBI Arrests
On the 19th of July, 2011, The US, UK and Dutch governments decided that they finally had enough of their citizens' rights to freedom. In true dystopia style, these governments have trounced upon not only the rights of these individuals, but the basic rights of all individuals: freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and freedom of association.
These actions should not go unanswered.
Those who were arrested believe in a cause, believe in an idea, believe in all of us. We must respond with a real and concentrated effort to redress these arrests. We, as Anonymous, have a very real responsibility to these people, who were jailed fighting for freedom, so we can continue to fight for theirs.
Have you ever joined a sit in, taken part in a strike, marched in the street, or attempted to block access to a building in protest? Anon's actions are the cyber equivalent of these traditional forms of protest, arresting our activists for doing this is a crime against freedom and democracy. But how could our actions be seen and accepted as real protests by governments, when we are shown daily, that they only tolerate demonstrations that serve their own purposes...
Anonymous has now been falsely labelled as a "terrorist group"; people are getting arrested for this unjust accusation and it has become a dirty cat and mouse game with incalculable and uncontrollable consequences. All our actions can be directly compared to protesting on the street... is that terrorism? How could anyone know and prove that an individual belongs to this "group"? Governments can now arrest any activist under this "label" without a real charge and nothing to prove that they belong to or identify with Anonymous. Even though Anonymous is not a "group" it is an idea shared by all who value freedom and justice.
Governments can achieve nothing by attempting to silence participants in Anonymous, as for every one of us that falls, ten more will take their place.
People of the world... do not forget that Anonymous fights not for our own freedom, but for the freedom of everyone, including You.
"When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty" -- Thomas Jefferson
We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.
On the 19th of July, 2011, The US, UK and Dutch governments decided that they finally had enough of their citizens' rights to freedom. In true dystopia style, these governments have trounced upon not only the rights of these individuals, but the basic rights of all individuals: freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and freedom of association.
These actions should not go unanswered.
Those who were arrested believe in a cause, believe in an idea, believe in all of us. We must respond with a real and concentrated effort to redress these arrests. We, as Anonymous, have a very real responsibility to these people, who were jailed fighting for freedom, so we can continue to fight for theirs.
Have you ever joined a sit in, taken part in a strike, marched in the street, or attempted to block access to a building in protest? Anon's actions are the cyber equivalent of these traditional forms of protest, arresting our activists for doing this is a crime against freedom and democracy. But how could our actions be seen and accepted as real protests by governments, when we are shown daily, that they only tolerate demonstrations that serve their own purposes...
Anonymous has now been falsely labelled as a "terrorist group"; people are getting arrested for this unjust accusation and it has become a dirty cat and mouse game with incalculable and uncontrollable consequences. All our actions can be directly compared to protesting on the street... is that terrorism? How could anyone know and prove that an individual belongs to this "group"? Governments can now arrest any activist under this "label" without a real charge and nothing to prove that they belong to or identify with Anonymous. Even though Anonymous is not a "group" it is an idea shared by all who value freedom and justice.
Governments can achieve nothing by attempting to silence participants in Anonymous, as for every one of us that falls, ten more will take their place.
People of the world... do not forget that Anonymous fights not for our own freedom, but for the freedom of everyone, including You.
"When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty" -- Thomas Jefferson
We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.
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Tahir Square Egypt Support Rally for Syria Real Democracy Now Movement:Thousands Rally in Tahir Square Video 7-21-11 Egypt World Revolution
Egypt Support Rally for Syria Democracy Movement - Thousands Rally in Tahir Square 7-21-11
Thousands Rally in Egypt's Tahrir "Freedom" Square to support the Syria Revolution movement for Democracy and Freedom.
Thanks to our Egyptian brothers and sisters. You ( and people of Tunis ) have been an inspiration for rest of Arab peoples, and the res of the world to revolt against tyrants. The whole world watched ( and is still watching) how the Arab Spring surprised everybody by peaceful tsunami of Arab revolutions. We promise that after this hot summer will be the Fall of Dictators where Saleh, Assad and Mr. Zanga Zanga will join Bin Ali and Mubarak.
All world will change after this.
Thousands Rally in Egypt's Tahrir "Freedom" Square to support the Syria Revolution movement for Democracy and Freedom.
Thanks to our Egyptian brothers and sisters. You ( and people of Tunis ) have been an inspiration for rest of Arab peoples, and the res of the world to revolt against tyrants. The whole world watched ( and is still watching) how the Arab Spring surprised everybody by peaceful tsunami of Arab revolutions. We promise that after this hot summer will be the Fall of Dictators where Saleh, Assad and Mr. Zanga Zanga will join Bin Ali and Mubarak.
All world will change after this.
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Tel Aviv Israel Revolution: Outraged Israelites Take The Square Protest Rising Prices Video
Tens of Thousands in Israel Protest Rising Prices
Tens of thousands of Israelis poured onto the streets in Tel Aviv to protest rising commodity, housing prices and stagnation in salaries
Tel Aviv, Israel. On Sat. night, Tens of thousands protest in a rally against the Gov. & prices rising.
According to the police, more than 20 thousands participated. The rally is a part of the continuous "tent cities" protest, that keep going on for more then a week, & which spread to other cities, such as Beer Sheva & Ashdod (S. Israel) & Kiryat Shemone (N. Israel). The tent city in Tel Aviv stretched to more than 200 tents in the center of city. The rally starts from the tent city toward the defence ministry ("haKirya").
One of the protestors leader, Daphni Leef, said on he stage that she is shocked from the number of the protests, grow so radicalyy only within one month. The protestors main slogens were: "The government have replacement, civilians don't have", "Fighting for the house", "welfare state now" & so on.
It is important to mention, that the protest is not only due to the rising of the apartment prices, but also on other financial issues in Israel & on the general feelings by many Israelis, that the gov. is neglecting the social care.
The protestors emphasized the a-political aspect of the rally, clayming that it is but a social protest by civilians from all parts of the population. Indeed, most of the protestors were common middle class civilians, but one could not notice the participance of the left & radical left parties, as well as that many of the posters mark symbols & icons from the left wing parties.
At the end of the rally, police arrested some 20 protestors, according to news media, that block roads in the city.
Middle east, Europe, Israel and i guess Canada is next than the US, in terms of protesting liberal policies like the federal reserve, to be shutdown and all money must be backed in mineral resources. But also this protest is a left wing union protest, so there are many questions to be asked to know their credibility.
Tens of thousands of Israelis poured onto the streets in Tel Aviv to protest rising commodity, housing prices and stagnation in salaries
Tel Aviv, Israel. On Sat. night, Tens of thousands protest in a rally against the Gov. & prices rising.
According to the police, more than 20 thousands participated. The rally is a part of the continuous "tent cities" protest, that keep going on for more then a week, & which spread to other cities, such as Beer Sheva & Ashdod (S. Israel) & Kiryat Shemone (N. Israel). The tent city in Tel Aviv stretched to more than 200 tents in the center of city. The rally starts from the tent city toward the defence ministry ("haKirya").
One of the protestors leader, Daphni Leef, said on he stage that she is shocked from the number of the protests, grow so radicalyy only within one month. The protestors main slogens were: "The government have replacement, civilians don't have", "Fighting for the house", "welfare state now" & so on.
It is important to mention, that the protest is not only due to the rising of the apartment prices, but also on other financial issues in Israel & on the general feelings by many Israelis, that the gov. is neglecting the social care.
The protestors emphasized the a-political aspect of the rally, clayming that it is but a social protest by civilians from all parts of the population. Indeed, most of the protestors were common middle class civilians, but one could not notice the participance of the left & radical left parties, as well as that many of the posters mark symbols & icons from the left wing parties.
At the end of the rally, police arrested some 20 protestors, according to news media, that block roads in the city.
Middle east, Europe, Israel and i guess Canada is next than the US, in terms of protesting liberal policies like the federal reserve, to be shutdown and all money must be backed in mineral resources. But also this protest is a left wing union protest, so there are many questions to be asked to know their credibility.
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Protest Rising Prices,
Take The Square,
Tel Aviv,
15-M movement Madrid Spain MarchaIndignada: Indignados Re-Occupy Puerta del Sol
23rd July Indignados re-occupy Puerta del Sol: around 20 thousand people at Puerta del Sol, Madrid #solrenace #spanishrevolution #globalrevolution
The arrival of the marches at Puerta del Sol was supported for tens of thousands of people and followed by various activities. #Marchaindignada, the Outraged March (or March of the Indignants) was quite successful and after around one month on the road, different groups of the various regions of Spain got to finally arrive at Puerta del Sol, promoting a moment of solidarity, unity and genuine enthusiasm:
On Saturday, the popular marches of the indignant arrived in Madrid — and took back the square.
On Saturday, the indignados brought much of Madrid to a standstill as the popular marches arrived in the city, taking six different routes from all over the country and culminating in a spectacular re-occupation of Puerta del Sol by tens of thousands of protesters.
And so, a month and a half after the original protest camp was broken down, Sol looks like Sol again. With an incredible degree of professionalism, the indignados set up a TV and radio studio, a communications center, a major kitchen, a sound installation, a clinic and more — all in one night.
Some of the marchers had been walking for over 500 kilometers as part of a campaign to spread awareness about the 15-M movement and its demands to the Spanish countryside and to hold popular assemblies with people who otherwise have little opportunity to participate given their geographic location.
The marches received a warm welcome from thousands of indignados and sympathizers as they arrived in Puerta del Sol from six different angles. In the evening, a major popular assembly was held which was closed off with live music. Today, tens of thousands are expected to take to the streets again for a major march through Madrid.
Also, in a sign that the movement is rapidly maturing into a serious platform for civic engagement and political activism, the 15-M movement has scheduled it’s first Social Forum for Monday.
Sol Square, 23 J. The marches arrive from all Spain. #Europeanrevolution #Globalrevolution #Spanishrevolution #mpi23J
The arrival of the marches at Puerta del Sol was supported for tens of thousands of people and followed by various activities. #Marchaindignada, the Outraged March (or March of the Indignants) was quite successful and after around one month on the road, different groups of the various regions of Spain got to finally arrive at Puerta del Sol, promoting a moment of solidarity, unity and genuine enthusiasm:
On Saturday, the popular marches of the indignant arrived in Madrid — and took back the square.
On Saturday, the indignados brought much of Madrid to a standstill as the popular marches arrived in the city, taking six different routes from all over the country and culminating in a spectacular re-occupation of Puerta del Sol by tens of thousands of protesters.
And so, a month and a half after the original protest camp was broken down, Sol looks like Sol again. With an incredible degree of professionalism, the indignados set up a TV and radio studio, a communications center, a major kitchen, a sound installation, a clinic and more — all in one night.
Some of the marchers had been walking for over 500 kilometers as part of a campaign to spread awareness about the 15-M movement and its demands to the Spanish countryside and to hold popular assemblies with people who otherwise have little opportunity to participate given their geographic location.
The marches received a warm welcome from thousands of indignados and sympathizers as they arrived in Puerta del Sol from six different angles. In the evening, a major popular assembly was held which was closed off with live music. Today, tens of thousands are expected to take to the streets again for a major march through Madrid.
Also, in a sign that the movement is rapidly maturing into a serious platform for civic engagement and political activism, the 15-M movement has scheduled it’s first Social Forum for Monday.
Sol Square, 23 J. The marches arrive from all Spain. #Europeanrevolution #Globalrevolution #Spanishrevolution #mpi23J
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15-M movement,
Puerta del Sol,
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