International: Rally Everybody to Rome Big Demonstration Flashmob Protests on July 23 For Real Democracy Now and Freedom
Rally Everybody to Rome! Manifestazione Tutti a Roma! INDIGNADOS ITALIA !!
The time has come to exit out of the networks, talk and engage all people.
Walk On. Rise Up! Get Up! Take The Streets and Squares!
Get Up from the chairs and demonstrate outside in the streets and Squares, our desire for change.
It is no longer the time of the digital indignation, the virtual complaint, we believe the time has come (not + put off) to exit out of the networks, talk and engage all people who are out of this networks. Walking. Getting up from his chair and demonstrate outside in the streets, our desire for change. We are tired of the abuse of these rulers away from our problems. History and history can change us.
Saturday, July 23 we want to achieve our BROTHERS and SISTERS already in occupation of Deputies Piazza, who are defending the good + precious than a democracy, work, culture and freedom of a people and if we need to prove we are a people participating. Freedom is participation played a song. And 'so, to free ourselves from these chains Mafia piduiste must participate. We read to our children on their books at school one day a group of people took to the streets and has appropriated his future, permanently eliminating populist drift in which the country had collapsed. We owe it to ourselves, we owe it to them.
_________________________ __________________________ ___
Another event will take place on 23. The meeting point will be at Castel Sant'Angelo. This is the itinerary and schedule:
Start route at 18:00 Largo di Torre Argentina: 1, flashmob
second stage Trilussa Square: 2 ° flashmob
term path: Castel Sant'Angelo 3 ° flashmob
21:00 hour public meeting at Castel Sant'Angelo
It will produce a flashmob whose slogan is "Wake up! And 'now outraged" at Torre Argentina, Piazza Trilussa and Castel Sant'Angelo. Participants should bring alarm clocks, and huge potential as kitsch, pot lids and spoons, style cacerolasos argentini.L 'intention is to attract attention as much as possible and let us know !!!!! I'll give you flyers to invite to' public meeting to be held at the last point of 21 flashmob: Castel Sant'Angelo.
manifestazione tutti a roma!
23 Julio, 2011
Non è più il tempo dell'indignazione digitale, della lamentela virtuale, noi crediamo sia giunto il momento (non + procrastinabile) di uscire dalla rete, parlare e coinvolgere tutte le persone che sono fuori da questa rete. Camminare. Alzarsi dalla sedia e dimostrare FUORI, nelle strade, il nostro desiderio di cambiamento. Siamo stanchi dei soprusi di questi governanti lontani dai nostri problemi. La Storia può cambiare e la Storia siamo noi.
Sabato 23 luglio vogliamo raggiungere i nostri FRATELLI e SORELLI già in occupazione della Piazza Montecitorio, che stanno difendendo il bene + prezioso di una democrazia, il lavoro, la cultura e la libertà di un Popolo e se noi siamo un Popolo dobbiamo dimostrarlo partecipando. Libertà è partecipazione suonava una canzone. E' così, per liberarci da queste catene mafio-piduiste dobbiamo partecipare. Facciamo leggere ai nostri figli sui loro libri di scuola che un giorno un gruppo di persone è sceso in piazza e si è riappropriato del suo FUTURO, eliminando definitivamente la deriva populistica nella quale il Paese era sprofondato. Lo dobbiamo a noi, lo dobbiamo a loro. _______________________________________________________
Un'altra manifestazione si svolgerà il giorno 23. Il meeting point sarà Castel Sant'Angelo. Questo l'itinerario ed il programma:
Inizio percorso ore 18:00 Largo di Torre Argentina: 1°flashmob
seconda tappa Piazza TRilussa: 2° flashmob
termine percorso: Castel Sant'Angelo 3° flashmob
ore 21:00 assemblea pubblica a Castel Sant'Angelo
Si realizzerà un flashmob il cui slogan è "Sveglia!E' ora di Indignarsi!", a Torre Argentina, piazza TRilussa e Castel Sant'Angelo. I partecipanti dovranno portare sveglie, il più kitsch e grosse possibili, pentole coperchi e cucchiai, stile cacerolasos argentini.L'intenzione è di attirare l'attenzione il più possibile e farci conoscere!!!!!Si daranno i flyer per invitare all'assemblea pubblica che si terrà alle 21 nell'ultimo punto del flashmob: Castel Sant'Angelo.
Get Up Stand Up and Fight For Yours Rights
Saturday, 16 July 2011
Italy: Rally Everybody to Rome Big Demonstration Indignation Flashmob Protests For Real Democracy Now and Freedom Manifestazione Tutti a Roma! INDIGNADOS ITALIA!!! July 23
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Video: Syria Fascist Police Brutality Brutal Arrests in Syria at "Freedom for Prisoners" Rally Homs City July 15 2011
Brutal Arrests in Syria at "Freedom for Prisoners" Rally - Homs City July 15 2011
Tragic Irony in Syria - Arrested at a Rally where the theme for todays protest is "Freedom for all Detainees in Syria" of which there are about 20,000 political prisoners. The Syrian dictator Assad is busy arresting, torturing and killing thousands more protesters in Syria today, even as he just wrapped up a phony regime orchestrated "Dialogue" conference where he pretended to be interested in "reforms" The lying dictator periodically comes out with various proclamations to try to calm the anger inside Syria and to give the International community an excuse to keep pretending he is a "reformer" who just never gets around to reforming anything - There will never be any reform from the regime in Syria - Assad must and will be overthrown and hung like Saddam was in Iraq -
video clip is from Syria - july 15 -Homs أوغاريت حمص , التعامل الوحشي للمطالبين بالحرية , يسأل بدكون حرية ؟؟؟
Tragic Irony in Syria - Arrested at a Rally where the theme for todays protest is "Freedom for all Detainees in Syria" of which there are about 20,000 political prisoners. The Syrian dictator Assad is busy arresting, torturing and killing thousands more protesters in Syria today, even as he just wrapped up a phony regime orchestrated "Dialogue" conference where he pretended to be interested in "reforms" The lying dictator periodically comes out with various proclamations to try to calm the anger inside Syria and to give the International community an excuse to keep pretending he is a "reformer" who just never gets around to reforming anything - There will never be any reform from the regime in Syria - Assad must and will be overthrown and hung like Saddam was in Iraq -
video clip is from Syria - july 15 -Homs أوغاريت حمص , التعامل الوحشي للمطالبين بالحرية , يسأل بدكون حرية ؟؟؟
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Friday, 15 July 2011
Revolutionary Occupation OCCUPYWALLSTREET: Wall Street New York USA America Revolution
A shift in revolutionary tactics.
Saturday, September 17 at 6:00pm - 31/12 às 23:30
Alright you 90,000 redeemers, rebels and radicals out there,
A worldwide shift in revolutionary tactics is underway right now that bodes well for the future. The spirit of this fresh tactic, a fusion of Tahrir with the acampadas of Spain, is captured in this quote:
The beauty of this new formula, and what makes this novel tactic exciting, is its pragmatic simplicity: we talk to each other in various physical gatherings and virtual people's assemblies … we zero in on what our one demand will be, a demand that awakens the imagination and, if achieved, would propel us toward the radical democracy of the future … and then we go out and seize a square of singular symbolic significance and put our asses on the line to make it happen.
The time has come to deploy this emerging stratagem against the greatest corrupter of our democracy: Wall Street, the financial Gomorrah of America.
On September 17, we want to see 20,000 people flood into lower Manhattan, set up tents, kitchens, peaceful barricades and occupy Wall Street for a few months. Once there, we shall incessantly repeat one simple demand in a plurality of voices.
Tahrir succeeded in large part because the people of Egypt made a straightforward ultimatum – that Mubarak must go – over and over again until they won. Following this model, what is our equally uncomplicated demand?
The most exciting candidate that we've heard so far is one that gets at the core of why the American political establishment is currently unworthy of being called a democracy: we demand that Barack Obama ordain a Presidential Commission tasked with ending the influence money has over our representatives in Washington. It's time for DEMOCRACY NOT CORPORATOCRACY, we're doomed without it.
This demand seems to capture the current national mood because cleaning up corruption in Washington is something all Americans, right and left, yearn for and can stand behind. If we hang in there, 20,000-strong, week after week against every police and National Guard effort to expel us from Wall Street, it would be impossible for Obama to ignore us. Our government would be forced to choose publicly between the will of the people and the lucre of the corporations.
This could be the beginning of a whole new social dynamic in America, a step beyond the Tea Party movement, where, instead of being caught helpless by the current power structure, we the people start getting what we want whether it be the dismantling of half the 1,000 military bases America has around the world to the reinstatement of the Glass-Steagall Act or a three strikes and you're out law for corporate criminals. Beginning from one simple demand – a presidential commission to separate money from politics – we start setting the agenda for a new America.
Post a comment and help each other zero in on what our one demand will be. And then let's screw up our courage, pack our tents and head to Wall Street with a vengeance September 17.
for the wild,
Culture Jammers HQ
Adbusters #97: The Politics of Post Anarchism – How To Live Without Dead Time (with a 12"x 18" #OCCUPYWALLSTREET poster inside), hits newsstands worldwide in ten days. Go to and subscribe!
An organizing effort has begun on Reddit, at . Everyone is encouraged to contribute, though a simple registration to Reddit is required (unfortunately). If there are other online communities organizing, please make them known there.
Facebook users can go here:
A shift in revolutionary tactics.
Saturday, September 17 at 6:00pm - 31/12 às 23:30
Alright you 90,000 redeemers, rebels and radicals out there,
A worldwide shift in revolutionary tactics is underway right now that bodes well for the future. The spirit of this fresh tactic, a fusion of Tahrir with the acampadas of Spain, is captured in this quote:
"The antiglobalization movement was the first step on the road. Back then our model was to attack the system like a pack of wolves. There was an alpha male, a wolf who led the pack, and those who followed behind. Now the model has evolved. Today we are one big swarm of people."
— Raimundo Viejo, Pompeu Fabra University
Barcelona, Spain
The beauty of this new formula, and what makes this novel tactic exciting, is its pragmatic simplicity: we talk to each other in various physical gatherings and virtual people's assemblies … we zero in on what our one demand will be, a demand that awakens the imagination and, if achieved, would propel us toward the radical democracy of the future … and then we go out and seize a square of singular symbolic significance and put our asses on the line to make it happen.
The time has come to deploy this emerging stratagem against the greatest corrupter of our democracy: Wall Street, the financial Gomorrah of America.
On September 17, we want to see 20,000 people flood into lower Manhattan, set up tents, kitchens, peaceful barricades and occupy Wall Street for a few months. Once there, we shall incessantly repeat one simple demand in a plurality of voices.
Tahrir succeeded in large part because the people of Egypt made a straightforward ultimatum – that Mubarak must go – over and over again until they won. Following this model, what is our equally uncomplicated demand?
The most exciting candidate that we've heard so far is one that gets at the core of why the American political establishment is currently unworthy of being called a democracy: we demand that Barack Obama ordain a Presidential Commission tasked with ending the influence money has over our representatives in Washington. It's time for DEMOCRACY NOT CORPORATOCRACY, we're doomed without it.
This demand seems to capture the current national mood because cleaning up corruption in Washington is something all Americans, right and left, yearn for and can stand behind. If we hang in there, 20,000-strong, week after week against every police and National Guard effort to expel us from Wall Street, it would be impossible for Obama to ignore us. Our government would be forced to choose publicly between the will of the people and the lucre of the corporations.
This could be the beginning of a whole new social dynamic in America, a step beyond the Tea Party movement, where, instead of being caught helpless by the current power structure, we the people start getting what we want whether it be the dismantling of half the 1,000 military bases America has around the world to the reinstatement of the Glass-Steagall Act or a three strikes and you're out law for corporate criminals. Beginning from one simple demand – a presidential commission to separate money from politics – we start setting the agenda for a new America.
Post a comment and help each other zero in on what our one demand will be. And then let's screw up our courage, pack our tents and head to Wall Street with a vengeance September 17.
for the wild,
Culture Jammers HQ
Adbusters #97: The Politics of Post Anarchism – How To Live Without Dead Time (with a 12"x 18" #OCCUPYWALLSTREET poster inside), hits newsstands worldwide in ten days. Go to and subscribe!
An organizing effort has begun on Reddit, at . Everyone is encouraged to contribute, though a simple registration to Reddit is required (unfortunately). If there are other online communities organizing, please make them known there.
Facebook users can go here:
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New York,
Portugal: Portuguese Austerity Tax on Bonuses Sparks Protest
Portuguese austerity tax on bonuses sparks protest
“We want higher pay”: that was the message from thousands who marched in Lisbon on Thursday, heeding union calls to protest against recent austerity measures in Portugal.
They include an extraordinary tax on end-of-year bonuses, announced by the prime minister Passos Cuelho.
The move goes beyond Portugal’s bailout terms – because, he says, new figures on the economy show it is necessary. The demonstrators beg to differ.
“I’m here because I think the measures being brought in are very unfair. I am here because it’s through this workers’ struggle that we can fight against the rising cost of living,” said one young woman.
A man said:
“I’m a worker, living conditions today are bad and are likely to get worse so I’m here to fight for my interests, for the workers’ interests.”
The government has just published a more pessimistic estimate for GDP than was previously predicted.
Under Portugal’s loan plan, the country needs to cut its budget deficit by more than a third this year.
“We want higher pay”: that was the message from thousands who marched in Lisbon on Thursday, heeding union calls to protest against recent austerity measures in Portugal.
They include an extraordinary tax on end-of-year bonuses, announced by the prime minister Passos Cuelho.
The move goes beyond Portugal’s bailout terms – because, he says, new figures on the economy show it is necessary. The demonstrators beg to differ.
“I’m here because I think the measures being brought in are very unfair. I am here because it’s through this workers’ struggle that we can fight against the rising cost of living,” said one young woman.
A man said:
“I’m a worker, living conditions today are bad and are likely to get worse so I’m here to fight for my interests, for the workers’ interests.”
The government has just published a more pessimistic estimate for GDP than was previously predicted.
Under Portugal’s loan plan, the country needs to cut its budget deficit by more than a third this year.
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Debtocraccy Full Documentary English Subtitles: Greek and World Debt Crisis Banks IMF ECB EU Assault
Debtocracy is a 2011 documentary film by Katerina Kitidi and Aris Hatzistefanou. The documentary mainly focuses on two points: the causes of the Greek debt crisis in 2010 and possible future solutions that could be given to the problem that are not currently being considered by the government of the country.
The documentary has been distributed online under a Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 license since 6 April 2011, and the production said that it has no interest in any kind of commercial exploitation of the project. The documentary is available in Greek and English and will be subtitled in at least 2 other languages. The production claims that half a million people saw the documentary in just the first 5 days of its release.
The production team defines "debtocracy" as the condition by which Greece found itself trapped in its debt. The Greek term for debtocracy, Χρεοκρατία, has the same roots as the word for democracy. The term is coined from the Greek words "χρέος" (debt) and "κράτος" (power) in a similar manner that the word democracy is formed of the Greek words "δήμος" (people) and "κράτος" (power).
For the first time in Greece a documentary produced by the audience. "Debtocracy" seeks the causes of the debt crisis and proposes solutions, hidden by the government and the dominant media.
Editor/Script Katerina Kitidi
Aris Chatzistefanou
Scientific Research Leonidas Vatikiotis
Animation Magda Plevraki
Sokratis Galiatsakos
Giannis Agelakas
Ermis Georgiadis
Aris RSN
Edit Aris Triantafillou
Camera Aris Papastefanou
ulia Reinecke
Coloring Thanos Tsantas
PR Michalis Alimanis
Contributors Aggeliki Gaidatzi
Fani Gaidatzi
Ioulia Kileri
Margarita Tsomou
Production Costas Efimeros
2011 -
The documentary has been distributed online under a Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 license since 6 April 2011, and the production said that it has no interest in any kind of commercial exploitation of the project. The documentary is available in Greek and English and will be subtitled in at least 2 other languages. The production claims that half a million people saw the documentary in just the first 5 days of its release.
The production team defines "debtocracy" as the condition by which Greece found itself trapped in its debt. The Greek term for debtocracy, Χρεοκρατία, has the same roots as the word for democracy. The term is coined from the Greek words "χρέος" (debt) and "κράτος" (power) in a similar manner that the word democracy is formed of the Greek words "δήμος" (people) and "κράτος" (power).
For the first time in Greece a documentary produced by the audience. "Debtocracy" seeks the causes of the debt crisis and proposes solutions, hidden by the government and the dominant media.
Editor/Script Katerina Kitidi
Aris Chatzistefanou
Scientific Research Leonidas Vatikiotis
Animation Magda Plevraki
Sokratis Galiatsakos
Giannis Agelakas
Ermis Georgiadis
Aris RSN
Edit Aris Triantafillou
Camera Aris Papastefanou
ulia Reinecke
Coloring Thanos Tsantas
PR Michalis Alimanis
Contributors Aggeliki Gaidatzi
Fani Gaidatzi
Ioulia Kileri
Margarita Tsomou
Production Costas Efimeros
2011 -
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Lulz Boat AntiSec Anonymous Hackers Revolution: Why Hacker Group LulzSec went on the Attack?
Why hacker group LulzSec went on the attack?
LulzSec gained instant notoriety by targeting the CIA, multi-nationals and government websites. Then, at the height of its popularity, it disbanded. One of its founders tells why
Its audacity was brazen and apparently fearless. Among its high-profile victims were Sony, the CIA, the FBI, the US Senate and even the UK's Serious Organised Crime Agency. Exposing frailties in government and corporate networks, the group leaked hundreds of thousands of hacked passwords, and in the process garnered more than a quarter of a million followers on Twitter. But after just 50 days, on 25 June, LulzSec suddenly said it was disbanding.
Just hours before this announcement, the Guardian had published leaked internet chat logs revealing the inner workings of the group, which appeared to consist of six to eight members. The logs showed that authorities were often hot on their heels, and that after an attack on an FBI-affiliated website two hackers had quit LulzSec as they were "not up for the heat". As media attention mounted, Ryan Cleary, an Essex-based 19-year-old suspected of affiliation to LulzSec, was arrested in a joint UK-US "e-crime" investigation. Had the pressure simply got too much to handle?
To fnd out, the Guardian tracked down one of LulzSec's founding members, "Topiary". A key figure in the tight-knit group, he was revealed in the logs to have managed LulzSec's Twitter account and to have written their press releases. After verifying his identity by asking him to send a direct message from the account – "This is the captain of the Lulz Boat," he confirmed – we began a long conversation by Skype.
"I know people won't believe this, but we genuinely ended it [LulzSec] because it was classy," he says. "The leaks we promised happened . . . 50 days were reached, we just about hit 275,000 Twitter followers, things were on a high, so we redirected our fans to [hacker collective] Anonymous and [hacking movement] AntiSec and wrapped it up neatly . . . A high note, a classy ending, a big bang, then a sail into the distance."
LulzSec's jovial public image undoubtedly helped it achieve unusual popularity within a short time. Its stated aim was to provide "high-quality entertainment at your expense," and the word "Lulz" is itself internet slang for laughs. The group's popularity spiked after it planted a fake story on US news outlet in protest over what it claimed was a misrepresentative WikiLeaks documentary made by the broadcaster. The story falsely reported that rapper Tupac Shakur, who was killed in a shooting 15 years ago, had been found alive and well in New Zealand.
"What we did was different from other hacking groups," says Topiary. "We had an active Twitter (controlled by me), cute cats in deface messages, and a generally playful, cartoon-like aura to our operations. We knew when to start, we knew when to stop, and most of all we knew how to have fun."
But the group's mission, Topiary explains, was not calculated. Almost everything LulzSec did – from choosing its name to its next target – happened spontaneously. "We made it up as we went along. We were originally @LulzLeaks on twitter, but I forgot the password so we became @LulzSec. My first name was The Lulz Train, then The Lulz Cannon, then The Lulz Boat. I had no idea what The Love Boat was, it was a complete accident . . . I wrote every press release in Notepad without planning. That's what made us unique, we just came out and made stuff up out of nowhere . . . We released when it felt right, we tweeted what felt right, we wrote what we felt needed to be wrote. We weren't burdened by plans or board meetings, we just did it."
The leaked chat logs also revealed the hackers appeared to revel in the international attention they received. However, Topiary says it wasn't that LulzSec was media-hungry, but that the media was LulzSec-hungry.
"We didn't contact a single media outlet for at least the first 40 days, they just kept reporting on our humble tweets," he says, though he admits the attention "gave us more reasons to leak more. It was a thrill, sure, and it did play a role. We enjoyed occasionally confusing and pranking media with weird tweets, or giving exclusives to certain journalists to piss off other certain journalists. It was another aspect of the situation that helped us leverage the entertainment."
Yet although many of LulzSec's attacks were perpetrated "for the lulz", the group was accused of attempted extortion by one US security company, Unveillance – a charge Topiary staunchly denies. It was also criticised after it hacked and dumped thousands of Sony Pictures Europe customers' usernames and passwords online, some of which were reportedly later used in scams by fraudsters. But Topiary is unapologetic.
"It's Sony's fault for not defending – and encrypting – its customers' data," he says. "Similarly, in a perfect world, we'd have dumped said data and nothing would have happened. These scams simply prove that other people (our fans/spectators) are more evil than us."
Towards the end of LulzSec's reign, it seemed to gravitate towards more overtly political causes. It occasionally compared itself to WikiLeaks in tweets, and its penultimate leak was a joint effort with Anonymous to expose Arizona police as "racist and corrupt", and to "sabotage their efforts to terrorise communities fighting an unjust 'war on drugs'."
Anonymous is well known for its acts of political "hacktivism". On Monday it reportedly threatened to attack the Metropolitan police over News International's phone hacking and the possible extradition to Sweden of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Earlier this year the group claimed responsibility for a series of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks on government websites in Tunisia, Iran, Egypt and Bahrain, and in 2008 it attacked the Church of Scientology after it allegedly attempted to suppress a leaked video interview with actor and scientologist Tom Cruise. Topiary has been heavily involved with Anonymous in the past, occasionally acting as its spokesman in televised interviews.
"Anonymous has been a great way for the younger generations to get involved through methods they understand, like utilising the internet," he says. "My main goal with Anonymous was to spread the word of revolution to those who might be seeking something new."
How does he define revolution? "Revolution is kicking the Tunisian government in the teeth by rendering their malicious Javascript embedments inert, allowing Tunisian citizens to surf Facebook without fear of password sniffing. Revolution is a horde of activists holding up Anonymous masks and thanking us for assisting their hard work by obliterating their government's ministry, stock and finance websites, replacing them with inspiring words. Revolution, to me, is bringing down the big guy while not forgetting to stand up for the little guy."
Though Topiary will not disclose his age, he describes himself as a teenager and "an internet denizen with a passion for change". He believes he is part of a generational shift in the way technology – specifically the internet – is increasingly being used as a tool to influence the world. The actions of Anonymous in particular, he says, have brought attention to the idea that actions taken online can have a major impact in real life – "linking the two realities". But he also recognises that the actions of Anonymous, LulzSec and other affiliated hackers can be used by governments as justification for greater control of the internet. So how does he balance his actions with that knowledge?
"It only results in greater government control if we remain apathetic and let it happen," he says. "The goal with Anonymous is to brutally cut down the middle of that decision and shout 'NO' to laws we don't agree with. Laws are to be respected when they're fair, not obeyed without question."
For now, however, Topiary is taking a break from law-breaking. He says he will continue operating on the margins of Anonymous, but will not engage in any more hacking. Instead, he intends to create art, video and graphics for the group to help with a new public relations project, to be titled Voice.
"I've been at this non-stop for a while, it's a big time-sink," he says. "Some people can handle it for years on end, and I respect those people. I just needed some air and a new page in the Anonymous/LulzSec era."
After the arrest of Cleary last month, suspected US hackers believed to be affiliated with LulzSec had their homes raided in Ohio and Iowa. In the past, hackers have been offered immunity from prosecution if they cooperate with the authorities. But, if caught, Topiary says he would "never snitch" on other hackers and that he would "pretty much" rather go to jail than work for the government in any capacity.
"Not sure I'd have a place in government security, unless they enjoy bizarre tweets," he says. "But again, no, I wouldn't accept a job that would fight against the things I've fought for. As for the authorities, well, if they have their claws in, they have their claws in, there's not much I can do about it. But I can only hope that they haven't pinned any of us, especially my friends from LulzSec."
![]() |
'High-quality entertainment at your expense' . . . the LulzSec logo |
Its audacity was brazen and apparently fearless. Among its high-profile victims were Sony, the CIA, the FBI, the US Senate and even the UK's Serious Organised Crime Agency. Exposing frailties in government and corporate networks, the group leaked hundreds of thousands of hacked passwords, and in the process garnered more than a quarter of a million followers on Twitter. But after just 50 days, on 25 June, LulzSec suddenly said it was disbanding.
Just hours before this announcement, the Guardian had published leaked internet chat logs revealing the inner workings of the group, which appeared to consist of six to eight members. The logs showed that authorities were often hot on their heels, and that after an attack on an FBI-affiliated website two hackers had quit LulzSec as they were "not up for the heat". As media attention mounted, Ryan Cleary, an Essex-based 19-year-old suspected of affiliation to LulzSec, was arrested in a joint UK-US "e-crime" investigation. Had the pressure simply got too much to handle?
To fnd out, the Guardian tracked down one of LulzSec's founding members, "Topiary". A key figure in the tight-knit group, he was revealed in the logs to have managed LulzSec's Twitter account and to have written their press releases. After verifying his identity by asking him to send a direct message from the account – "This is the captain of the Lulz Boat," he confirmed – we began a long conversation by Skype.
"I know people won't believe this, but we genuinely ended it [LulzSec] because it was classy," he says. "The leaks we promised happened . . . 50 days were reached, we just about hit 275,000 Twitter followers, things were on a high, so we redirected our fans to [hacker collective] Anonymous and [hacking movement] AntiSec and wrapped it up neatly . . . A high note, a classy ending, a big bang, then a sail into the distance."
LulzSec's jovial public image undoubtedly helped it achieve unusual popularity within a short time. Its stated aim was to provide "high-quality entertainment at your expense," and the word "Lulz" is itself internet slang for laughs. The group's popularity spiked after it planted a fake story on US news outlet in protest over what it claimed was a misrepresentative WikiLeaks documentary made by the broadcaster. The story falsely reported that rapper Tupac Shakur, who was killed in a shooting 15 years ago, had been found alive and well in New Zealand.
"What we did was different from other hacking groups," says Topiary. "We had an active Twitter (controlled by me), cute cats in deface messages, and a generally playful, cartoon-like aura to our operations. We knew when to start, we knew when to stop, and most of all we knew how to have fun."
But the group's mission, Topiary explains, was not calculated. Almost everything LulzSec did – from choosing its name to its next target – happened spontaneously. "We made it up as we went along. We were originally @LulzLeaks on twitter, but I forgot the password so we became @LulzSec. My first name was The Lulz Train, then The Lulz Cannon, then The Lulz Boat. I had no idea what The Love Boat was, it was a complete accident . . . I wrote every press release in Notepad without planning. That's what made us unique, we just came out and made stuff up out of nowhere . . . We released when it felt right, we tweeted what felt right, we wrote what we felt needed to be wrote. We weren't burdened by plans or board meetings, we just did it."
The leaked chat logs also revealed the hackers appeared to revel in the international attention they received. However, Topiary says it wasn't that LulzSec was media-hungry, but that the media was LulzSec-hungry.
"We didn't contact a single media outlet for at least the first 40 days, they just kept reporting on our humble tweets," he says, though he admits the attention "gave us more reasons to leak more. It was a thrill, sure, and it did play a role. We enjoyed occasionally confusing and pranking media with weird tweets, or giving exclusives to certain journalists to piss off other certain journalists. It was another aspect of the situation that helped us leverage the entertainment."
Yet although many of LulzSec's attacks were perpetrated "for the lulz", the group was accused of attempted extortion by one US security company, Unveillance – a charge Topiary staunchly denies. It was also criticised after it hacked and dumped thousands of Sony Pictures Europe customers' usernames and passwords online, some of which were reportedly later used in scams by fraudsters. But Topiary is unapologetic.
"It's Sony's fault for not defending – and encrypting – its customers' data," he says. "Similarly, in a perfect world, we'd have dumped said data and nothing would have happened. These scams simply prove that other people (our fans/spectators) are more evil than us."
Towards the end of LulzSec's reign, it seemed to gravitate towards more overtly political causes. It occasionally compared itself to WikiLeaks in tweets, and its penultimate leak was a joint effort with Anonymous to expose Arizona police as "racist and corrupt", and to "sabotage their efforts to terrorise communities fighting an unjust 'war on drugs'."
Anonymous is well known for its acts of political "hacktivism". On Monday it reportedly threatened to attack the Metropolitan police over News International's phone hacking and the possible extradition to Sweden of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Earlier this year the group claimed responsibility for a series of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks on government websites in Tunisia, Iran, Egypt and Bahrain, and in 2008 it attacked the Church of Scientology after it allegedly attempted to suppress a leaked video interview with actor and scientologist Tom Cruise. Topiary has been heavily involved with Anonymous in the past, occasionally acting as its spokesman in televised interviews.
"Anonymous has been a great way for the younger generations to get involved through methods they understand, like utilising the internet," he says. "My main goal with Anonymous was to spread the word of revolution to those who might be seeking something new."
How does he define revolution? "Revolution is kicking the Tunisian government in the teeth by rendering their malicious Javascript embedments inert, allowing Tunisian citizens to surf Facebook without fear of password sniffing. Revolution is a horde of activists holding up Anonymous masks and thanking us for assisting their hard work by obliterating their government's ministry, stock and finance websites, replacing them with inspiring words. Revolution, to me, is bringing down the big guy while not forgetting to stand up for the little guy."
Though Topiary will not disclose his age, he describes himself as a teenager and "an internet denizen with a passion for change". He believes he is part of a generational shift in the way technology – specifically the internet – is increasingly being used as a tool to influence the world. The actions of Anonymous in particular, he says, have brought attention to the idea that actions taken online can have a major impact in real life – "linking the two realities". But he also recognises that the actions of Anonymous, LulzSec and other affiliated hackers can be used by governments as justification for greater control of the internet. So how does he balance his actions with that knowledge?
"It only results in greater government control if we remain apathetic and let it happen," he says. "The goal with Anonymous is to brutally cut down the middle of that decision and shout 'NO' to laws we don't agree with. Laws are to be respected when they're fair, not obeyed without question."
For now, however, Topiary is taking a break from law-breaking. He says he will continue operating on the margins of Anonymous, but will not engage in any more hacking. Instead, he intends to create art, video and graphics for the group to help with a new public relations project, to be titled Voice.
"I've been at this non-stop for a while, it's a big time-sink," he says. "Some people can handle it for years on end, and I respect those people. I just needed some air and a new page in the Anonymous/LulzSec era."
After the arrest of Cleary last month, suspected US hackers believed to be affiliated with LulzSec had their homes raided in Ohio and Iowa. In the past, hackers have been offered immunity from prosecution if they cooperate with the authorities. But, if caught, Topiary says he would "never snitch" on other hackers and that he would "pretty much" rather go to jail than work for the government in any capacity.
"Not sure I'd have a place in government security, unless they enjoy bizarre tweets," he says. "But again, no, I wouldn't accept a job that would fight against the things I've fought for. As for the authorities, well, if they have their claws in, they have their claws in, there's not much I can do about it. But I can only hope that they haven't pinned any of us, especially my friends from LulzSec."
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Belarus Social Networks Revolution: Silent Crackdown on Silent Protests
Social Networks Revolution - Belarus: silent crackdown on silent protests
Belarus reportedly blocked access to a popular social networking service as several dozen anti-government protesters were detained yet again during another round of flash-mob style “silent rallies” which were held in Minsk and other cities.
According to media reports, on Wednesday afternoon, several hours before a rally took place which had been organized through a group registered on VKontakte (INContact), Belarus blocked access to the Russian social network. The site, which essentially has an interface modeled on Facebook, is popular in Russia as well as in a number of former Soviet republics, including Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.
The opposition website Charter’97 reported that the network stopped being available from 4 pm local time. At the same time, users could still enter the website through anonymous proxy servers, reported Russian News Service (RSN). This could mean that access was cut by the state provider “Beltelekom”.
Meanwhile, the administration of VKontakte did not confirm reports that the site had been blocked. The network’s press-service chief, Vladislav Tsyplukhin, told RIA Novosti that over 50,000 users from Belarus were on the website on Wednesday evening. However, he did not rule out the possibility that the service could have been blocked by certain providers.
The “Revolution through Social Networks” group has already organized seven protest rallies, none of which were sanctioned by the authorities, resulting in dozens of people being arrested. Each time the scenario is similar: on Wednesdays, activists show up at a certain time on a central square, chanting no slogans and carrying no banners, but rather standing silently and clapping. Since any public protest against President Aleksandr Lukashenko’s regime is violently cracked down upon by police, the group has decided to find new ways to show they want political and economic changes – silent riots.
Yesterday, the organizers called on people to gather at agreed locations between 6.30 pm and 7 pm, with their mobile phone alarms set to go off at exactly 8 pm. The media, citing witnesses and rights activists, reported that undercover police were present on the central squares across the country’s major cities well before the event was scheduled to take place, detaining people simply for holding cell phones in their hands.
All in all, about a hundred people, including 25 in the capital Minsk, were detained following Wednesday’s flash-mob protest.
Charter’97 writes that the detentions “were traditionally harsh, people were dragged on the ground and into paddy wagons which arrived speedily”.According to the website, police also detained journalists, “hindering their work, were rude, tripped protesters, and kicked them”. In addition, police tried to prevent photographers and cameramen from taking pictures or filming during the arrests.
The “Belarusian Partisan” news outlet notes that compared to previous times, fewer protesters showed up for the event on July 13.But, according to the opposition website, the explanation is pretty simple: many “revolutionists” are still under administrative arrest for taking part in earlier protests.
Belarus reportedly blocked access to a popular social networking service as several dozen anti-government protesters were detained yet again during another round of flash-mob style “silent rallies” which were held in Minsk and other cities.
According to media reports, on Wednesday afternoon, several hours before a rally took place which had been organized through a group registered on VKontakte (INContact), Belarus blocked access to the Russian social network. The site, which essentially has an interface modeled on Facebook, is popular in Russia as well as in a number of former Soviet republics, including Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.
The opposition website Charter’97 reported that the network stopped being available from 4 pm local time. At the same time, users could still enter the website through anonymous proxy servers, reported Russian News Service (RSN). This could mean that access was cut by the state provider “Beltelekom”.
Meanwhile, the administration of VKontakte did not confirm reports that the site had been blocked. The network’s press-service chief, Vladislav Tsyplukhin, told RIA Novosti that over 50,000 users from Belarus were on the website on Wednesday evening. However, he did not rule out the possibility that the service could have been blocked by certain providers.
The “Revolution through Social Networks” group has already organized seven protest rallies, none of which were sanctioned by the authorities, resulting in dozens of people being arrested. Each time the scenario is similar: on Wednesdays, activists show up at a certain time on a central square, chanting no slogans and carrying no banners, but rather standing silently and clapping. Since any public protest against President Aleksandr Lukashenko’s regime is violently cracked down upon by police, the group has decided to find new ways to show they want political and economic changes – silent riots.
Yesterday, the organizers called on people to gather at agreed locations between 6.30 pm and 7 pm, with their mobile phone alarms set to go off at exactly 8 pm. The media, citing witnesses and rights activists, reported that undercover police were present on the central squares across the country’s major cities well before the event was scheduled to take place, detaining people simply for holding cell phones in their hands.
All in all, about a hundred people, including 25 in the capital Minsk, were detained following Wednesday’s flash-mob protest.
Charter’97 writes that the detentions “were traditionally harsh, people were dragged on the ground and into paddy wagons which arrived speedily”.According to the website, police also detained journalists, “hindering their work, were rude, tripped protesters, and kicked them”. In addition, police tried to prevent photographers and cameramen from taking pictures or filming during the arrests.
The “Belarusian Partisan” news outlet notes that compared to previous times, fewer protesters showed up for the event on July 13.But, according to the opposition website, the explanation is pretty simple: many “revolutionists” are still under administrative arrest for taking part in earlier protests.
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Online Radio Live Interview with Anonymous Member of Anonymous World Revolution for Peace
An Interview with an ANONYMOUS member of ANONYMOUS
Friday, 15 July 1:00pm Houston, Texas time. 7:00pm London time. 10:00pm Moscow time.
One year, One plan, three Phases - A Whole World of Change. Power to the people again. find out how:
tune into online and support the world revolution for peace, equality and change. We will be speaking to The HUMANITARIAN Online Modifier Activist Movement: Anonymous.
We will try to cover topics such as:
The Greek/European fallout.
What anonymous really is?
Do we really want Revolution and why?
The lies surrounding nuclear fallout in japan, and is it affecting seattle? (psssst... yes to that one)
First Egypt, then Syria, now America and Europe. Is this revolution world wide?
Operation onslaught, E.M.M.Y, and how you can be involved peacefully, even without computer skills!
And many more topics that we know you are wanting to know about.
please contact via message with any other topics you want discussed with the Representative of Anonymous.
We are anonymous. We are legion
We do not forgive, we do not forget
expect us.... (at 1-pm PST US)
One year, One plan, three Phases - A Whole World of Change. Power to the people again. find out how:
Friday, 15 July 1:00pm Houston, Texas time. 7:00pm London time. 10:00pm Moscow time.
One year, One plan, three Phases - A Whole World of Change. Power to the people again. find out how:
tune into online and support the world revolution for peace, equality and change. We will be speaking to The HUMANITARIAN Online Modifier Activist Movement: Anonymous.
We will try to cover topics such as:
The Greek/European fallout.
What anonymous really is?
Do we really want Revolution and why?
The lies surrounding nuclear fallout in japan, and is it affecting seattle? (psssst... yes to that one)
First Egypt, then Syria, now America and Europe. Is this revolution world wide?
Operation onslaught, E.M.M.Y, and how you can be involved peacefully, even without computer skills!
And many more topics that we know you are wanting to know about.
please contact via message with any other topics you want discussed with the Representative of Anonymous.
We are anonymous. We are legion
We do not forgive, we do not forget
expect us.... (at 1-pm PST US)
One year, One plan, three Phases - A Whole World of Change. Power to the people again. find out how:
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Tuesday, 12 July 2011
DRY International: Madrid Big Demonstration Protests March on July 23 For Real Democracy Now
Yesterday the work group for the popular march held a meeting. As you are anxious to know what we are going to do when you arrive, we can begin to clarify some things.
1- Once you have entered the community of Madrid, the neighbourhood assemblies will mark the routes so that you pass through areas where you can get most coverage. They are working on this. As soon as we know more, we will put each march in touch with its corresponding neighbourhood.
2- You will end up in neighbourhoods about 2 hours from Sol. They will be expecting you from noon onward. There will be parties, food, you’ll be able to rest and get your strength back.
3- Meanwhile, the support cars that will come with you, as well as volunteer cars if necessary, will drive to the camp area (to be determined) to set up the tents and carry the backpacks.
4- At aproximately 7pm, you will depart from each of your neighbourhoods and head for Sol, where we hope you will all converge at the same time, about 9pm.
5- We suggest that people coming from outside Madrid to support us go to the neighbourhood assigned to their march, and then walk from there to Sol.
6- THERE WILL NOT BE A DEMONSTRATION ON THE 24TH!!! So people interested in coming to Madrid should come on the 23rd.
7- Remember that in late July there aren’t many people in Madrid, so we cannot call two consecutive demonstrations.
8- The 23rd is planned as a recreational day, but also as a day of protest, symbolized by your arrival in Madrid and subsequent march to Sol.
9- Activities are being organized for when you get to Sol (we’ll keep you updated).
10- We will all end up at the camp area, where tents will have been set up beforehand.
11- From the 24th on, work days are planned. There is a specific group preparing the content. (We are still waiting for proposals).
12- Our next action is already being worked on (let it be known that the movement will not stop in August). I’d rather not say any more until the plan is more or less defined, but it will be soon. (Again, we are waiting for proposals).
Remember: THERE WON’T BE A DEMONSTRATION ON THE 24TH!!! Please spread the word through your usual channels.
Yesterday the work group for the popular march held a meeting. As you are anxious to know what we are going to do when you arrive, we can begin to clarify some things.
1- Once you have entered the community of Madrid, the neighbourhood assemblies will mark the routes so that you pass through areas where you can get most coverage. They are working on this. As soon as we know more, we will put each march in touch with its corresponding neighbourhood.
2- You will end up in neighbourhoods about 2 hours from Sol. They will be expecting you from noon onward. There will be parties, food, you’ll be able to rest and get your strength back.
3- Meanwhile, the support cars that will come with you, as well as volunteer cars if necessary, will drive to the camp area (to be determined) to set up the tents and carry the backpacks.
4- At aproximately 7pm, you will depart from each of your neighbourhoods and head for Sol, where we hope you will all converge at the same time, about 9pm.
5- We suggest that people coming from outside Madrid to support us go to the neighbourhood assigned to their march, and then walk from there to Sol.
6- THERE WILL NOT BE A DEMONSTRATION ON THE 24TH!!! So people interested in coming to Madrid should come on the 23rd.
7- Remember that in late July there aren’t many people in Madrid, so we cannot call two consecutive demonstrations.
8- The 23rd is planned as a recreational day, but also as a day of protest, symbolized by your arrival in Madrid and subsequent march to Sol.
9- Activities are being organized for when you get to Sol (we’ll keep you updated).
10- We will all end up at the camp area, where tents will have been set up beforehand.
11- From the 24th on, work days are planned. There is a specific group preparing the content. (We are still waiting for proposals).
12- Our next action is already being worked on (let it be known that the movement will not stop in August). I’d rather not say any more until the plan is more or less defined, but it will be soon. (Again, we are waiting for proposals).
Remember: THERE WON’T BE A DEMONSTRATION ON THE 24TH!!! Please spread the word through your usual channels.
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Real Democracy Now
RealDemocracyNOW! Greek: Declaration of Support from ICELAND Civic Movement
RealDemocracyNOW! Greece: Declaration of Support from ICELAND
The Civic Movement Iceland expresses a deep concern about the way European political leaders manipulate the state of Greek economy and the reason for its collapse.
It is our firm belief that the Greek public is not to blame for the economic meltdown in the world, and even though, Greek banks are now on the brink of collapse, they should not be saved at any cost. Other and more important issues have to be addressed first.
The majority of the so-called Greek debts are private debts, debts of private banks operating in Greece. These privately owned banks owe other privately owned banks, mainly in Germany, France and the UK. Therefore the Greek public should not be forced to underwrite these debts.
The world economy has been proven un-economic and furthermore, it has been proven disastrous for the common public.
This system of imbalance with its disastrous effects, has to come to a halt.
A society will easily function with out this system but this system will never function with out a proper and sound society. And since the society is now being torn apart for the purpose of rebuilding an unsustainable financial system, it is inevitable that both will collapse.
The Civic Movement Iceland calls for action among the leaders of the world. Viable solutions have to emerge. A sustainable and just society must prevail.
That is our debt, and that particular debt is the only debt we are willing to pay.
We owe it to our children to come.
G.Andri Skulason
Spokesman, The Civic Movement Iceland
The Civic Movement is a political party in Iceland, founded by a number of grassroots movements in the lead up to the 2009 election during the Global Recession, which hit Iceland particularly hard.
In the election, the Civic Movement won 4 out of 63 seats in Althingi, the Icelandic Parliament.
The Civic Movement is no longer represented in the Althingi and is now collaborating with the Icelandic Association of Debtors and the Open Civic Forum all of whom have been working towards a reformed system and a better society, with great results.
Together we can change the world...
Gandri Skulason tel. +354 6151522
Iceland Association of Debtors
Gunnar Sigurdsson tel. +354 8977694
Open Civic Forum
Circle of 13: RealDemocracyNOW! Greece: Declaration of Suport From Iceland
The Civic Movement Iceland expresses a deep concern about the way European political leaders manipulate the state of Greek economy and the reason for its collapse.
It is our firm belief that the Greek public is not to blame for the economic meltdown in the world, and even though, Greek banks are now on the brink of collapse, they should not be saved at any cost. Other and more important issues have to be addressed first.
The majority of the so-called Greek debts are private debts, debts of private banks operating in Greece. These privately owned banks owe other privately owned banks, mainly in Germany, France and the UK. Therefore the Greek public should not be forced to underwrite these debts.
The world economy has been proven un-economic and furthermore, it has been proven disastrous for the common public.
This system of imbalance with its disastrous effects, has to come to a halt.
A society will easily function with out this system but this system will never function with out a proper and sound society. And since the society is now being torn apart for the purpose of rebuilding an unsustainable financial system, it is inevitable that both will collapse.
The Civic Movement Iceland calls for action among the leaders of the world. Viable solutions have to emerge. A sustainable and just society must prevail.
That is our debt, and that particular debt is the only debt we are willing to pay.
We owe it to our children to come.
G.Andri Skulason
Spokesman, The Civic Movement Iceland
The Civic Movement is a political party in Iceland, founded by a number of grassroots movements in the lead up to the 2009 election during the Global Recession, which hit Iceland particularly hard.
In the election, the Civic Movement won 4 out of 63 seats in Althingi, the Icelandic Parliament.
The Civic Movement is no longer represented in the Althingi and is now collaborating with the Icelandic Association of Debtors and the Open Civic Forum all of whom have been working towards a reformed system and a better society, with great results.
Together we can change the world...
Gandri Skulason tel. +354 6151522
Iceland Association of Debtors
Gunnar Sigurdsson tel. +354 8977694
Open Civic Forum
Circle of 13: RealDemocracyNOW! Greece: Declaration of Suport From Iceland
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Monday, 11 July 2011
AntiSec Operation: Anonymous & LulzSec Hackers Breach BoozeAllen Hamilton, Dump 90,000 Military Email Addresses
Anonymous Hackers Breach Booz Allen Hamilton, Dump 90,000 Military Email Addresses
The summer of anti-security rolls on.
As part of the spree of data breaches that the loose hacker movement Anonymous is calling AntiSec, the group announced Monday that it had penetrated a server belonging to the defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton and released what it claims are 90,000 military email addresses, encrypted passwords and an assortment of data related to other companies and government networks. It also claims to have accessed and deleted four gigabytes of the firm’s source code.
“In [Booz Allen Hamilton's] line of work you’d expect them to sail the seven proxseas with a state-of-the-art battleship, right? Well you may be as surprised as we were when we found their vessel being a puny wooden barge,” reads the group’s statement posted to the Pirate Bay. “We infiltrated a server on their network that basically had no security measures in place.”
Though the passwords included in the leak are scrambled, Anonymous’ statement claims that the passwords are encrypted with an MD5 function that is widely considered to be insecure.
Anonymous and Anonymous splinter group LulzSec have said that the campaign of attacks they’re calling “AntiSec” is designed to humiliate companies and agencies that fail to adequately protect consumer and employee data. It’s already hit targets ranging from the Arizona State Police to Viacom and Universal Music.
Booz Allen has already been involved in one Anonymous hack earlier this year. When the hacker collective dumped 71,000 emails from the cybersecurity firm HBGary Federal in retaliation for what it interpreted as an attempt to unmask key figures within Anonymous, the emails revealed that HBGary had worked with Booz Allen Hamilton to develop a response plan for Bank of America based on what the bank feared might be an upcoming leak of its internal documents by WikiLeaks. The Anonymous statement also paints the contractor as a revolving door of military-related conflicts of interest, and argues that the firm has been involved in mass surveillance projects.
“You would think the words ‘Expect Us’ would have been enough to prevent another epic security fail, wouldn’t you?,” Anonymous wrote in its statement. “Well, you’d be wrong. And thanks to the gross incompetence at Booz Allen Hamilton probably all military mersonnel of the U.S. will now have to change
their passwords.”
The group ended the statement by invoicing Booz Allen Hamilton $310 for its security audit. “Trolling is our specialty,” it added. “We provide this free of charge.”
The summer of anti-security rolls on.
As part of the spree of data breaches that the loose hacker movement Anonymous is calling AntiSec, the group announced Monday that it had penetrated a server belonging to the defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton and released what it claims are 90,000 military email addresses, encrypted passwords and an assortment of data related to other companies and government networks. It also claims to have accessed and deleted four gigabytes of the firm’s source code.
“In [Booz Allen Hamilton's] line of work you’d expect them to sail the seven proxseas with a state-of-the-art battleship, right? Well you may be as surprised as we were when we found their vessel being a puny wooden barge,” reads the group’s statement posted to the Pirate Bay. “We infiltrated a server on their network that basically had no security measures in place.”
Though the passwords included in the leak are scrambled, Anonymous’ statement claims that the passwords are encrypted with an MD5 function that is widely considered to be insecure.
Anonymous and Anonymous splinter group LulzSec have said that the campaign of attacks they’re calling “AntiSec” is designed to humiliate companies and agencies that fail to adequately protect consumer and employee data. It’s already hit targets ranging from the Arizona State Police to Viacom and Universal Music.
Booz Allen has already been involved in one Anonymous hack earlier this year. When the hacker collective dumped 71,000 emails from the cybersecurity firm HBGary Federal in retaliation for what it interpreted as an attempt to unmask key figures within Anonymous, the emails revealed that HBGary had worked with Booz Allen Hamilton to develop a response plan for Bank of America based on what the bank feared might be an upcoming leak of its internal documents by WikiLeaks. The Anonymous statement also paints the contractor as a revolving door of military-related conflicts of interest, and argues that the firm has been involved in mass surveillance projects.
“You would think the words ‘Expect Us’ would have been enough to prevent another epic security fail, wouldn’t you?,” Anonymous wrote in its statement. “Well, you’d be wrong. And thanks to the gross incompetence at Booz Allen Hamilton probably all military mersonnel of the U.S. will now have to change
their passwords.”
The group ended the statement by invoicing Booz Allen Hamilton $310 for its security audit. “Trolling is our specialty,” it added. “We provide this free of charge.”
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Sunday, 10 July 2011
Global Awareness: Globalist Henry Kissinger Stated Obama Will Create A New World Order NWO
Kissinger: Obama Will Create A New World Order
Globalist kingpin Henry Kissinger has stated that the main task of Barack Obama will be to create a New World Order, suggesting that the chaos unfolding is planned.
Kissinger is the head...probably the most powerful man within the military complex and totally funded and in the pocket of the Rockefellers...
Kissinger- and his masters have given Obama a task and he is performing it. Really quite smart of them. Get an illegal pres. that they can black-mail anytime and tell him what and when to do what they want without any objection.
"Military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy"-Henry Kissinger
What is the "New World Order" you ask??-
It is the Elimination of the traditional, democratic Nation-State in favor of an all-powerful, centralized, dictatorial/fascist/socialist world government structure to be administered by the world central banks, top corporations and unelected (NGOs) Non-governmental organizations
(UN, WTO, IMF, World Bank etc)-
for the benefit of the agenda of private families who own controlling shares in the Central banks and Fortune 100
("the Illuminati", Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Morgans, British Royal family etc)
This agenda is being pushed mainly by organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg Group- all which Kissinger is involved in (they also dominate the Obama administration).
Article- New American- Kissinger Urges Obama to Build a "New World Order"
Financial Times of London- "And now for a world government"
Fascism- Suppression of Individual rights through use of force, usually by merger of State and Private interests.
Socialism- The redistribution of wealth under threat of arbitrary Force(rather than consent under law).
Globalist kingpin Henry Kissinger has stated that the main task of Barack Obama will be to create a New World Order, suggesting that the chaos unfolding around the world is an opportunity rather than a crisis.
All planned. In late sixties they realised they needed a black president to have a grip on the black part of the population because it proved a strong voters force and with MKL and Malcolm X out of the way, the drug and AIDS infection not getting rid of the blacks they needed a different approach , hence why they groomed a 'black person' to be able to take control of the last stage.. they alreadyhad organised the millions within the new fangle dangle churches of evangelicals who would roll over into the lop because their pastor told them to do som, then the black people... the machinery can work... This was all so meticulously planned that it makes one's head spin.
When you read: Pawns in the Game by William G.Carr, it is all set out what they were trying to achieve, and that was written in 1958. Also, the book by Gary Allen, Kissinger, the Secretary of State (is on gives a good insight into this monster, he is called the Knife Kissinger...
These folks view them selves as the only intelligence in the universe, the ruling class, what Karl Marx called, the “Natural Superiors.” But they are not smart enough to know that we live in a Rational Universe govern by ‘Natural Law,’ And for every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction. That’s why for all their ambitions, they are always plagued by ‘untended-
Check also: Rabbit Hole News
Globalist kingpin Henry Kissinger has stated that the main task of Barack Obama will be to create a New World Order, suggesting that the chaos unfolding is planned.
Kissinger is the head...probably the most powerful man within the military complex and totally funded and in the pocket of the Rockefellers...
Kissinger- and his masters have given Obama a task and he is performing it. Really quite smart of them. Get an illegal pres. that they can black-mail anytime and tell him what and when to do what they want without any objection.
"Military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy"-Henry Kissinger
What is the "New World Order" you ask??-
It is the Elimination of the traditional, democratic Nation-State in favor of an all-powerful, centralized, dictatorial/fascist/socialist world government structure to be administered by the world central banks, top corporations and unelected (NGOs) Non-governmental organizations
(UN, WTO, IMF, World Bank etc)-
for the benefit of the agenda of private families who own controlling shares in the Central banks and Fortune 100
("the Illuminati", Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Morgans, British Royal family etc)
This agenda is being pushed mainly by organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg Group- all which Kissinger is involved in (they also dominate the Obama administration).
Article- New American- Kissinger Urges Obama to Build a "New World Order"
Financial Times of London- "And now for a world government"
Fascism- Suppression of Individual rights through use of force, usually by merger of State and Private interests.
Socialism- The redistribution of wealth under threat of arbitrary Force(rather than consent under law).
Globalist kingpin Henry Kissinger has stated that the main task of Barack Obama will be to create a New World Order, suggesting that the chaos unfolding around the world is an opportunity rather than a crisis.
All planned. In late sixties they realised they needed a black president to have a grip on the black part of the population because it proved a strong voters force and with MKL and Malcolm X out of the way, the drug and AIDS infection not getting rid of the blacks they needed a different approach , hence why they groomed a 'black person' to be able to take control of the last stage.. they alreadyhad organised the millions within the new fangle dangle churches of evangelicals who would roll over into the lop because their pastor told them to do som, then the black people... the machinery can work... This was all so meticulously planned that it makes one's head spin.
When you read: Pawns in the Game by William G.Carr, it is all set out what they were trying to achieve, and that was written in 1958. Also, the book by Gary Allen, Kissinger, the Secretary of State (is on gives a good insight into this monster, he is called the Knife Kissinger...
These folks view them selves as the only intelligence in the universe, the ruling class, what Karl Marx called, the “Natural Superiors.” But they are not smart enough to know that we live in a Rational Universe govern by ‘Natural Law,’ And for every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction. That’s why for all their ambitions, they are always plagued by ‘untended-
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Euro Exit Strategy Crucial for Greeks! The New Bailout Protect Banks, Not People.
Euro exit strategy crucial for Greeks
The new bailout is about protecting banks, not people. An early default will change all that
By Jérôme E. Roos On July 6, 2011
The Greek bailout protects the financial sector, not the ordinary Greeks. A social alternative would be for Greece to annul its debts and exit the eurozone.
By Maina van der Zwan, originally published at (in Dutch)
The emergency package for Greece is meant to protect the financial sector, not the ordinary Greeks. The alternative would be for social movements to enforce an annulment of the debt and an exit from the eurozone.
What began in the autumn of 2008 as a debt crisis of banks has now mutated into a debt crisis of states. The financial press is buzzing about the impending “Lehman’s moment” for Greece and the eurozone. The second emergency package is designed to postpone that moment, but will not prevent it.
The fact is that the eurozone has failed, not least because of the structural differences between core and periphery countries. Monetary union was designed as a one-size-fits-all economic policy — while participating economies were significantly different in both size and competitiveness. Because states had to give up control over their exchange and interest rates, weaker economies did not have many opportunities to compensate for their trade deficits other than by borrowing.
This was already a global trend, and the core countries of the EU were only too happy to participate. German, French and Dutch banks financed the export to peripheral countries with hundreds of billions in loans, just as China is doing with the U.S. The banks, the exporters and the Greek elite filled their pockets, but the structural contradictions of debt and bubbles it led to could not be stretched out into infinity.
That’s what the major players in the euro crisis — the European Central Bank, the financial sector and European leaders — are starting to find out too. Like Ireland, Portugal and Spain, Greece faces massive public and private debt, a relatively weak competitive position, a negative trade balance and exploding national debt. The priority of policymakers, however, is to keep the treadmill of loans and loan repayments up and running. At the expense of draconian budget cuts and privatizations, Greece was able to obtain a 110 billion euro loan last year to repay current debts. Any commonsensical person could have imagined that this would only aggravate the situation.
In 2010, the Greek state spent 51 billion euros on interest payments alone. The economy shrank by 4.5 percent that year. The country is in a downward spiral of cutbacks, contraction and further loans. Costas Lapavitsas writes that the EU/IMF/ECB ‘Troika’ expects that, with current policies, the Greek national debt will run up to 200 percent of GDP by 2015. In other words, even those who now shout loudest that Greece must obtain new loans, know that eventually this debt is unsustainable. The question, of course, is why they continue to move heaven and earth just to push through a new emergency package.
The logic behind the madness
The answer is that European bankers and politicians are scared to death of a domino effect. If Greece does not repay its debt, or part of it, this would very likely lead to a new financial crisis: big banks would suffer billions in additional losses; interest rates for other would rise for other indebted countries; the European periphery would be struck by capital flight and would suffer similar problems as Greece today. This in a phase of the economic crisis in which the range of emergency measures has been largely exhausted. Hence the buzz about a ‘Lehmans moment’ for the euro area, and the immense pressure to still push through a new emergency package.
But the second loan will, just as the first, only worsen the debt crisis rather than solving it. The condition for the loan is that the Greeks will have to bleed even more. They are being forced to implement harsher cuts and to sell 50 billion in state assets. There is even talk of the possibility that these measures will be implemented under the direct auspices of the ‘Troika’, a breach of sovereignty reminiscent of the semi-colonial regimes that were imposed on China, Egypt and the Ottoman Empire in the late nineteenth century.
The effect of this neoliberal hemlock will be devastating. Among other things, it involves pay cuts of 40 percent, 150,000 layoffs in the public sector and increased pressure on those in Greece who do pay their taxes: the workers, pensioners and shopkeepers. This policy leaves no possibility for the economy to emerge out of its debt crisis. It’s not even a stay of execution, but a more elongated, sadistic implementation thereof.
The logic behind the emergency package is to protect the banking sector and set the tone for how all European states should seize on their deficits to impose neoliberal clearcuts. As with the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the subsequent ‘rescue plan’, the debt crisis is being used as an opportunity to siphon debts from the private to the public sector. The new loans, after all, end up on the accounts of public institutions and are used to repay the extant loans, with their sky high interest rates, to the banks. Subsequently, the message to the taxpayer is that everyone needs to tighten their belts. From a human standpoint, this is insane, but this is the capitalist solution for its own crisis: robbery along class lines, increased exploitation and destruction of capital.
Refusal to pay
However, there is a power factor that the “Troika” has underestimated. It is the militancy of the Greek population, which is only too well aware of the dirty games being played behind its back. The Greeks are furious with their politicians, and have had enough of the smear campaign being waged against them by the European press. The intensity of the protests of the past week marks a new phase for the resistance. It’s no longer just the unions and the radical left that carry their anger onto the streets, but much broader segments of society. Popular assemblies and workshop committees with thousands of adherents are now openly discussing how the government can be overthrown and how the debt may be declared invalid. Just let the banks bleed instead of the people.
How the restructuring of the debt or a seperation from the euro zone would pan out depends entirely on the power relations within which such an event would occur. Under the continued pressure of creditors, the Greek people will suffer even more than they already do. But if a mass movement brings down the government, and, on the basis of a new representation, refuses to pay off its debts, putting companies and banks under worker control, and recovering state deficits from the wealthiest, breaking out of the euro zone straitjacket would actually offer ordinary Greeks a perspective on improvement.
The fact that electricity workers went on an indefinite strike from this Monday onward, and the fact that the trade unions, budging to pressure from below, called for a general 48-hour strike during the negotiation of the next round of cuts in parliament, are indications that this alternative is not just revolutionary revelry. The bitter economic crisis and the relentless attacks from the Greek and European ruling classes are forcing ordinary Greeks to embrace radical solutions.
This perspective, by the way, of leaving the euro under the pressure of a mass movement, is something very different from “kicking them out of the euro”, as right-wing populists like Geert Wilders have advocated. Through his nationalist agitation against the ‘unreliable Greeks’, he casts himself as the supposedly principled defender of the Dutch taxpayer. But in reality, he is cut from the same cloth as the Greek and Dutch elite who, through lies and deceit, put their own people on the rack.
Wilders’ Freedom Party opposes the European Union, but is in reality a driving force behind the implementation of its economic guidelines. Healthcare is stripped down, social housing is dismantled in favor of the market, public officials have to swallow their ‘baseline’, the public transportation that’s not being cut away is being put to tender, and so forth. By contrast, there is money for right-wing hobbies like a mortgage discount for the wealthy, tax breaks for multinationals, and the Joint Strike Fighter. In that respect, the Greek elite does not own a patent on mismanagement and squandering tax money.
The divides along which the outcome of the euro crisis is being fought out run not along the lines of nationality, but along class lines. Workers, students and retired people from different backgrounds should not allow themselves to be played out against one another, but should rather find solutions in a spirit of solidarity and common struggle. Instead of singling out ‘the Greeks’ as a scapegoat for something that the entire European establishment bears blame for, we should take an example from them: the alternative starts with the refusal to be willingly led to the slaughterhouse of austerity madness. Therein lies the hope for a different Europe.
Maina van der Zwan is the Editor-in-Chief of and the national coordinator of the revolutionary socialist organization Internationale Socialisten, based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Cross posted from: ROARMAG
The new bailout is about protecting banks, not people. An early default will change all that
Leaving the euro is the best strategy for ordinary Greeks
By Jérôme E. Roos On July 6, 2011
The Greek bailout protects the financial sector, not the ordinary Greeks. A social alternative would be for Greece to annul its debts and exit the eurozone.
By Maina van der Zwan, originally published at (in Dutch)
The emergency package for Greece is meant to protect the financial sector, not the ordinary Greeks. The alternative would be for social movements to enforce an annulment of the debt and an exit from the eurozone.
What began in the autumn of 2008 as a debt crisis of banks has now mutated into a debt crisis of states. The financial press is buzzing about the impending “Lehman’s moment” for Greece and the eurozone. The second emergency package is designed to postpone that moment, but will not prevent it.
The fact is that the eurozone has failed, not least because of the structural differences between core and periphery countries. Monetary union was designed as a one-size-fits-all economic policy — while participating economies were significantly different in both size and competitiveness. Because states had to give up control over their exchange and interest rates, weaker economies did not have many opportunities to compensate for their trade deficits other than by borrowing.
This was already a global trend, and the core countries of the EU were only too happy to participate. German, French and Dutch banks financed the export to peripheral countries with hundreds of billions in loans, just as China is doing with the U.S. The banks, the exporters and the Greek elite filled their pockets, but the structural contradictions of debt and bubbles it led to could not be stretched out into infinity.
That’s what the major players in the euro crisis — the European Central Bank, the financial sector and European leaders — are starting to find out too. Like Ireland, Portugal and Spain, Greece faces massive public and private debt, a relatively weak competitive position, a negative trade balance and exploding national debt. The priority of policymakers, however, is to keep the treadmill of loans and loan repayments up and running. At the expense of draconian budget cuts and privatizations, Greece was able to obtain a 110 billion euro loan last year to repay current debts. Any commonsensical person could have imagined that this would only aggravate the situation.
In 2010, the Greek state spent 51 billion euros on interest payments alone. The economy shrank by 4.5 percent that year. The country is in a downward spiral of cutbacks, contraction and further loans. Costas Lapavitsas writes that the EU/IMF/ECB ‘Troika’ expects that, with current policies, the Greek national debt will run up to 200 percent of GDP by 2015. In other words, even those who now shout loudest that Greece must obtain new loans, know that eventually this debt is unsustainable. The question, of course, is why they continue to move heaven and earth just to push through a new emergency package.
The logic behind the madness
The answer is that European bankers and politicians are scared to death of a domino effect. If Greece does not repay its debt, or part of it, this would very likely lead to a new financial crisis: big banks would suffer billions in additional losses; interest rates for other would rise for other indebted countries; the European periphery would be struck by capital flight and would suffer similar problems as Greece today. This in a phase of the economic crisis in which the range of emergency measures has been largely exhausted. Hence the buzz about a ‘Lehmans moment’ for the euro area, and the immense pressure to still push through a new emergency package.
But the second loan will, just as the first, only worsen the debt crisis rather than solving it. The condition for the loan is that the Greeks will have to bleed even more. They are being forced to implement harsher cuts and to sell 50 billion in state assets. There is even talk of the possibility that these measures will be implemented under the direct auspices of the ‘Troika’, a breach of sovereignty reminiscent of the semi-colonial regimes that were imposed on China, Egypt and the Ottoman Empire in the late nineteenth century.
The effect of this neoliberal hemlock will be devastating. Among other things, it involves pay cuts of 40 percent, 150,000 layoffs in the public sector and increased pressure on those in Greece who do pay their taxes: the workers, pensioners and shopkeepers. This policy leaves no possibility for the economy to emerge out of its debt crisis. It’s not even a stay of execution, but a more elongated, sadistic implementation thereof.
The logic behind the emergency package is to protect the banking sector and set the tone for how all European states should seize on their deficits to impose neoliberal clearcuts. As with the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the subsequent ‘rescue plan’, the debt crisis is being used as an opportunity to siphon debts from the private to the public sector. The new loans, after all, end up on the accounts of public institutions and are used to repay the extant loans, with their sky high interest rates, to the banks. Subsequently, the message to the taxpayer is that everyone needs to tighten their belts. From a human standpoint, this is insane, but this is the capitalist solution for its own crisis: robbery along class lines, increased exploitation and destruction of capital.
Refusal to pay
However, there is a power factor that the “Troika” has underestimated. It is the militancy of the Greek population, which is only too well aware of the dirty games being played behind its back. The Greeks are furious with their politicians, and have had enough of the smear campaign being waged against them by the European press. The intensity of the protests of the past week marks a new phase for the resistance. It’s no longer just the unions and the radical left that carry their anger onto the streets, but much broader segments of society. Popular assemblies and workshop committees with thousands of adherents are now openly discussing how the government can be overthrown and how the debt may be declared invalid. Just let the banks bleed instead of the people.
How the restructuring of the debt or a seperation from the euro zone would pan out depends entirely on the power relations within which such an event would occur. Under the continued pressure of creditors, the Greek people will suffer even more than they already do. But if a mass movement brings down the government, and, on the basis of a new representation, refuses to pay off its debts, putting companies and banks under worker control, and recovering state deficits from the wealthiest, breaking out of the euro zone straitjacket would actually offer ordinary Greeks a perspective on improvement.
The fact that electricity workers went on an indefinite strike from this Monday onward, and the fact that the trade unions, budging to pressure from below, called for a general 48-hour strike during the negotiation of the next round of cuts in parliament, are indications that this alternative is not just revolutionary revelry. The bitter economic crisis and the relentless attacks from the Greek and European ruling classes are forcing ordinary Greeks to embrace radical solutions.
This perspective, by the way, of leaving the euro under the pressure of a mass movement, is something very different from “kicking them out of the euro”, as right-wing populists like Geert Wilders have advocated. Through his nationalist agitation against the ‘unreliable Greeks’, he casts himself as the supposedly principled defender of the Dutch taxpayer. But in reality, he is cut from the same cloth as the Greek and Dutch elite who, through lies and deceit, put their own people on the rack.
Wilders’ Freedom Party opposes the European Union, but is in reality a driving force behind the implementation of its economic guidelines. Healthcare is stripped down, social housing is dismantled in favor of the market, public officials have to swallow their ‘baseline’, the public transportation that’s not being cut away is being put to tender, and so forth. By contrast, there is money for right-wing hobbies like a mortgage discount for the wealthy, tax breaks for multinationals, and the Joint Strike Fighter. In that respect, the Greek elite does not own a patent on mismanagement and squandering tax money.
The divides along which the outcome of the euro crisis is being fought out run not along the lines of nationality, but along class lines. Workers, students and retired people from different backgrounds should not allow themselves to be played out against one another, but should rather find solutions in a spirit of solidarity and common struggle. Instead of singling out ‘the Greeks’ as a scapegoat for something that the entire European establishment bears blame for, we should take an example from them: the alternative starts with the refusal to be willingly led to the slaughterhouse of austerity madness. Therein lies the hope for a different Europe.
Maina van der Zwan is the Editor-in-Chief of and the national coordinator of the revolutionary socialist organization Internationale Socialisten, based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Cross posted from: ROARMAG
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